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Presenter is given in bold and underlined. Working group members are given in bold. Please sort alphabetically with last name of first author first.


  • Crewell, S., K. Ebell, A. von Lerber, A. Radovan, B. Kulla, L.-L. Kliesch, M. Mech, A. Rinke, V. Schemann, M. Wendisch: Arctic Amplification – what can we learn from microwave measurements? Institute seminar (invited), Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, 8 Januar 2020.


  • Acquistapace C., U.Loehnert, M.Maahn, P.Kollias: A new criterion to detect drizzle from ground-based: a potential new tool for model evaluation, ISTP 11th edition, 20 - 24 May 2019, Toulouse (France) abstract
  • Acquistapace, C., Schemann V., J. H. Schween, T. Marke, U. Löhnert: Boundary layer cloud life cycle in ICON-LEM and ground-based observations, UCP, 25 February - 1 March 2019, Berlin (Germany) abstract
  • Böhm, C, M. Reyers, J. Schween , U. Löhnert, S. Crewell: How well can we describe the atmospheric water cycle components in the Atacama desert over the last 100 years?, EGU, 7-12 April 2019, Vienna abstract
  • Crewell, S., U. Löhnert, 2019: Cloud observations in 2030, Understanding Clouds and Precipitation (UCP2019), Berlin, Germany, 25 February - 1 March 2019, abstract
  • Crewell, S., M. Mech, M. Wendisch, A. Ehrlich, C. Lüpkes, L. Kliesch, V. Schemann, T. Nomokonova, R. Neuber etc.: Arctic clouds - first insights from the ACLOUD campaign around Svalbard, Seminar Talk, University Centre in Svalbard/, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, 28 Mach 2019.
  • Crewell S., K. Ebell, P. Konjari, M. Mech, T. Nomokonova, A. Radovan, D. Strack, A. T. Gomez, G. Heygster, S. Noel, R. Scarlat, G. Spreen, M., Maturilli, A. Rinke, H. Griesche, G. Dick, C. Viceto and I. Gorodetskaya: A systematic assessment of water vapor products from satellite and reanalysis in the Arctic, G-VAP, 13 - 14 June 2019, Madrid. abstract
  • Crewell S.: Was ist eigentlich Klima?, Ringvorlesung Klima, Universität zu Lölm, 7. Oktober 2017.
  • Crewell, S., M. Mech, S. Bühler, P. Eriksson, C. Prigent, X. Xie: The Ice Cloud Imager (ICI) – a new perspective on ice clouds and precipitation, EUMETSAT MTG & EPS-SG User Days, Darmstadt, 14 November 2019.
  • Crewell, S., M. Mech, S. Bühler, P. Eriksson, C. Prigent, X. Xie: Eumetsat Polar System – Second Generation (EPS-SG): Neue Einblicke in Eiswolken, DMG Fortbildung, Bonn, 26 November 2019.
  • Costa-Surós, M., O. Sourdeval, S. Crewell, J. Quaas: Detection and attribution of cloud and precipitation adjustments to aerosol perturbations, Berlin, Germany, 25 February - 1 March 2019, Understanding Clouds and Precipitation (UCP2019), abstract Presentation
  • Ebell, K., V. Schemann, S. Kneifel, T. Nomokonova, R. Gierens, M. Maturilli, C. Ritter: Improving our understanding of Arctic clouds: multi-instrument, multi-frequency, and combined modeling-observation approaches, Svalbard Science Conference 2019, 6-7 November 2019, Oslo, Norway. abstract
  • Frank, C., Crewell, S., Pospichal, B., Keller, J. ,Hense, A. , Wahl, S.: Statistische Validierung kompensatorischer Ausgleichseffekte von Solar- und Wind-Erzeugung, DACH, 18 - 22 March 2019, Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany) abstract
  • Gierens, R., K. Ebell, S. Kneifel, T. Marke, T. Nomokonova, U. Löhnert: Low-level clouds in a complex Arctic environment, EGU, 7-12 April 2019, Vienna Abstract
  • Jacob, M., F. Ament, M. Gutleben, H. Konow, M. Mech, M. Wirth, and S. Crewell: Investigating the liquid water path over the tropical Atlantic with synergistic airborne measurements, HALO Status Seminar 2019, 16-18 October 2019, DLR-Oberpfaffenhofen, Weßling (Germany)
  • von Lerber, A., D. Zhang, M. Mech, A. Rinke, I. Gorodetskaya, S. Crewell:Investigating seasonal and regional distribution of Arctic snowfall in regional climate model simulations: The model-to-observation approach, EGU, 7-12 April 2019, Vienna abstract Presentation
  • Pfitzenmaier, L., P. Kollias, A. Tadaravic, A. Battaglia: Best estimate Sedimentation Doppler Velocity from EarthCare Cloud Profiling Radar, ISTP, 20-24 Mai 2019, Toulouse Abstract Talk
  • Pfitzenmaier L., P. Kollias, U. Loehnert, D. Nicolae, A. Nemuc, B Antonescu, A. Thoss, L. Porcacchia, S. Eliasson. O'Conner, J. v. Bismark : A 94-GHz Radar Network in Europe for the Calibration and Validation of Spaceborne Cloud Profiling Data Products, ACTRIS-2 Final General Meeting, 1-4 April 2019, Darmstadt, Germany. (No abstract had to be submitted, Poster presentation)
  • Pospichal, B., U. Löhnert: Langzeitbeobachtungen von Flüssigwasserwolken mittels bodengebundener Fernerkundung in Jülich: Überblick über Wolkeneigenschaften und Messunsicherheiten, DACH 2019, 18 - 22 March 2019, Garmisch. abstract presentation
  • Schnitt, S., U.Löhnert, R.Preusker: Combining dual-frequency radar and microwave radiometer for improved water vapor profiling in the cloudy atmosphere, UCP2019, 25 February - 01 March 2019, Berlin abstract
  • Schnitt S., U. Löhnert, R. Preusker, S. Crewell: Combining ground-based differential absorption radar and microwave radiometer observations for improved water vapor profiling in the cloudy atmosphere, 11th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling, 20-24 May 2019, Toulouse, France. abstract
  • Schween, J. H, D. Hoffmeister, U.Löhnert : Meteorological Observations in the Atacama from a new climate stations network, The coastal fog geo ecosystems in the Chilean Peruvian Desert :understanding biosphere atmosphere interactions, Alto Patache, Chile, 25.-27.Nov 2019, abstract
  • Steinheuer, J., S. Wahl, P. Friederichs: Vertical profiles of wind gust statistics from a regional reanalysis using multivariate extreme value theory, EMS 2019 Annual Meeting, 9-13 September 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark. abstract presentation
  • Stevens B., C. Acquistapace, A. Hansen, C. Klinger, W. Schubotz, J. Windmiller, team HDCP2: The added value of hecto and kilo meter scales for the representation of clouds and precipitation, UCP, 25 February - 1 March 2019, Berlin (Germany) abstract
  • Toporov M., U. Löhnert, C. Frank: Combining satellite- with ground-based measurements for near-real-time monitoring of atmospheric stability, atmospheric water vapor and liquid water., 11th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling, 20-24 May 2019, Toulouse, France. abstract
  • Tridon F., C. Planche, K. Mroz, A. Battaglia, S. Banson, G. Thompson, M. Monier, J. Van Baelen, W. Wobrock: Multifrequency radars retrievals of rain micro physics: evaluation of the rain representation in the WRF Model, 11th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling, 20-24 May 2019, Toulouse, France. abstract


