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Open positions in our research group

PhD Graduate Research Position in Meteorology (0,75% TVL13)

This DFG-funded research project aims to characterize and understand the geometric and spatial structure of cumulus cloud populations in high, unprecedented detail using a new stereo camera network at our JOYCE site in Jülich, in combination with high-resolution simulations with the ICON-LEM model. We are looking for a model enthusiast to conduct the simulations on a supercomputer and to cross-compare the model results with stereo camera data and satellite data. Subsequently this information will be used to improve the representation of cumulus clouds in weather and climate models. The work will be conducted in collaboration with scientists at the Meteorological Institute of the University of Bonn.

The full description can be found here. Applications should be submitted before 15 December 2019. The position will be available until filled. This is the second announcement of this vacant position.

vacancies.1574926106.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/28 08:28 by neggers