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Cloud Radar JOYRAD-94

Mentor: R. Gierens


The cloud radar JOYRAD-94 is a Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) Radar that transmits saw tooth frequency chirps at 94 GHz. In this way, vertical profiles of reflectivity, Doppler velocity, Doppler spectral width are detected from 150 m to 10 km above ground. Given these measurements, information on the macrophysical (cloud boundaries, type of cloud particles) and microphysical (e.g., liquid and ice water content) properties of the detected cloud can be derived. The radar is operated in a vertically pointing mode. Additionally, the system is equipped with a passive radiometric channel at 89 GHz that is sensible to cloud liquid water. Passive and active receivers are fed by the same antenna, i.e. a perfect beam overlap is accomplished.



  • If you are interested in receiving data please contact: Kerstin Ebell

Current measurements:


    <a href="" target="_blank">
    <img src="" width=300>
    </a> click to enlarge


The figure shows the brightness temperature from the passive 89 GHz channel of JOYRAD-94 as well as radar reflectivity factor, Doppler velocity and Doppler spectral width of the JOYRAD-94 measurements.
Gray areas indicate no data.


Period Place Project
02/03/2023 - today AWIPEV at Ny-Ålesund, Norway (AC)3
14/06/2019 - 22/06/2022 AWIPEV at Ny-Ålesund, Norway (AC)3
23/03/2018 - 06/03/2019 Iquique, Chile CRC1211
10/06/2016 - 26/07/2017 AWIPEV at Ny-Ålesund, Norway (AC)3
16/10/2015 - 23/03/2016 Research Center Jülich, Germany JOYCE


Parameter Specification Remark
Frequency 94 GHz ± 100 MHz corresponds to wavelength of 3.19 mm; adjustable by software between 92.3 and 95.7 GHz
IF Range 350 kHz to 3 MHz
Transmitter Power ~ 2 W solid state amplifier
Antenna gain 50.8 dB
Beam Width 0.53° FWHM
Polarisation V
System Noise Figure 3 dB
Dynamic Range -54 dBZe to +20 DBZe at 1km height, -45 dBZe to +20 dBZe at 3 km height, -36 dBZe to +20 dBZe at 10 km height
Ranging 50 m to 18 km
Calibration Transmitter power monitoring, Receiver Dicke switch (for radar and DD channels), Hot/Cold absolute receiver calibration Accuracy 0.4 dB
A/D Sampling Rate 8.2 MHz
Profile Sampling Rate 0.2 s to 30 s
Vertical Resolution 1 m to 100 m (user selectable)
Doppler Resolution ± 1.5 cm/s
Doppler Range ± 18 m/s max.
Chirp Variations 4 typical 10 possible, re-programmable
Passive Channels 89 GHz
Data Products Reflectivity, Doppler-velocity, Spectral Width, Higher Moments, Doppler Spectra, LWC profiles
Data Formats proprietary binary, netCDF (conformity with CF convention), ASCII (only moment profiles)
Rain / Snow Mitigation System Super blower for rec. / transm. radome (2000 m³/h each) Optional heater modules (2 kW to 4 kW)
Weight Radar main body: 100 kg, Table: 130 kg, Air conductors: 25 kg
Power Consumption 220 V AC, 50-60 Hz, Radar: 400 W, Blowers: 1000 W
Manufacturer RPG
instruments/joyrad94/joyrad94.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/23 11:04 by kerstin