  • Acquistapace, C., U. Löhnert, T. Marke, J.Schween, V. Schemann: Comparing boundary layer description from ICON-LEM model with ground based observations: a detailed look at boundary layer clouds., Cologne, Germany, 22 – 25 May 2018, 19th International Symposium for the Advancement of boundary-Layer Remote Sensing (ISARS), abstract
  • Böhm, C., S. Crewell, O. Sourdeval, J. Mülmenstädt, J. Quaas: Cloud base height retrieval from multi-angle satellite observations and its application to assess cloud heights over the Southeast Pacific, Deutsche Klimatagung, Frankfurt (Germany), 5-8 March 2018 abstract
  • Crewell, S., K. Ebell, M. Mech, V. Schemann, T. Nomokonova, 
A. Ehrlich, M. Wendisch, R. Neuber: Arctic clouds - first insights from the ACLOUD campaign around Svalbard, Colloquium, University of Bremen, 12 January 2018.
  • Crewell, S., M. Wendisch, K. Ebell, M. Mech, V. Schemann, T. Nomokonova, 
A. Ehrlich, R. Neuber: The Role of Mixed-Phase Clouds in the Arctic, Seminar Talk, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, 20 April 2018.
  • Crewell, S.: Warum erwärmt sich die Arktis am stärksten – und was haben die Wolken damit zu tun?, STUMETA, University of Bonn, 10 Mai 2018.
  • Crewell, S., M. Mech: Microwave radiometry for atmospheric application: 
a journey across the world from ground, 
via aircraft to satellites, Seminar talk, LERMA, Paris, 5 June 2018.
  • Crewell, S., U. Löhnert, K. Ebell, M. Mech, S. Kneifel: Microwave radiometry - an important component of the global observing system, Summer workshop, Norman, Oklahoma, 20 July 2018.
  • Ebell, K., T. Nomokonova, R. Gierens, V. Schemann, M. Mech, S. Crewell, U. Löhnert, C. Ritter, M. Maturilli, R. Neuber, E. O'Connor: Clouds at the Arctic atmospheric observatory AWIPEV: results from high-resolution observations and modeling 15th AMS Conference on Cloud Physics/Atmospheric Radiation, 9-13 July 2018, Vancouver, Canada, Abstract
  • Frank, C., B. Pospichal, S. Wahl, J. Keller, A. Hense, S. Crewell: Vertical wind profile: Comparing regional reanalyses, wind profiler and mast observations , Cologne, Germany, 22 – 25 May 2018, 19th International Symposium for the Advancement of boundary-Layer Remote Sensing (ISARS), abstract
  • Frank, C., B. Pospichal, S. Wahl, J. Keller, A. Hense, S. Crewell: Windgeschwindigkeit auf Nabenhöhe: Vergleich von regionalen Reanalysen mit extrapolierten Bewobachtungen 5. Fachtagung Energiemeteorologie , Goslar, Germany, 5-7 June 2018, Link, Abstract
  • Frank, C., B. Pospichal, S. Wahl, J. Keller, A. Hense, S. Crewell: Vertical wind profile: Assessment of regional reanalyses, International Symposium on Regional Reanalysis 2018, Bonn, Germany, 17-19 July 2018, Abstract
  • Frank, C., B. Pospichal, S. Wahl, J. Keller, A. Hense, S. Crewell: Vertical wind profile: Potential study of regional reanalyses in the field of wind power European Meteorological Society EMS & ECAC 2018 , Budapest, Hungary, 3-7 September 2018, Abstract
  • Frank, C., B. Pospichal, S. Wahl, J. Keller, A. Hense, S. Crewell: Windgeschwindigkeit auf Nabenhöhe: Vergleich von regionalen Reanalysen und extrapolierten Beobachtungen Fortbildung DMG-MD “Aktuelle Entwicklungen bei meteorologischen Anwendungen in der Windenergiebranche” , Tharandt/Dresden, Germany, 5 December 2018
  • Gierens, R., S. Kneifel, T. Marke, U. Löhnert: Interactions between Arctic boundary layer and mixed phase clouds ISARS 2018, 22-25 May Cologne (Germany), Abstract
  • He, S., E.M. Knudsen, D.W.J. Thompson, T. Furevik: Observational Evidence for Predictive Skill from Arctic Summer Sea-ice Extent, POLAR2018, Davos (Switzerland), 19-23 June, Presentation
  • Jacob, M.,P. Kollias, M. Mech, S. Groß, M. Gutleben, M. Wirth, and S. Crewell: Investigating tropical clouds from shallow cumulus to strongly showering with synergistic airborne measurements, Vancouver, Canada, 9-13 July 2018, 15th joint Atmospheric Radiation/Cloud Physics conference AMS 2018, Abstract
  • Knudsen, E.M., O.J. de Bolsée, J. Willis, D. Price: The Role of Climate Scientists in the Post-Factual Society, MPI Special Seminar, Hamburg (Germany), 18 May, Presentation
  • Knudsen, E.M., B. Heinold, S. Dahlke, M. Maturilli, S. Crewell, A. Ehrlich, G. Heygster, A. Macke, M. Mech, C. Lüpkes, A. Rinke, H. Schmithüsen, M. Wendisch: Synoptic situation overview during the field campaigns ACLOUD and PASCAL near Svalbard spring 2017, 1st annual (AC)³ General Assembly, Leipzig (Germany), 6-8 March, Presentation
  • Knudsen, E.M., B. Heinold, S. Dahlke, H. Bozem, S. Crewell, G. Heygster, D. Kunkel, M. Maturilli, M. Mech, A. Rinke, H. Schmithüsen A. Ehrlich, A. Macke, C. Lüpkes, M. Wendisch: Hunting High and Low: Measuring Arctic Amplification with an Icebreaker, Two Airplanes, Several Ground-Based Instruments and Three Dozens Scientists, GFI / BCCR Seminar, Bergen (Norway), 4 June, Presentation
  • Küchler, N., U. Löhnert, P. Kollias and S. Kneifel: Radar-radiometer based liquid water content retrievals - how the measurement setup influences retrieval uncertainties ISARS 2018, 22-25 May Cologne (Germany), Abstract
  • Löhnert, U., M. Toporov, D. D. Turner, P. Klein, T. Bell, S. Spuler, M. Hayman, T. Weckwerth: Thermodynamic profiling of the ABL with remote sensors – latest developments (Part 2), Joint WMO WG NMR & DAOS Meeting, Boulder, CO, June 12 2018
  • Löhnert, U., N. Cimini, C. Knist, P. Martinet, D. D. Turner: Perspective for operational ABL profiling: ground-based remote sensing, oint WMO WG NMR & DAOS Meeting, Boulder, CO, June 13 2018
  • Löhnert, U., S. Crewell: Upward looking microwave radiometers – a keystone for profiling the atmospheric boundary layer, ARM Summer Training and Science Applications event on observations and modeling of clouds and precipitation, July 17, 2018, Norman, Oklahoma.
  • Maahn, M., C. Acquistapace, G. de Boer, C. Cox, G. Feingold, T. Marke, C. Williams: Investigating the impact of anthropogenic pollution on cloud properties derived from ground based remote sensors at the North Slope of Alaska (solicited), Vienna, Austria, 8 – 13 April 2018, European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) 2018
  • Marke, T., S. Crewell, V. Schemann, J. H. Schween, M. Tuononen: Low-Level Jet Climatology and Evaluation of Jet Induced Turbulence and Topographic Interactions Using Observations and High Resolution Modeling ISARS 2018, 22-25 May Cologne (Germany), Abstract
  • Mech, M.,S. Crewell, L.-L. Kliesch, A. Anhäuser, A. Ehrlich, M. Wendisch, S. Mertes, A. Macke, R. Neuber, and the ACLOUD team: Investigation of Arctic mixed-phase clouds during ACLOUD with the novel active and passive microwave package MiRAC, IPWG-9, Seoul, South Korea, 5-9 November 2018 Talk
  • Neher, I., T. Buchmann, S. Crewell, S. Meilinger: Impact of atmospheric aerosols on solar energy production - Dust outbreak in West Africa. European Meteorological Society EMS & ECAC 2018 , Budapest, Hungary, 3-7 September 2018
  • T. Nomokonova, K. Ebell, U. Löhnert, M., Maturilli, C. Ritter, R.Dupuy, O Jourdan: Cloud statistics at Ny-Ålesund using ground-based sensor synergy, 2nd (AC)3 Science Conference, Bremerhaven, Germany, 12-14 November, abstract
  • Pospichal, B., J. Beer, S. Trömel, U. Löhnert: JOYCE-CF – Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution. A core facility for long-term cloud and precipitation observations. Deutsche Klimatagung 2018, 5-8 March 2018 Frankfurt/Main (Germany). Abstract Presentation
  • Pospichal, B., J. Beer, S. Trömel, and U. Löhnert: Ground-based atmospheric remote sensing at the Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution – JOYCE-CF. ISARS 2018, 22-25 May Cologne (Germany), Talk
  • Pospichal, B., U. Löhnert: Consistent calibration and data quality control of ground-based microwave radiometer for a network use. 15th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment (Microrad), 27 - 30 March 2018, MIT Cambridge, MA, USA website. Abstract Presentation
  • Radovan, A., S.Crewell, A. Rinke, E.M. Knudsen: Investigation of Januaries polar lows genesis conditions between 2003 and 2011 using Arctic System Reanalysis (ASR), EPLWG, Trier (Germany), 5-6 April 2018 Abstract
  • Radovan, A., S. Crewell, A. Rinke, M. Mech, E. M. Knudsen: Characteristics and Genesis Conditions of January Polar Lows: Microwave satellites, Radiative Transfer Simulations and Arctic System Reanalysis., 15th International Remote Sensing Symposium (15th ICRSS), Potsdam (Germany), 10-14 September, 2018, Abstract
  • Toporov, M., U. Löhnert, D. Cimini, F. De Angelis: Combining satellite- with ground-based measurements for continuous, near-real- time monitoring of atmospheric stability, ISARS 2018, 22-25 May Cologne (Germany). Abstract


