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AWARES: Poster Presentations

Style: Last name of first author first. Working group members are given in bold. Presenter is also underlined. Please sort alphabetically in the list below with last name of first author first.




  • Chatterjee, D., S. Schnitt, P. Bigalke, C. Acquistapace, and S. Crewell: Complementary approaches in self-supervision to exploit EUREC4A measurements and satellite observations for cloud systems over North Atlantic trades, EGU 2023, 23 - 28 April 2023, Vienna (Austria) abstract
  • Ebell, K., C. Buhren, R. Gierens, M. Lauer, G. Chellini, S. Dahlke, and P. Krobot: Multi-year precipitation characteristics based on in-situ and remote sensing observations at the Arctic research site Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, EGU 2023, 23 - 28 April 2023, Vienna (Austria) abstract
  • Ebell, K., N. Baumann, C. Buhren, I. Schirmacher, M. Mech, S. Schnitt, S. Crewell: Cloud and precipitation characteristics during marine cold air outbreaks in the North Atlantic Arctic from recent ground- and aircraft-based campaigns, CFMIP-GASS 2023, 9 - 13 July 2023, Paris (France) abstract
  • Lauer, M. et al.: Influence of atmospheric rivers, cyclones and fronts on precipitation in the Arctic: a climatological perspective, EGU 2023, 23 - 28 April 2023, Vienna (Austria)
  • Risse, N., M. Mech, C. Prigent, G. Spreen, and S. Crewell: Analysis of airborne-derived sea ice emissivities up to 340 GHz in preparation for future satellite missions, EGU 2023, 23 - 28 April 2023, Vienna (Austria) abstract poster
  • Schirmacher, I., P. Kollias, K. Lamer, M. Mech, L. Pfitzenmaier, M. Wendisch, and S. Crewell: Assessing Arctic low-level clouds and precipitation from above - a radar perspective , EGU 2023, 23 - 28 April 2023, Vienna (Austria) abstract, Poster
  • Schirmacher, I., M. Mech, S. Schnitt, M.Wendisch, S. Crewell: Airborne remote sensing observations of Arctic low-level clouds and precipitation during cold air outbreaks, abstract IUGG , 11-17 July 2023, Berlin, Germany, Poster
  • Vicencio Veloso, J., C. Böhm, J. Schween, U. Löhnert, and S. Crewell: The overlooked role of westerly moisture source for summer fog, clouds and rainfall in the hyperarid Atacama Desert using ERA5 reanalysis, WRF simulations and surface-based observations. ECMWF Annual Seminar 2023, 4-8 Sep 2023, Reading, UK. poster
  • Vicencio J., C. Böhm C., J. Schween, U. Löhnert and S. Crewell: The overlooked role of westerly moisture as a source of summer rainfall in the hyperarid Atacama Desert. AGU Fall Meeting 2023, 11-15 Dec 2023, San Francisco, USA. abstract
  • Walbroel, A. et al.: Water vapour from microwave radiometers and IASI during MOSAiC, 2nd MOSAiC Science Conference, 13-17 February 2023, Boulder, CO (USA) Poster
  • Walbröl, A., J. Rückert, G. Spreen, S. Crewell, and K. Ebell: Water vapour in the central Arctic: How well do satellite products, reanalyses and reference observations from the MOSAiC expedition agree?, (AC)3 General Assembly 2023, 5-7 Dec 2023, Leipzig, Germany. Poster
  • Walbröl, A., J. Rückert, G. Spreen, S. Crewell, and K. Ebell: Water vapour in the central Arctic: How well do satellite products, reanalyses and reference observations from the MOSAiC expedition agree?, AGU Fall Meeting 2023, 11-15 Dec 2023, San Francisco, USA. abstract Poster


  • Chatterjee, D, H. Deneke, S. Crewell: Understanding cloud systems structure and organization using a machines self-learning capability, * 2nd Workshop on Cloud Organization, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 16 - 19 May 2022 abstract
  • Ebell, K., C. Buhren, R. Gierens, M. Lauer, G. Chellini, M. Maturilli, P. Krobot: Multi-year precipitation characteristics based on in-situ and remote sensing observations at the Arctic research site Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. 1 The 17th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, 8 - 12 August 2022, Madison, WI, USA abstract