  • Costa-Surós, M., Sourdeval, O., Baumgartner, M., Verma, P., Engler, C., Tonttila, J., Baars, H., Spichtinger, P., Burkhardt, U., Tegen, I., Hoose, C., Seifert, P., Fischer, J., Carbajal-Henken, C., Crewell, S., Quaas, J.: Investigating the response to doubling the CCN concentration in ICON LEM simulations (invited talk). Aerosols-Clouds-Precipitation and Climate (ACPC 2017), 2-6 April 2017 (Bad Honnef) Abstract Presentation
  • Costa-Surós, M., Sourdeval, O., Baumgartner, M., Verma, P., Engler, C., Tonttila, J., Baars, H., Spichtinger, P., Burkhardt, U., Tegen, I., Hoose, C., Seifert, P., Fischer, J., Carbajal-Henken, C., Crewell, S., Quaas, J.: Investigating the response to doubling the CCN concentration in ICON LEM simulations. HD(CP)2 Annual Meeting, 13 February 2017 (Munich). HDCP2_AM_Science_Highlights_for_S1
  • Crewell, S., B. Pospichal: The Jülich ObservatorY for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE): Novel opportunities by integrated remote sensing. Talk for Chinese Delegation, 7 February 2017.
  • Crewell, S., H. Baars, S. Bony, E. O’Connor, A. Ehrlich, B. Geerts, A. Macke, P. Seifert, M. Wendisch et al.: Future Campaigns. HD(CP)2 Annual Meeting, Schneefernerhaus, 15 February 2017.
  • S. Crewell, B. Stevens, F. Ament, S. Bony, S. Gross, L. Hirsch, 
H. Konow, B. Mayer, M. Wendisch, M. Wirth, M. Mech, 
M. Jakob, S. Schnitt: Narval Next-generation aircraft remote-sensing for validation studies, HALO Symposium, Oberpfaffenhofen, 14 March 2017.
  • Crewell, S., Microwave Radiometry and Sensor Synergy, Winter school on the observation and modeling of high - latitude and Arctic clouds, Hyytiälä, Finland, March 19-25, 2017. Program
  • Crewell, S., M. Jacob, M. Mech, S. Bony, B. Stevens, M. Wendisch: Planned HALO/HAMP campaigns + Polar 5/MiRAC, ISMAR Workshop, Eumetsat, Darmstadt, 10 May, 2017.
  • Crewell, S.: Wasser und Wolkenbildung – Atmosphäre und mögliche Vorhersagen. Wissenschaft im Rathaus, Köln, 9. Oktober 2017.
  • Crewell, S.: Getting a faculty position, Max-Planck Society's career event for postdoctoral researchers,CECAD, 17. November 2017.
  • Crewell, S. and the AC3 Team: The AC3 project: why is the Arctic warming faster than the mid latitudes?
 Svalbard Science Conference, Oslo, 6-9 November 2017.
  • Ebell, K., V. Schemann, R. Gierens, T. Nomokonova, U. Löhnert, M. Maturilli, C. Ritter, R. Neuber: Towards a better understanding of Arctic clouds using observations and high-resolution modelling, Svalbard Science Conference, Oslo, 6-9 November 2017 abstract
  • Ebell, K., B. Pospichal, T. Nomokonova, R. Gierens, U. Löhnert, E. O’Connor, N. Küchler, C. Ritter, M. Maturilli and R. Neuber: Cloud observations at the Arctic atmospheric observatory AWIPEV: results from a novel 94-GHz FM-CW cloud radar, International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling (ISTP), Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO USA, 29 May - 2 June 2017, Abstract
  • Gierens, R. T. , Nomokonova, T., Kneifel, S., and Löhnert, U.: Investigating mixed phase clouds using a synergy of ground based remote sensing measurements, 1st (AC)³ Science Conference, Bremen, 27 - 28 March 2017 Abstract
  • Jacob, M., F. Ament , S. Crewell, A. Ehrlich, K. Wolf, M. Mech, E. Orlandi and S. Schnitt: Comparative Characterisation of Maritime Clouds between Dry and Wet Season Over the Tropical North Atlantic by Airborne Observations, EGU GA 2017, Vienna Austria, 24 April, 2017, Abstract.
  • Jacob, M., S. Fox, S. Crewell, Comparing FAAM BAE 146 & HALO microwave radiometers, HALO Topical Workshop: 14 October 2016, Hamburg, 16 - 17 November, 2017.
  • Jacob, M., B. Stevens, L. Hirsch, A. Schäfler S. Crewell, NARVAL and NAWDEX Teams: Recent HAMP activities, ISMAR Workshop, Eumetsat, Darmstadt, 10 May, 2017.
  • Kneifel, S., Ori, D., Dias Neto, J., Trömel, S.,Evaristo, R.,Handwerker, J.,Bohn, B.,: Combined analysis of triple-frequency cloud radar and polarimetric X-Band radar observations of snow and ice microphysics, 38th AMS conference on radar meteorology, Chicago, IL USA, 27 August - 1 September 2017 Presentation recorded talk
  • Knudsen, E.M., Thompson, D.W.J. and Furevik, T: Observational Evidence for Predictive Skills from Arctic Summer Sea Extent, Arctic Science Summit Week, Prague (Czech Republic), 31 March - 7 April 2017 Abstract Teaser.
  • Küchler, N., Löhnert, U., Kollias P., Kneifel, S.: If Frisch is true - impacts of varying beam width, resolution, frequency combinations and beam overlap when retrieving liquid water content profiles abstract
  • Löhnert, Ulrich, Nico Cimini, Harald Czekala, Thomas Rose, Bernhard Pospichal: Microwave radiometer data processing, Ground-based profiling networks for improving weather forecasts (COST ES1303 Training School), EMS Workshop, 3 September 2017, Dublin
  • Löhnert, Ulrich, Nico Cimini, Susanne Crewell, Harald Czekala, Thomas Rose: Microwave radiometer retrievals, Ground-based profiling networks for improving weather forecasts (COST ES1303 Training School), EMS Workshop, 3 September 2017, Dublin
  • Löhnert, Ulrich, C. Acquistapace, M. Barrera-Verdejo, T. Marke, N. Küchler, H. Czekala, K. Ebell: Ground-based atmospheric profiling – the neglected child, Karlsruher Meteorologisches Kolloquium, KIT Campus, 4 July, 2017
  • Marke, T., Löhnert, U., Crewell, S., Manninen, A. and O'Connor, E.: Turbulence classification of the atmospheric boundary-layer for Doppler wind lidar networks abstract, EMS Annual meeting 2017, 4 - 8 September 2017, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Marke, T., Manninen, A. and O'Connor, E.: Boundary Layer Classification, Cloudnet Training School, Limassol (Cyprus), 27.-31.03.2017 Talk.
  • Mech, M., Crewell, S., Doktorowski, T., Dirks, L., Ehrlich, A., Wendisch, M., Neuber, R., Lüpkes, C., and Rose, T.: A novel active and passive microwave package for the investigation of Arctic mixed-phase clouds. EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Rome (Italy), 1 - 6 October 2017. abstract talk
  • Pospichal, B., U. Löhnert, N. Küchler, H. Czekala: Calibration and standardization efforts for a network operation of ground-based microwave radiometers. EMS Annual meeting 2017, 4 - 8 September 2017, Dublin, Ireland. Abstract
  • Pospichal, B., M. Barrera Verdejo, S. Crewell, U. Löhnert, P. di Girolamo, B. Bohn: Lidar and microwave radiometer synergy for thermodynamic profiling in the cloudy atmosphere, International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling (ISTP), 29 May - 2 June 2017, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO USA.
  • Radovan, A., Crewell, S., Rinke, A., Knudsen, M., E., Mech, M., Melsheimer, C.: Microwave brightness temperatures simulations at AMSU-B frequencies for a polar low case on 7th of January 2009, 1st (AC)³ Science Conference, Bremen, 27 - 28 March 2017 Abstract
  • Radovan, A.: Water vapour in the Arctic: Future plans and MOSAiC, G-VAP meeting, Leicester, 25-26, Oct, 2017 Pressentation
  • Schween, J.H.: An uncertainty estimate for windprofilers in a turbulent atmosphere. EMS Annual meeting 2017, 4 - 8 September 2017, Dublin, Ireland. Abstract
  • Steinke, S., Wahl, S. (presenter), Crewell, S.: Assessing the diurnal cycle of integrated water vapour and precipitation with highly resolved regional reanalyses and observations over Germany, EMS Annual meeting 2017, 4 - 8 September 2017, Dublin, Ireland. Abstract


  • Acquistapace, C. , U. Löhnert, S. Kneifel, M. Maahn, and P. Kollias: Exploiting additional observables in the development of an advanced categorization scheme for detecting autoconversion from ground based observations.International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, 25-29 July 2016, Manchester, UK.abstract
  • Barrera-Verdejo, M., S. Crewell, U. Löhnert,, P. Di Girolamo: Synergy of microwave radiometry and lidar for high vertical thermodynamic profiling, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, 4.Nov.2016
  • Barrera-Verdejo, M., S. Crewell, U. Löhnert,, P. Di Girolamo: Synergy of microwave radiometry and lidar for high vertical thermodynamic profiling, University of Bern, Bern, 7.Oct.2016 Abstract
  • Barrera-Verdejo, M., E. Orlandi, S. Crewell, U. Löhnert,, P. Di Girolamo: Synergy of microwave radiometry and lidar for high vertical temperature and water vapor profiling, Microrad 2016, Espoo, 11-15.4.2016 abstract_barrera
  • Corbetta, G., E. Orlandi, T. Heus, R. Neggers and S. Crewell: Overlap statistics of shallow boundary layer clouds: comparing ground-based observations with large-eddy simulations. EGU, 18-22 April, Vienna, Austria. abstract
  • Corbetta, G., E. Orlandi, T. Heus, R. Neggers, S. Crewell, and K. Ebell: Overlap statistics of shallow boundary layer clouds: comparing ground-based observations with large-eddy simulations. International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, 25-29 July 2016, Manchester, UK.abstract
  • Crewell, S., R. Neggers, E. Orlandi, I. Gorodetskaya and N. van Lipzig: What can we learn from atmospheric profiling stations to better understand climate processes?, Challenges of Atmospheric Research, DLR conference on Climate Change, Cologne, 5-7 April 2016
  • Crewell, S.: Studiengänge im Department Geowissenschaften: Geophysik und Meteorologie, Open Campus Day, Universität zu Köln, 6. Mai 2016
  • Crewell, S.: Atmospheric Remote Sensing: Challenges and Applications, 1st ECARS Summer School, Romania (via Skype), 2 June 2016
  • Crewell, S., L. Dirks, S. Steinke, T. August, C. Carbal Henken and H. Diederich: Assessment of sampling effects on precipitable water climatology, GEWEX Water Vapor Assessment (GVAP) Workshop, Eumetsat Headquarter Darmstadt, 22-23 September 2016.
  • Crewell, S.: Was ist gute Betreuung?, Promovierendentag, Universität zu Köln, 2 November 2016.
  • Crewell, S., K. Ebell, V. Scheman, R. Gierens, A. Radovan, E. Knudsen, M. Wendisch: ArctiC Amplification: Climate Relevant Atmospheric and SurfaCe Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms (AC)3 .. with a focus on clouds. MISU, University of Stockholm, Seminar talk, 29 November 2016.
  • Ebell, K., N. Küchler, L. Dirks, S. Crewell, U. Löhnert: Synergistic long-term observations of vertically resolved cloud properties using a novel microwave radiometer/radar for Arctic clouds at AWIPEV, AWIPEV Introduction Seminar, AWI Bremerhaven, 26-28 January 2016.
  • Frank, C., S. Crewell , A. Hense, J. Keller, C. Ohlwein, S. Wahl: Using high resolution reanalyses for renewable energy applications EMS2016-614, Triest, Italien, 12-16.09.2016 abstract
  • Frank, C., J. Keller, C. Ohlwein, S. Crewell, A. Hense, S. Wahl: Nutzung regionaler Reanalysen im Anwendungsbereich regenerativer Energien. 4. Fachtagung Energiemeteorologie (flyer), Bremerhaven, 20-22 April 2016 abstract
  • Khosravian, K., U. Löhnert, D. D. Turner, K. Ebell : CO2 vertical profile retrieval from ground-based IR atmospheric spectra, 18th International Symposium for Advancement of boundary-layer Remote Sensing, 6-9 June 2016, Varna, Bulgariaabstract
  • Kneifel, S.: How can ground-based active and passive multi-frequency microwave sensors help to improve retrievals of precipitating cold clouds?, JPL seminar talk, 7th Dec, Pasadena, USA
  • Kneifel, S., A. Battaglia, P. Kollias, J. Leinonen, M. Maahn, H. Kalesse, F. Tridon: How to constrain snow particle scattering models? A novel approach using triple-frequency radar Doppler spectra, AGU fall meeting, 12-16 December 2016, San Francisco, USA.
  • Kneifel, S., J. Handwerker, S. Trömel, R. Evaristo, B. Bohn, M. Lennefer, K. Mühlbauer, S. Crewell, C. Simmer, N. Kalthoff: Synergy of triple-frequency cloud radar and polarimetric X-Band radar for snow and ice microphysics, ERAD, 10-14 October 2016, Antalya, Turkey abstract
  • Kneifel, S., D. Moisseev, A. von Lerber, J. Tiira, P. Kollias, J. Leinonen, S. Trömel, J. Handwerker: Triple-frequency radar observations: What can they really tell us about snowfall properties?, IPWG-IWSSM Workshop, 3-7 October 2016, Bologna, Italy abstract
  • Kneifel, S. , A. von Lerber, D. Moisseev, P. Kollias, J. Leinonen, J. Handwerker, U. Löhnert, S. Crewell, B. Bohn, N. Kalthoff, S. Trömel, C. Simmer: Triple-frequency cloud radar approach: A novel way to investigate aggregation and riming processes in clouds. Understanding Clouds and Precipitation, Berlin, 15-19 February, 2016 abstract
  • Knudsen, E.M., M. Wendisch, J. Notholt, S. Crewell, J.P. Burrows, C. Lüpkes, A. Rinke, A. Macke: Toward a more holistic understanding of an Arctic climate system in rapid transition, CRRF – RPLC Rural Conference: Building Vibrant Rural Futures, Guelph, 12-15 October 2016 Abstract.
  • Knudsen, E.M.: Climate scientists: Searching the golden mean between pencil pushers and activists, CRRF – RPLC Rural Conference: Building Vibrant Rural Futures, Guelph, 12-15 October 2016 Abstract FlyerSlides Video (Invited talk).
  • Küchler, N., Löhnert, U., Kollias, P., Kneifel, S. and Crewell, S.: Erstes kombiniertes 94 GHz Radar-Radiometer: Neue Möglichkeiten für die Fernerkundung von Wolken und Niederschlag , DACH Berlin, 17.03.2016 abstract
  • Löhnert, U., K. Ebell, E. Orlandi, M. Toporov: Combining ground-based and satellite remote sensing for improving the derivation of atmospheric stability, ISARS, 6-9 Juni 2016, Varna, Bulgaria abstract
  • Löhnert, U., C. Acquistapace, M. Barrera-Verdejo, K. Ebell, J. Schween: Ungenutzte Potentiale der bodengebundenen Fernerkundung, DMG Sektion Frankfurt, DWD, Offenbach, 15. Juni, 2016
  • Löhnert, U., C. Acquistapace, K. Ebell, J.H. Schween, Synergies in remote sensing of clouds and the atmospheric thermodynamic state - an underexplored potential, ISSI workshop on Shallow Clouds, Water Vapor, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity, Bern, 8-12 February, 2016
  • Löhnert, U., C. Acquistapace, M. Barrera-Verdejo, S. Crewell, K. Ebell: Advancing synergistic remote sensing applications in the cloudy atmosphere, Understanding Clouds and Precipitation, Berlin, 15-19 February 2016.
  • Saeed, U., U. Löhnert, T. Heus, R. Neggers, F. Rocadenbosch, S. Crewell, J.H. Schween: On the need of a direct retrieval method for mixing layer height using simulated brightness temperature measurements, Talk, 18th International Symposium for Advancement of boundary-layer Remote Sensing, 6-9 June 2016, Varna, Bulgaria
  • Schween, J.H.: Doppler Wind profiler uncertainty in a turbulent atmosphere. Talk, 18th International Symposium for Advancement of boundary-layer Remote Sensing, 6-9 June 2016, Varna, Bulgaria abstract
  • Schween, J.H., P. Di Girolamo: Profiles of the Turbulent Humidity Flux: is a water budget feasible ?, Talk , 18th International Symposium for Advancement of boundary-layer Remote Sensing, 6-9 June 2016, Varna, Bulgaria, abstract
  • Schnitt, S., M. Mech, E. Orlandi, S. Crewell, HAMP – NARVAL Analysis, ISMAR/HALO Workshop, Hamburg, 7/8 June 2016.
  • Wahl, S., J. Keller, C. Ohlwein, A. Hense, P. Friederichs, S. Crewell: Enhanced representation of precipitation using a convection permitting regional reanalysis system, EMS2016-558. abstract