  • Herber, A., M. Klingebiel, S. Becke , S. Crewell, A. Ehrlich, O. Jourdan, C.Lüpkes, M. Mech, M. Moser, and M. Wendisch: MOSAiC-Accompanying Atmospheric Airborne Measurements with Polar-5 in August/September 2020, MOSAiC Workshop, 25-29 April 2022, Potsdam abstract-herber_postersession-13_mosaic-conference.pdf
  • Mech, M., Maahn, M., Kneifel, S., Ori, D., Schemann, V., and Crewell, S.: Passive and Active Microwave Transfer (PAMTRA): a tool to simulate observations from space, air, and ground, ESA Living Planet Symposiium, 23 - 27 May 2022, Bonn, Germany abstract
  • Mroz, K., Battaglia, A., Kneifel, S., von Terzi, L., Ori D., Karrer, M. The link between rain and ice microphysics across the melting layer, ERAD2022 28 Aug - 02 Sep 2022, Locarno, Switzerland
  • Ori, D., M. Karrer, L. von Terzi, S. Kneifel: Towards a database of scattering properties of ensemble rather than individual ice and snow particles, ERAD2022, 28 Aug - 02 Sep 2022, Locarno, Switzerland
  • Risse, N.: Validation of TELSEM² using observed sea ice emissivities up to 340 GHz in preparation for the Ice Cloud Imager (ICI), EUMETSAT 2022 MetSat Conference, 19-23 September, Brussels, Belgium abstract poster
  • Saavedra-Garfias, P., H. Kalesse-Los, G. Spreen, V. Ludwig, H. Griesche, K. Ebell, A. Walbröl, R. Engelmann, M. Radenz, P. Seifert: Classification of cloud microphysical properties as a function of sea ice concentration conditions during MOSAiC, MOSAiC Workshop, 25-29 April 2022, Potsdam abstract
  • Schnitt, S., Chatterjee, D., Bigalke, P., Crewell, S.: Shallow convective organization in the Trades as seen by self-learning artificial intelligence, 2nd Workshop on Cloud Organization, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 16-19 May 2022, abstract
  • Schnitt, S., Mech, M., Rose, T., Schemann, V. and Crewell, S.: GRAWAC: G-band Radar for Water vapor profiling and Arctic clouds. 1th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, 29 August - 2 September 2022, Locarno, Switzerland. abstract
  • Tiedeck, S., I. Gorodetskaya, S. Crewell, A. Rinke: Atmospheric River during MOSAiC in Mid-November 2019, MOSAiC Workshop, 25-29 April 2022, Potsdam postermosaic.pdf
  • Vicencio Veloso, J., C. Böhm, U. Löhnert, and S. Crewell: A Comparative Study: Water Vapor Transports in the Atacama and Namib Desert Regions. GSGS-1211 Science Meeting 2022, 13-14 May 2022, Köln, Deutschland. poster
  • Vicencio Veloso, J., C. Böhm, M. Reyers, U. Löhnert, and S. Crewell: The overlooked role of westerly moisture source for summer precipitation in the Atacama Desert. GSGS-1211 2nd Science Meeting 2022, 18-19 Nov 2022, Köln, Deutschland. poster
  • Walbröl, A., K. Ebell, R. Engelmann, H. Griesche, M. Radenz, J. Hofer, D. Althausen, S. Crewell: Thermodynamic profiles, IWV and LWP from ground-based microwave radiometers during MOSAiC, MOSAiC Workshop, 25-29 April 2022, Potsdam Abstract Poster


  • Acquistapace C., Risse N., Schnitt S., Lange D. and Späth F.: Cloud and rain features observed from the RV MS Merian in the transition region between the trades and the inter-tropical convergence zone, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 13-17 December, New Orleans, USA, online
  • Acquistapace C., Niyonkuru Meroni A., Lange D., Späth F. and Labbri G.: Atmospheric Imprint of a Cold Sea Patch in the North-western Tropical Atlantic, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 13-17 December, New Orleans, USA, online
  • Bock, O., P. Bosser, C. Flamant, E. Doerflinger, F. Jansen, R. Fages, S. Bony, S. Schnitt: IWV observations from a network of ground-based GNSS receivers during EUREC4A, EGU2021, online
  • Bresson, H. et al. (incl. S. Crewell, K. Ebell, M. Mech, V. Schemann): Case study of an Arctic atmospheric river with the ICON model. EGU2021, 19-30 April 2021, online.