  • Barrera-Verdejo, M., Crewell, S., Löhnert, U., Orlandi, E., Di Girolamo, P.: Synergy of Raman lidar and microwave radiometry for high vertically resolved atmospheric profiles, 15th European Meteorological Society meeting, Sofia, 9th Sept. 2015.
  • Crewell, S.: Future Earth Observation and Big Data, Big Data Workshop, University of Cologne, 9 February 2015.
  • Crewell, S., G. Dick, P. Di Girolamo, L. Dirks, S. Eikenberg, D. Klocke, U. Löhnert, and S. Steinke: Small-Scale Integrated Water Vapour Variability during HOPE. HD(CP)2 general meeting, 25-27 February, Leipzig, Germany.
  • Crewell, S.: From doing a PhD to supervising students, Welcome Days, University of Cologne, 4 May 2015.
  • Crewell, S.: Geowissenschaftliche Studiengänge an der Universität zu Köln, Open Campus Day, 9 Mai 2015.
  • Crewell, S, S. Kneifel, M. Maahn, M. Mech, S. Bühler, C. Prigent, Ul. Klein: Extending operational satellite cloud remote sensing into the submillimeter range: The challenge of supercooled liquid water absorption. 2nd Hans Liebe Memorial Lecture, IEEE AP-S Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and URSI CNC/USNC Joint Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 21 July 2015.
  • Crewell, S.: How will the future observational system develop? A journey from ground to space. First ARM Summer Training, Oklahoma, U.S.A., 23 July 2015.
  • Crewell, S.: Was ist eigentlich Meteorologie?, Schnupperstudium für Schülerinnen, Köln, 1 Oktober 2015.
  • Crewell, S.: Atmosphäre, Klima, Wetter, Experimentierferien für Schüler, Köln, 6 Oktober 2015.
  • Crewell, S. et al.: Airborne remote sensing activities using active and passive sensors, ISMAR Workshop, 28. September 2015, Paris.
  • Crewell, S.: Using high-resolution reanalysis for renewable energy applications, Hitec Training day, Köln, 17 November 2015.
  • Crewell, S., K. Ebell, U. Löhnert, and M. Wendisch:(AC)3: A German initiative to study ArctiC Amplification: Climate Relevant Atmospheric and SurfaCe Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms. 2nd International Arctic Products Validation & Evolution (APVE) Workshop, Norrköping, Sweden,2 7-28 October 2015. abstract
  • Kneifel , S., A. von Lerber, D. Moisseev, P. Kollias, J. Leinonen, J. Tiira: The problem of retrieving snowfall: Are multi-frequency radars a way forward?, Earth Observation for Water Cycle Science, 20-23 October 2015, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy. abstract
  • Kneifel, S., A. von Lerber, D. Moisseev, P. Kollias, J. Leinonen, J. Tiira: First experimental evidence for the potential of triple-frequency radar observations to derive key snowfall microphysical properties, 37th AMS Conference on Radar Meteorology, 14-18 Sept., 2015, Norman OK, USA. abstract
  • Kneifel, S., P. Kollias, A. von Lerber, J. Leinonen, D. Turner, M. Cadeddu, S. Crewell, U. Löhnert: Investigating snowfall and other cold hydrometeor properties with ground-based microwave remote sensors, Invited Seminar Talk, PennState University, 9 Sept. 2015, State College, Pennsylvania, USA.
  • Löhnert, U., E. Orlandi, K. Ebell: Improving the retrieval of atmospheric stability indices by combining ground-based and satellite remote sensing, AGU 2015, 14.-18 Dec 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA
  • Maahn, M. and U. Löhnert: Potential of Higher Moments of the Radar Doppler Spectrum for Studying Ice Clouds, AGU 2015, 14.-18 Dec 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA
  • Maahn, M., U. Löhnert, P. Kollias, R. Jackson, and G. McFarquhar, Potential of Higher Moments for Ice Cloud Observations, 2015 ARM/ASR Joint User Facility PI Meeting,16-19 Mar 2015, Vienna, VA, USA
  • Maahn, M., C. Burgard, S. Crewell, I.V. Gorodetskaya, S. Kneifel, S. Lhermitte, K. Van Tricht, N.P.M. van Lipzig, Investigating the impact of spaceborne radar blind zone on surface snowfall statistics in polar regions, IUGG (IAMAS), 22 June - 2 July, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic abstract
  • Maahn, M., Using vertically pointing Doppler radar to study clouds (and precipitation), Invited seminar talk, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, 4 Nov 2015, Boulder, CO, USA
  • Steinke, S., S. Crewell, S. Eikenberg, G. Dick, C. Carbajal Henken, Integrated water vapor variability – exploiting unique field campaign data and high-resolution reanalysis, IUGG (IAMAS), 22 June - 2 July, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic abstract


  • Crewell, S. and Inferno-Team: Remote sensing of water vapor, clouds and precipitation: Examples from ground-based, airborne and satellite measurements, Seminar talk for visiting Bacherlor-Students from University of Wageningen, 14 March 2014.
  • Crewell, S., U. Löhnert and D. Cimini: Filling gaps in the observation network for thermodynamic profiling by a ground-based microwave radiometer network. World Weather Open Science Conference 16-21 August 2014, Montreal, Canada Abstract
  • Crewell, S. und U. Gärtel-Zafiris: Forschungswege in den Naturwissenschaften – Licht im Dschungel der Projekte?“, Ringvorlesung „SichtWeisen und Wissen: Gender Studies in Köln“, 25. Juni 2014.
  • Ebell, K., E. Orlandi, U. Löhnert, P. Seifert, H. Siebert, A. Hünerbein, C. Chiu, S. Crewell: Ground-based synergistic observations of cloud properties and their uncertainties. 14th AMS Conference on Cloud Physics and Radiation, 7-11 July 2014, Boston, MA, USA. abstract
  • Li, X. Analysis of CCN activity of ambient aerosol and aerosol-cloud interaction at Jülich ObservatorY for Cloud Evolution site, 3rd ACTRIS WP22 Progress Workshop, Warsaw University, Poland, 23-24 April,2014.
  • Maahn, M., U. Löhnert, and P. Kollias, P.: Evaluierung von Eiswolken-Parametrisierungen mittels höheren Radarmomenten, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, 7. - 21. März 2014, Berlin. Abstract
  • Maahn, M., Burgard, C., Crewell, S., Gorodetskaya, I., Kneifel, S., Lhermitte, S., Van Tricht, K. and N. van Lipzig: Investigating the impact of space-born radar blind zone on surface snowfall statistics in polar regions. ESA Workshop on Novel Mission Concepts for Snow and Cryosphere Research 16-17 September 2014 at ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands.Abstract
  • Maahn, M.: Higher Moments of the Doppler Spectrum. MIRA Millimetre Cloud Radar Workshop Munic, Mai 2014, München.
  • Mech, M., Orlandi, E., Ament, F., Crewell, S., Hagen, M., Klepp, C., and Stevens B.: NARVAL Airborne remote sensing of warm and cold clouds for satellite validation with HALO, EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, September 2014, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Redl, S., Crewell, S., Mech, M., Friederichs, P., Bollmeyer, C., Simon, J., Trömel, S.: Evaluation of regional reanalyses with microwave satellite observations using a feature identification algorithm, 7th International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, 14-17 July 2014, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  • Rémillard, J. and Maahn, M.: The workings of a radar spectrum simulator and its use to evaluate LES, Atmospheric System Research (ASR) 2014 Science Team Meeting, Cloud Radar workshop, March 2014, Potomac, Maryland.
  • Steinke, S., S. Eikenberg, U. Löhnert, G. Dick, D. Klocke, P. Di Girolamo, and S. Crewell: Multi-instrument comparison of integrated water vapour on high spatio-temporal resolution during the field campaign HOPE. GEWEX water vapor assessment (G-VAP) workshop, 9-10 October 2014, Institute for Space Sciences, Free University Berlin (FUB), Berlin, Germany.


  • Barrera Verdejo, M., Determination of atmospheric water vapour and Temperature via inverse modelling using Raman lidar and microwave radiometry, ITaRS web seminar on Blackboard. Universität zu Köln, 11. December 2013.
  • Crewell, S., Was ist Meteorologie?, Experimentierferien des Schülerlabors der Universität zu Köln, 22. Oktober 2013.
  • Crewell, S., Clouds, Precipitation and their Remote Sensing, Compact course, Research Center Jülich, 8. October 2013.
  • Crewell, S. et al., Novel Observations for Model Interpretation: The use of field observations for understanding fine scale processes”, Invited Talk, Gordon Research Conference “Radiation and Climate”, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, 10 July 2013.
  • Crewell, S., Wie gut verstehen wir den Wasserkreislauf in Gegenwart und Zukunft?, Plenum der NRW Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste, Düsseldorf, 28 Juni 2013.
  • Crewell, S., Ground-based remote sensing for arctic research, DFG Roundtable, Leipzig, Germany, 26 June 2013.
  • Crewell, S., Ground based remote sensing of cloud water, temperature and humidity profiles, Lecture, HITEC day: Inverse Methods, Cologne, Germany, 5 June 2013.
  • Crewell, S. et al.: The Jülich ObservatorY for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE): new possibilities to improve cloud processes in weather and climate prediction, Colloquium, University of Mainz, 7 February 2013.
  • Ebell, K., E. Orlandi, U. Löhnert, S. Crewell, and A. Hünerbein: Synergistic observations of cloud properties and their related uncertainties at JOYCE. AGU Fall Meeting 2013, 09-13 December 2013, San Francisco, USA.
  • Löhnert, U. et al., The Jülich ObservatorY for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE): new possibilities to study the cloudy boundary layer, HErZ summer school on clouds and precipitation, University of Bonn, July 17, 2013
  • Kneifel, S., S. Redl, S. Steinke, M. Mech, S. Crewell, Verification of reanalysis data using a modular forward operator for active and passive microwave instruments , CM-SAF Seminar, 10 April 2013, Offenbach, Germany.
  • Li, X., Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurement at the Meteorological Tower in FZJ, IEK-8 Forschungszentrum Juelich , 13 Dec 2013.
  • Maahn, M., U. Löhnert, S. Kneifel, P. Kollias: Combining ground-based active and passive microwave instruments for remote sensing of ice and mixed phase cloud properties. Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13, 8 - 12 July 2013, Davos, Switzerland.
  • Redl, S., S. Crewell, S. Kneifel, M. Mech, P. Friederichs, C. Wosnitza, C. Ohlwein, J. D. Keller, A. Hense, Verification of a regional reanalysis: Evaluation of hydrometeors using microwave satellite data, EMS Annual Meeting, Reading, 9-13 September 2013.
  • Reitter, S., A. Seifert, C. Köhler, S. Crewell, Evaluating ice clouds in COSMO-DE with satellite observations, EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Vienna, 16-20 September 2013.
  • Steinke, S., U. Löhnert, S. Crewell, S. Liu, Water vapor tomography with two microwave radiometers, TR32 International Symposium 2013, 11 - 14 March 2013, Bonn, Germany.
  • Steinke, S., U. Löhnert, S. Crewell, S. Liu, Wasserdampftomographie mit zwei Mikrowellenradiometern, DACH, 2 - 9 September 2013, Innsbruck, Austria.


  • Crewell,S., Remote Sensing of precipitation, DFG Round Table Workshop, Frankfurt 15/16 November 2012.
  • Crewell, S., Wolken – eine Herausforderung für Wetter- und Klimaforschung. Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste, 12 September 2012, Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Crewell, S., Investigating Clouds and Precipitation at the Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE). 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation ICCP 2012, 30 July - 3 August 2012, Leipzig, Germany.
  • Crewell, S., How to evaluate high resolution models – the use of scanning instrumentations? Towards Global LES Workshop, 15. Juni 2012, Schloß Ringberg, Germany.
  • Crewell, S., The Jülich ObservatorY for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE): new possibilities to improve clouds processes in weather and climate prediction. Seminar Ocean, Ice and Atmosphere, Universität Bremen, 24 January, 2012, Bremen, Germany.
  • Ebell, K., E. Orlandi, A. Hünerbein, S. Crewell, and U. Löhnert: Combining ground-based, satellite and airborne measurements in the retrieval of the atmospheric state: assessment of the information content. ISTP 2012, 03-07 September 2012, L'Aquila, Italy.
  • Ebell, K., E. Orlandi, A. Hünerbein, S. Crewell, and U. Löhnert: Combining ground-based, satellite and airborne measurements in the retrieval of the atmospheric state: assessment of the information content. IRS 2012, 06-10 August 2012, Berlin, Germany.
  • Kneifel, S., S. Crewell, S. Redl, S. Steinke, C. Ohlwein, P. Friedrichs, A. Hense, A. Kapala, C. Wosnitza, J. Keller: Retrospective Analysis of Regional Climate: The German Reanalysis Project - Potential of remote sensing observations. IGARSS 2012, 22-27 July 2012, Munich, Germany.
  • Kneifel, S., M.S. Kulie, R. Bennartz, and J. Leinonen: A triple frequency approach to retrieve microphysical snowfall parameters. ERAD 2012, 25-29 June 2012, Toulouse, France.
  • Löhnert, U., S. Kneifel, X. Xie and S. Crewell: New approaches towards a better characterization of snowfall microphysics. International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP 2012), 30 July - 3 August 2012, Leipzig, Germany.
  • Löhnert, U.: Wie sehr beeinflusst die Variabilität der solaren Einstrahlung das Klima in den nächsten Dekaden? Habilitationskolloquium, 5 July, 2012, Cologne, Germany.
  • Löhnert, U. and D. Cimini: MWRnet: An international network of ground-based microwave radiometers for operational retrievals of atmospheric temperature, water vapor, and cloud properties. GRUAN Climate Network Design Workshop, 13-14 Juni, 2012, Fürstenwalde, Germany.
  • Löhnert, U., D. Donovan, K. Ebell, G. Martucci, S. Placidi, C. Brandau, E. O'Connor and H. Russchenberg: Assessment of ground-based cloud liquid water profiling retrieval techniques. 16th International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary-Layer Remote Sensing (ISARS 2012), 4-8 June, Boulder CO, USA.
  • Löhnert, U.: Ground-based remote sensing of the atmospheric thermodynamic state. Meteorlogisches Kolloquium, LMU München, 17 January, 2012, Munich, Germany.
  • Löhnert, U.: Ground-based remote sensing for weather research and forecasting. Geophysikalisch-Meteorologisches Kolloquim, Universität zu Köln, 9 January, 2012, Cologne, Germany.
  • Maahn, M., , P. Kollias, S. Kneifel, I. Gorodetskaya, G. Peters and C. Simmer: Measuring snow with a low-power K-band radar (Micro Rain Radar) at high latitudes. ERAD 2012, 25-29 June 2012, Toulouse, France.
    Extended Abstract
  • Maahn, M., P. Kollias, S. Kneifel, M. Hagen and K. Schmidt: Measuring snow with a low-power K-band radar (Micro Rain Radar) at the Schneefernerhaus. 2. UFS Symposium, Oberpfaffenhofen, 26.-27.9.2012 Abstract
  • Maschwitz, G., U. Löhnert, S. Crewell, T. Rose and D. D. Turner: Investigation of gas absorption models from 22GHz to 60GHz and analysis of radiometer calibration techniques at 530hPa. Microrad 2012, 7 March, 2012, Frascati, Italy.
  • Reitter, S., S. Crewell, A. Seifert, C. Köhler, and R. Faulwetter: Evaluation of ice clouds in COSMO-DE with satellite observations. 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation ICCP 2012, 30 July - 3 August 2012, Leipzig, Germany.
  • Schween J.H., B. Neininger, C.Selbach, H. Geiss, S. Crewell: Results from airplane measurements during FLUXPAT. TR32 seminar, University Cologne, 20 January, 2012, Cologne, Germany.
  • Löhnert, U., Ebell, K., Maschwitz, G., Crewell, S., Steinke, S., Bohn, B.: Synergetic Observations of Spatial and Temporal Cloud Characteristics at the Jülich ObservatorY for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE) 9th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling, L'Aquila, Italy, September 3-7, 2012.
  • Schween J.H., S. Crewell. Boundary Layer Height Retrieval with Ceilometer and Doppler Lidar: An Intercomparison. ISTP 2012, 03-07 September 2012, L'Aquila, Italy. Abstract.
  • Xie, X., U. Löhnert, S. Kneifel, and S. Crewell: Snow Particle Orientation Observed by Ground-Based Microwave Radiometry. IRS 2012, 06-10 August 2012, Berlin, Germany.