  • G. Chellini, R. Gierens, T. Kiszler, V. Schemann, S. Kneifel: Enhanced aggregation observed in Arctic shallow mixed-phase clouds at temperatures between -15 and -10°C. AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 13-17 Dec 2021, New Orleans, USA / hybrid
  • Dekhtyareva, A., M. Maturilli, K. Ebell, A. Johannessen, A. W. Seidl, M. O. Jonassen, O. Hermansen, J. M. Welker, H. Sodemann, Cloud microphysical processes during ISLAS 2020 campaign in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard Science Conference 2021, 2-3 November 2021, Oslo, Norway abstract
  • Ebell, K., M. Maturilli, J. Notholt, S. Dahlke, R. Gierens, M. Palm, D. Ji, C. Ritter: Recent developments in observing the Ny-Ålesund atmospheric column and beyond, 3rd (AC)3 Science Conference, 25 - 27 October 2021, Potsdam abstract poster
  • R. Gierens, L. Hayo, T. Kiszler, V. Schemann, M. Maturilli, K. Ebell: Local processes modifying atmospheric humidity around Ny-Ålesund, Kongsfjorden. Svalbard Science Conference 2021, 2-3 November 2021, Oslo, Norway Poster
  • Ori D., Blahak U., Mendrok J., Kneifel, S.: The PRISTINE project: Polarimetric Radar simulations with realistic Ice and Snow properties and mulTI-frequeNcy consistency Evaluation, 3rd International Summer Snowfall Workshop, 31 August - 4 September, Reading, UK, online poster
  • Ori D., von Terzi L., Karrer M., Kneifel S.: snowScatt-1.0: A consistent model of microphysical and scattering properties of rimed and unrimed snowflakes based on the self-similar Rayleigh–Gans approximation, 3rd International Summer Snowfall Workshop, 31 August - 4 September, Reading, UK, online poster
  • Ori D., Karrer M., Kneifel S., Schemann V., von Terzi L., Seifert A.: Constraining ice microphysics parameterization in the ICON model using triple-frequency Doppler cloud radar observations and ice particle modeling, International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation 2021, 1-6 August, Pune, India, online
  • Ori D., Schemann V.: Simulation of airborne radar measurements in the Arctic using weather models and an advanced forward operator HALO Status Colloquium 14-15 September, online poster
  • Ori D., Schemann V.: Simulation of airborne radar measurements in the Arctic using weather models and an advanced forward operator AC3 Science Meeting, 25-27 October, Potsdam poster
  • Pasquier, J., J. Henneberger, J. Wieder, G. Li, R. O. David, T. Carlsen, R. Gierens, K. Ebell, M. Maturilli, R. Neuber, P. Zieger, and U. Lohmann: Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds: The NASCENT 5-Days Case Study with HoloBalloon, ICCP2021, 2-6 August 2021, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India, hybrid/virtual meeting abstract
  • Rückert, J. E., A. Walbröl, K. Ebell, G. Spreen: Variability and trends of water vapor in the Arctic. 3rd (AC)³ Science Conference 2021, 25-27 October 2021, Potsdam.poster
  • Schemann, V., G. Chellini, K. Ebell, R. Gierens, T. Kiszler, S. Kneifel: Investigating mixed-phase clouds at Ny-Ålesund, Arctic Frontiers, 1–4 February 2021, Tromsø, Norway/online abstract
  • Schnitt, S., V. Schemann, M. Mech: Investigating simulated clouds at varying resolution with remote sensing measurements during the EUREC4A field study, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 13-17 December, New Orleans, USA, online abstract
  • Schnitt, S., U. Löhnert, R. Preusker: Simulating the synergy of microwave radiometer and differential absorption radar for advancing water vapor profiling in cloudy trade-wind conditions, EGU 2021, online abstract
  • Walbröl, A., P. Konjari, R. Engelmann, H. Griesche, M. Radenz, J. Hofer, D. Althausen, S. Crewell, K. Ebell: abstract. EGU2021, 19-30 April 2021, online.
publications/poster_a.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/12 10:37 by kerstin