  • Crewell, S., Remote Sensing of water vapor and clouds, Kolloquium Geodäsie, Universität Bonn, 1 Dezember 2011.
  • Crewell, S., S. Bühler, and C. Prigent, 2011: Potential of the Ice Cloud Imaging Instrument within the EUMETSAT Polar System – Second Generation, EPS-SG User Consultation Workshop, Darmstadtium, Darmstadt, 29-30 September 2011. pdf
  • Crewell, S., S. Bühler, and C. Prigent, 2011: Potential of the Ice Cloud Imaging Instrument within the EUMETSAT Polar System – Second Generation, Submm Workshop, Metoffice, Exeter, UK, 22 September 2011.
  • Crewell, S., 2011: An Introduction to TR32: Patterns in Soil-Vegetation- Atmosphere Systems: Monitoring, Modelling and Data Assimilation, TR32 Lecture Series, Universität Bonn, 29 August 2011.
  • Crewell, S., 2011: Wolkenfernerkundung - Herausforderungen und Anwendungen zur Modellevaluierung. Kolloquiumsvortrag, KIT, 28. Juli 2011.
  • Crewell, S., 2011: Feuer und Eis: von den Tücken der Schneefallfernerkundung. Festvortrag, Promotionsfeier der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, Universität zu Köln, 8. Juli 2011.
  • Crewell, S., 2011: Wolken – eine Herausforderung für Wetter- und Klimaforschung. Kolloquiumsvortrag, Universität Wuppertal, 4. Juli 2011.
  • Crewell, S., 2011: Ground-based Microwave Radiometry. Thermodynamic Profiling Technologies Workshop, Boulder, 14 April 2011. (invited)
  • Eikenberg, S., K. Fröhlich, A. Seifert, S. Crewell, M. Mech: Evaluation of ice and snow content in the global NWP model GME with CloudSat. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, 5-9 April 2011.
  • Löhnert, U., V. Lehmann, N. Cimini, M. Haefflin, A. Illingworth, D. Turner, V. Wulfmeyer, S. Crewell et al., 2011: Ground-based remote sensing (GBRS) potential for data assimilation. German Symposium on Data Assimilation, DWD, Offenbach, 28. September 2011.
  • Löhnert, U., 2011: Exploiting multi-sensor remote sensing measurements: the Integrated Profiling Technique, ZMAW Seminar Series, Hamburg, Germany, 27 April, 2011.
  • Maschwitz, G., U. Löhnert, S. Crewell, T. Rose, D. D.Turner, 2011: Investigation of gas absorption models from 22 to 183GHz observed at low water vapor concentrations and 530 hPa in the Atacama Desert in Chile. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, 5-9 April 2011.
  • Mech, M., S. Crewell, U. Löhnert, and E. Orlandi: Retrieval of temperature, humidity, and integrated hydrometeor contents from observations with the microwave package HAMP on the High Altitude and LOng range aircraft HALO. EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2011, Oslo, Norway, 5-9 September 2011.
  • Mech, M., U. Löhnert, S. Crewell, and N. Cimini, 2011: Ground-based column water vapour observations for quality assessment and evaluation studies.GEWEX/GlobVapour WorkshopESA/ESRIN, Frascate, Italy, 8-10 March 2011.
  • Reitter, S., K. Fröhlich, A. Seifert, S. Crewell, M. Mech: Evaluation of modelled ice and snow water content with satellite observations. European Meteorological Society, 11th Annual Meeting 2011, Berlin, Germany, 12-16 September 2011.
  • Reitter, S., K. Fröhlich, A. Seifert, S. Crewell, M. Mech: Evaluation of modelled ice and snow water content with CloudSat. EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2011, Oslo, Norway, 5-9 September 2011.
  • Paolo Tortora, Susanne Crewell, Gunnar Elgered, Alberto Graziani, Per Jarlemark, Ulrich Loehnert, Antonio Martellucci, Mattia Mercolino, Thomas Rose and Jan Schween: AWARDS: ADVANCED MICROWAVE RADIOMETERS IN DEEP SPACE STATIONS. ESA Workshop on radiowave propagation November to 2nd December 2011. Conference proceedings in Space communications (not yet published in 2013 ???)


  • Crewell, S., S. Kneifel, U. Löhnert, and J. Schween, 2010: Scanning Microwave Radiometry for Investigating Water Vapor and Cloud Distributions, 2010 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 3–17 December 2010. (invited)
  • Crewell, S., 2010: Why does cloud radiation interaction pose the largest uncertainty in climate projections?, Japanese-German Frontiers of Science, Humboldt Foundation, Potsdam, Germany, 14 November 2010.
  • Crewell, S., 2010: New observational techniques for a better understanding of clouds, Kompaktkurs Atmosphärische Dynamik und Chemie, FZ Jülich, Germany, 6 Oktober 2010.
  • Crewell, S. et al., 2010: Aerosol-Wolken-Niederschlag-Klima- Wechselwirkungen: Schlüsselprozesse im Klimasystem, Physik-Kolloquium, Universität zu Köln, Germany, 13 July 2010.
  • Crewell, S., U. Löhnert, and T. Rose, 2010: Microwave radiometry for boundary layer temperature and humidity profiling, Field Seminar, International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary Layer Remote Sensing, St Quentin en Yvelines, France, 28 June 2010.
  • Crewell, S. et al, 2010: Neue Beobachtungsmethoden für ein besseres Verständnis des atmosphärischen Wasserkreislaufs: vom Wasserdampf zum Schnee, Kolloquium LMU München, 22 June 2010.
  • Ebell, K., S. Crewell, U. Löhnert, D.D. Turner und E.J. O'Connor, 2010: Charakterisierung von Wolken und ihrer Wechselwirkung mit Strahlung am Standort der Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Mobile Facility im Schwarzwald. DACH 2010, Bonn, Germany, 20-24 September 2010.
  • Ebell, K., U. Löhnert, S. Crewell, D. D. Turner, E. O’Connor, 2010: Cloud statistics and cloud radiative effect for a low-mountain site. 13th Conference on Cloud Physics, Portland, Oregon, USA, 28 June–2 July 2010.
  • Eikenberg, S., S. Crewell, M. Mech, and A. Seifert, 2010: Validation of IWCs in GME with CloudSat CPR data. EUMETSAT International Satellite Conference, Cordoba, Spain, 20-24 September 2010.
  • Eikenberg, S., and the QUEST Team, 2010: QUEST general overview. PQP kick-out meeting, Bonn, Germany, 14-15 April 2010.
  • Kneifel, S., U. Löhnert, S. Crewell 2010: Beobachtung von Schneefall mit Hilfe passiver und aktiver Mikrowellenfernerkundung. DACH 2010, Bonn, Germany, 20-24 September 2010.
  • Kneifel, S., U. Löhnert, S. Crewell, M. Wiegner, D. Siebler and M. Hagen, 2010: Die bewölkte Troposphäre: neuartige Messmethoden an der UFS. 1st Workshop of the Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus (UFS), Iffeldorf, Germany, 20-21 May 2010.
  • Kneifel, S., U. Löhnert, A. Battaglia, S. Crewell, M. Hagen, and L. Hirsch, 2010: Ground based remote sensing of snowfall through active and passive sensor synergy. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 2-7 May 2010.
  • Löhnert, U. and D. Turner, 2010: Microwave and IR synergy for improved thermodynamic profile retrieval. International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary Layer Remote Sensing, St Quentin en Yvelines, France, 28 June 2010.
  • Löhnert, U. and O. Maier, 2010: Assessment of Microwave Radiometer Temperature Profiling using Meteo-Swiss Data. COST EG-CLIMET MC/WG meeting , Reading, UK, 24 March, 2010.
  • Pospichal B., and S. Crewell, 2010: Comparison of the annual cycle of atmospheric parameters at Djougou and Niamey in relation to the surface energy balance. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 2-7 May 2010.
  • Redl, S., S. Crewell, U. Löhnert, S. Kneifel, M. Zink, 2010: Unterkühlte Flüssigwasserwolken: Klimarelevanter Antrieb vermessen an der UFS. 1st Workshop of the Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus (UFS), Iffeldorf, Germany, 20-21 May 2010.
  • Redl, S., S. Crewell, U. Löhnert, S. Kneifel, 2010: Strahlungssignale von unterkühlten Flüssigwasserwolken im Mikrowellenbereich. DACH 2010, Bonn, Germany, 20-24 September 2010.
  • Selbach, C., S. Crewell , J. Schween, H. Geiss, and B. Neininger, 2010: Analyse räumlicher Strukturgrößen von CO2, H2O, Temperatur und vertikaler Windgeschwindigkeit in der Grenzschicht aus Flugzeugmessungen. DACH 2010, Bonn, Germany, 20-24 September 2010.
  • Selbach, C., J. Schween, B. Meiniger, S. Crewell: Spatial structures of CO2, H2O, temperature and vertical wind velocity observed by aircraft. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 2-7 May 2010.


  • Crewell, S., T. Reinhardt, C. Selbach, N. van Lipzig, J. Fischer, F. Ament, A. Seifert et al., 2009: Continuous Evaluation of Atmospheric Models Using a Combination of Different Observations - the General Observation Period (GOP). 8th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling: Needs and Technologies ISTP2009, Delft, The Netherlands, October 18-23, 2009.
  • Crewell, S. et al., 2009: The potential of remote sensing observations for evaluating water cycle parameters in mesoscale models. Colloquium, KNMI, De Bilt, 8 October 2009.
  • Crewell, S., 2009: Von der Zugspitze bis zur Atacamawüste – den Wolken auf der Spur!, Vortrag zum XX. Geburtstag von Prof. Ruprecht, IFM-Geomar, Kiel, 3. Oktober 2009.
  • Crewell, S., 2009: Remotely sensing of cloudy atmosphere – the importance of sensor synergy. Seminar talk, Max-Planck-Institut for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany, 11 August 2009.
  • Crewell, S., J.H Schween, H. Geiss, U. Rascher, A. Schickling, and C. Selbach, 2009: An experimental setup of ground-based and airborne systems to study spatio-temporal structures in atmosphere-land surface energy, water and CO2 exchange. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS09), Leipziger Kubus, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung Leipzig – UFZ, Leipzig, Germany, 15-18 June 2009.
  • Crewell, S., 2009: Climate Disaster - Remote Sensing Applications. 2nd German-China Forum on Energy and Climate, Cologne, Germany, 28 April 2009.
  • Crewell, S. et al., 2009: Cloud Observations from Ground and Space. Invited talk at ESA sponsered meeting: Clouds: From satellite observations to atmospheric modelling, Berlin, Germany, 25-27 March 2009.
  • Crewell, S. et al., 2009: Gesamtwasserdampf aus Radiosonden: Instrumenten- und Modellvergleiche. Vaisala Radiosonden Workshop, Langen, 31. März 2009.
  • Crewell, S., 2009: Herausforderungen in der Wolkenforschung. Einladungsvortrag, Jahrestagung der Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Fachverband Umweltphysik, Hamburg, 3. März 2009.
  • Defer, E., C. Prigent, I. Meirold-Martner, J. R. Pardo, F. Aires, C. Walden, S. Crewell, M. Mech, J.-P. Chaboureau, J.-P. Pinty, O.-Z. Zanifé, Study of the potential of sub-millimetre wave observations for rain retrieval. 5th ESA Workshop on mm-wave Technology and 31st Antenna Workshop, May 18-20, 2009, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 8 pages.
  • Ebell, K., S. Crewell, U. Löhnert, and E. O'Connor, 2009: Use of integrated profiling techniques for studying cloud-radiation interactions. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly, EGU2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009.
  • Eikenberg, S., A. Seifert, S. Crewell, and M. Mech, 2009: Untersuchungen zur Validierung von Eisgehalten im GME mit CloudSat Satellitendaten. Abschlussvortrag Werkvertrag, DWD, Offenbach, 15. Dezember 2009.
  • Kneifel, S., S. Crewell, U. Löhnert, and J. Schween, 2009: Investigation of spatial water vapor inhomogeneity with scanning microwave radiometry. IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS2009, Cape Town, South Africa, 7-11 July 2009.
  • Kneifel, S., U. Löhnert, L. Hirsch, A. Battaglia, S. Crewell, and D. Siebler, 2009: Ground-based remote sensing of snowfall through active and passive sensor synergy. 8th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling: Needs and Technologies ISTP2009, October 18-23, 2009, Delft, The Netherlands.
  • Löhnert, U. D. Turner, H. Czekala, and S. Crewell, 2009: The synergistic use of passive microwave and infrared observations to retrieve liquid water cloud properties. 8th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling: Needs and Technologies ISTP2009, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-23 October, 2009.
  • Löhnert,U., S. Kneifel, M. Hagen, L. Hirsch, and A. Battaglia, 2009: Ground-based remote sensing of snowfall through active and passive sensor synergy. IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS2009, Cape Town, South Africa, 7-11 July 2009.
  • Löhnert, U., 2009: Using Multi-Instrument Retrievals for the Cloudy Atmosphere. Joint NetFAM/EG-CLIMET Workshop, Oslo, Norway, 18 March 2009.
  • Löhnert, U., 2009: Ground-based multi-instrument retrievals of the atmospheric state: an Integrated Profiling Technique. Seminar Institut für Troposphärenforschung, Leipzig, 19 February, 2009.
  • Martellucci, A., S. Crewell, U. Löhnert, D. Nörenberg, and T. Rose, 2009: Development of Ground Equipment for Atmospheric Propagation Assessment from 10 up to 90 GHz. 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EUCAP, 23-27 March 2009, Berlin, Germany, 5 pages.
  • Mech, M., S. Crewell, G. Peters, L. Hirsch, and T. Rose, 2009: The microwave Package on the new research aircraft of the German atmospheric science comunity HALO. 5th ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications & 31st ESA Antenna Workshop, ESA-ESTEC, The Netherlands, 18 - 20 May, 2009.
  • Mech, M., S. Crewell, G. Peters, L. Hirsch, and T. Rose, 2009: The microwave Package on the new research aircraft of the German atmospheric science comunity HALO. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly, EGU2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009.
  • Pospichal, B., and S. Crewell, 2009: Variability of the atmospheric boundary layer over West Africa observed by ground-based remote sensing instruments. 8th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling: Needs and Technologies ISTP2009, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-23 October, 2009.


  • Crewell, S. et al., 2008: The Potential of Remote Sensing Observations for Evaluating and Improving Mesoscale Models. Seminar talk, SSEC/UWisconsin-Madison, 4 November 2008.
  • Crewell, S. et al., 2008: Mikrowellenradiometrie für die Atmosphärenforschung. Seminarvortrag, 1. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, 14. August 2008.
  • Crewell, S., K. Ebell , T. Reinhardt, and V. Wulfmeyer, 2008: The field programs COPS and GOP 2007: Possibilies for model improvement. 4th PAN-GCSS GEWEX Cloud System Study Meeting GCSS-DIME on “Advances in Modelling and Observing Clouds and Convection“, 2-6 Juni 2008, Toulouse, France.
  • Crewell, S. et al., 2008: Herausforderungen in der Wolkenforschung: Von der Messung zum Modell. Kolloquium, IfT Leipzig, Germany 11. April 2008.
  • Crewell, S., U. Löhnert, and D. Turner, 2008: Long-term water vapour comparison at the ARM Mobile Facility. 6th COPS Workshop, Hohenheim, Germany, 27-29 February 2008.
  • Crewell, S. et al., 2008: Evaluierung von Kurzfristprognosen mittels Fernerkundungsdaten. Kolloquium, FU Berlin, 13. Februar 2008.
  • Crewell, S. et al., 2008: General Observation Period 2007: Concept and first results. Colloquium, Priority Program “Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting”, Bad Honnef, Germany, 10. Januar 2008.
  • Ebell, K., S. Crewell, and U. Löhnert, 2008: Observed and modelled long-term cloud statistics for the Murg valley. 7th COPS Workshop, Strasbourg, France, 27-29 October 2008.
  • Ebell, K., U. Löhnert, S. Crewell, and D. Turner, 2008: Integrated Profiling at the AMF. 6th COPS Workshop, Hohenheim, Germany, 27-29 February 2008.
  • Löhnert, U., 2008: Ground-based multi-instrument retrievals of the atmospheric state: the Integrated Profiling Technique. Seminar über Mikrowellenphysik und Atmosphärenphysik, Institute for Applied Physics, Bern, Switzerland, 21 November 2008.
  • Löhnert, U., 2008: Ground-based multi-instrument retrievals of atmospheric state: the Integrated Profiling Technique. Talk #4: Using Passive Microwave and Infrared Observations. CIMSS Seminar, University of Madison, Madison WI, USA, 14 July 2008.
  • Mech, M., S. Crewell, G. Peters, L. Hirsch, and T. Rose, 2008: The microwave Package on the new research aircraft of the German atmospheric science comunity HALO. 4th International Precipitation Working Group (IPWG) 2008, Beijing, China, 13-17 October 2008.
  • Pospichal, B., D. Bou Karam, S. Crewell, C. Flamant, 2008: Diurnal cycle of the ITD before the monsoon onset over Benin: ground-based measurements and mesoscale modelling. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2008 EGU 2008, Vienna, Austria, 13–18 April 2008.
  • Pospichal B., and S. Crewell, 2008: Boundary layer observations in West Africa using a ground-based 14-channel microwave radiometer. 10th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing for the Environment MICRORAD 2008, Florence, Italy, 11-14 March 2008.
  • Pospichal B., D. Nörenberg, S. Crewell, U. Löhnert, Th. Rose, A. Martellucci, 2008: A Novel Ground-based Microwave Radiometer for High Precision Atmospheric Observations Between 10 and 90 GHz. ESA Workshop on Radiowave Propagation Models, Tools and Data for Space Systems, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 3-5 December 2008.
  • Schween, J. H., S. Kneifel, S. Crewell, and U. Löhnert, 2008: Inhomogeneity of water vapour in the boundary layer from ground based microwave measurements. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2008 EGU 2008, 13–18 April 2008, Vienna, Austria.
    Abstract EGU2008-A-11238


  • Crewell, S. et al., 2007: Von Mikrowellen zum Infrarot: Das Potential des Submillimeterbereiches für die Atmosphärenforschung. Kolloquium, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, 19. Dezember 2007.
  • Crewell, S. et al., 2007: General Observation Period 2007. Colloquium, Priority Program “Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting”, Langen, Germany, 26. September 2007.
  • Crewell, S., and U. Löhnert, 2007: Wie können wir Wolken mit modernen Fernerkundungsmessungen quantifizieren? Einladungsvortrag, Deutsch-Österreichisch-Schweizerischen Meteorologen-Tagung DACH 2007, Hamburg, Germany, 10-14. September 2007.
  • Crewell, S., 2007: Microwave Radiometry. COPS Summer School, Herrenwies, Germany, 3. August 2007.
  • Crewell, S. et al., 2007: Wie helfen Fernerkundungsdaten bei der Wettervorhersage? Universität Hannover, Kolloquiumsvortrag, 21. Juni 2007.
  • Crewell, S., und B. Pospichal, 2007: Die African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses (AMMA) Messkampagne. Seminarvortrag, DWD CM-SAF, Offenbach, Germany, 19. April 2007.
  • Crewell, S. et al., 2007: First results of the General Observation Period (GOP). 5th COPS Workshop 26-28 March 2007.
  • Löhnert, U., 2007: Determining the atmospheric state by a combination of multiple measurements. COPS Summer School, Herrenwies, Germany, 30. Juli 2007.
  • Löhnert, U., S. Crewell, O. Krasnov, H. Russchenberg, E. O'Connor, 2007: Synergetic retrievals of low-level vertical cloud structure with potential for evaluating and developing EarthCARE satellite products. EarthCare Workshop, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 7-9 May 2007.
  • Löhnert, U., 2007: Thermodynamische Profilierung der Troposphäre - Integration von Messungen und Methoden. Meteorologisches Kolloquium Köln/Bonn, Köln, 22. January 2007.
  • Löhnert, U., S. Crewell, , M. Mech, A. Battaglia, C. Simmer, 2007: RT modeling of realistic atmospheric hydrometeor scenarios: Sensitivity studies from a satellite point of view. IGeoLab GEO-Microwave FG-4, Beijing, China, 12-13 April 2007.
  • Mech, M., S. Crewell und C. Prigent, 2007: Welches Potential für die Niederschlagsfernerkundung steckt in der Beobachtung mit höheren passiven Mikrowellen von geostationären Umlaufbahnen? Deutsch-Österreichisch-Schweizerischen Meteorologen-Tagung DACH 2007, Hamburg, Germany, 10-14 September 2007.
  • Pospichal B., D. Bou Karam, S. Crewell, C. Flamant, 2007: |Observations and model simulations of the diurnal cycle of the Inter-Tropical Discontinuity (ITD) in Djougou and Niamey, Second International AMMA Conference, AMMA2007, Karlsruhe, Germany, 26-30 November 2007.
  • Pospichal, B. und S. Crewell, 2007: Potential von zeitlich hochaufgelösten Temperatur- und Feuchteprofilen in Benin mittels bodengebundener Fernerkundung. Deutsch-Österreichisch-Schweizerischen Meteorologen-Tagung DACH 2007, Hamburg, Germany, 10-14 September 2007.
  • Pospichal, B. and S. Crewell, 2007: Diurnal cycle of the Inter-Tropical depression over central Benin derived from a set of ground-based instruments. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2007, EGU 2007, Vienna, Austria, 15 – 20 April 2007.
  • Reinhardt, T., S. Crewell, U. Löhnert, K. Ebell, and N. van Lipzig, 2007: Evaluating cloud vertical structure in numerical weather prediction models. EarthCare Workshop, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 7-9 May 2007.
  • Reinhardt, T. and C. Selbach, 2007: Evaluation of the LMK and LME with radio soundings. 5th COPS Workshop 26-28 March 2007.
  • Reinhardt, T., S. Crewell, M. Mech, M. Pfeifer, A. Hünerbein, N. van Lipzig, and M. Baldauf, 2007: Quantitative evaluation of regional precipitation forecasts using multi-dimensional remote sensing observations “QUEST”, 1st symposium on Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF), Bad Herrenalb, Black Forest, 5 - 9 March 2007.
  • Yen, W., M. Pfeifer, M. Hagen, M. Clemens, J. Seltman and S. Crewell, 2007: Quantitative Evaluierung von LMK Niederschlagsvorhersagen mit Daten aus der AQUARadar ``Special Observation Period'', Deutsch-Österreichisch-Schweizerischen Meteorologen-Tagung DACH 2007, Hamburg, Germany, 10-14 September 2007.


  • Aires, F., J.P. Chaboureau, S. Crewell, M. Mech, I. Meirold-Mautner, J.P. Pinty, J. Pardo, and C. Prigent, 2006: Analysis of the potential of millimeter wave observations for precipitation estimates: use of simulated brightness temperatures derived from a mesoscale cloud model. 9th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing Applications MICRORAD, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 28 February-3 March 2006.
  • Crewell, S., 2006: Mikrowellen in der Atmosphärenforschung. Antrittsvorlesung, Universität zu Köln, 10. Juli 2006.
  • Crewell, S., U. Löhnert, F. Ament, Th. Rose, and H. Czekala, 2006: Using microwave profiling to evaluate mesoscale model boundary layer forecasts. 7th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling: Needs and Technologies ISTP 2006, Boulder, CO, 11-17 June 2006.
  • Crewell, S. F. Ament, S. Kneifel, U. Löhnert, M. Mech, and B. Pospichal, 2007: Using microwave profiling and sensor synergy to evaluate mesoscale model forecasts. COST 720 Final Symposium, Toulose, France, 15-18 May 2006.
  • Crewell, S. et al., 2006: Wie gut können heutige Wettervorhersagemodelle Wolken und Niederschlag vorhersagen? Kolloquium, Universität Leipzig, 9. Mai 2006.
  • Crewell, S. et al., 2006: The use of microwave radiometers in experimental campaigns for atmospheric research: from radiometer intercomparisons to studies dedicated to clouds. Invited Talk, 9th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing Applications MICRORAD, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 28 February-3 March 2006.
  • Crewell, S., and V. Wulfmeyer, 2006: COPS and GOP: The Proposed Field Activities Within the Priority Program. Review Meeting Priority Program “Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting”, Bad Honnef, Germany, 12-13 January 2006.
  • Crewell, S., et al., 2006: Was Mikrowellen über die Atmosphäre verraten? Kolloquium, Leibniz-Institut fuer Meereswissenschaften Kiel, 10. Januar 2006.
  • Löhnert, U. and O. Krasnov, 2006: Optimal combination of two independent algorithms for retrieving profiles of the thermodynamical state, Cost 720 Final Symposium, 15-18 May 2006, Toulose, France.
  • Löhnert, U., 2006: Fernerkundung der Atmosphäre und deren Nutzen für die Wettervorhersage. Meteorologie im Seniorenstudium, LMU München, Wintersemester 2005/2006.
  • Löhnert, U., 2006: Künstliche Neuronale Netzwerke für die Entwicklung atmosphärischer Retrieval-Algorithmen – Einige Erfahrungen, DLR-IPA Institutsseminar, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 31 July, 2006.
  • Mech, M., S. Crewell, and U. Löhnert, 2006: The use of Microwave Radiometers in Experimental Campaigns for Atmospheric Research. Seminar Talk, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, March 2006.
  • Pospichal, B., S. Crewell, U. Löhnert, and Th. Rose, 2006: Boundary layer temperature profile observations using ground-based microwave radiometers. Int. Symp. for the Advancement of Boundary Layer Remote Sensing ISARS2006, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 17-20 July 2006.
  • van Lipzig, N.P.M., F. Ament, M. Schröder and S. Crewell, 2006: Evaluating model predictions of the atmospheric hydrological cycle by remote sensing observations – the case study and the long term perspective, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly EGU 2006, 2–7 April 2006, Wien, Austria.


  • Crewell, S., 2005: Niederschlag: Wie entsteht er und wie können wir ihn vorhersagen? Seniorenstudium, Universität München, 24. Oktober 2005.
  • Crewell, S., 2005: Niederschlagsbestimmung mit Radar. Radarherbstschule, Universität München, 4-7. Oktober 2005.
  • Crewell, S., 2005: Sensor-Synergie zur Beobachtung der bewölkten Atmosphäre. Seminarvortrag, Universität Hohenheim, 9. Februar 2005.
  • Crewell, S., 2005: Wolken und Niederschlag - von der Messung zur Prognose. Physik-Kolloquium, Universität München, 7. Februar 2005.
  • Crewell, S., 2005: Fernerkundung von Wolken und Niederschlag für die Modellevaluierung. Kolloquium, Meteorologisches Institut, Universität Frankfurt, 3. Februar 2005.
  • Crewell, S., 2005: Herausforderungen in der Wolkenforschung. Seminarvortrag, Institut für Geophysik und Meteorologie, Universität Köln, 18. Januar 2005.
  • Egger, J. und S. Crewell, 2005: Meteorologie - eine Schlüsselwissenschaft unserer Zeit. Vortrag am Tag der offenen Tür, Universität München, 4. Februar 2005.
  • Löhnert, U., 2005: Towards an “all-encompassing” algorithm – an Integrated Profiling Technique. CIMSS Seminar, University of Madison, Madison WI, USA, 14 October 2005.


  • Crewell, S., and V. Freudenthaler, 2004: Lange oder kurze Wellen - was hilft uns mehr beim Verständnis der Wolkenphysik? Seminar der BioMolecularOptics (BMO) Group, Universität München, 17. Dezember 2004.
  • Crewell, S., 2004 :Ground-based passive remote sensing and sensor synergy. 1st COPS workshop, Universität Hohenheim, 13. September 2004.
  • Crewell, S., 2004: Probestudium Meteorologie. Probestudium Physik, Universität München, 8. September 2004.
  • Crewell, S. et al., 2004: Bodengebundene Fernerkundung der bewölkten Atmosphäre: Die BALTEX BRIDGE Kampagnen. Deutsche Meteorologen-Tagung, Karlsruhe, 8. September 2004
  • Crewell, S., 2004: Moderne Messmethoden zur Wolkenbeobachtung und deren Nutzung zur Modellevaluierung. Seminarvortrag, IFU-IMK, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 26. August 2004.
  • Crewell, S., 2004: The BALTEX BRIDGE Campaign (BBC) cases. WMO cloud modeling workshop, Hamburg, Germany, 12 July 2004.
  • Crewell, S. et al., 2004: Evaluierung von Wolkenvorhersagen in Wettervorhersage- und Klimamodellen mit Messungen des BALTEX Cloud Liquid Water Networks: CLIWA-NET. Seminarvortrag, Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung, Karlsruhe, 6 Juli 2004.
  • Crewell, S., 2004: Simulation Study of Precipitating Clouds from Geostationary Orbits with Passive Microwaves. Kick-off meeting, EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, 8 July 2004.
  • Crewell, S., 2004: Wie entlocken wir den Wolken ihre Geheimnisse? - Moderne Fernerkundungsmethoden zum besseren Verständnis der Wolkenmikrophysik. Seminarvortrag, Physik Modern, Universität München, 24 Juni 2004.
  • Crewell, S., 2004: Microwave remote sensing of cloud liquid water:problems and possible solution. Seminar Talk, Reading University, Reading, UK, 29 March 2004.
  • Crewell, S., 2004: Evaluating cloud liquid water in NWP and climate models using ground-based measurements from CLIWA-NET. Seminar Talk, ECMWF, Reading, UK, 29 March 2004.
  • Crewell, S. et al., 2004: Ground-based remote sensing of clouds during the BALTEX Bridge Campaigns. 8th Specialist Meeting on microwave radiometry and remote sensing applications, Rome, Italy, 24-27 February, 2004.
  • Crewell, S., 2004: Ein integrierter Ansatz zum besseren Verständnis von Wolken die BALTEX BRIDGE Kampagnen. Kolloquiumsvortrag, Universität München, 20 January 2004.
  • Löhnert, U., und S. Crewell, 2004: Mikrowellenradiometrie für die Atmosphärenforschung. MIM Seminar, Universität München, 18 Juni 2004.
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