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InScAPE Parameterization Testbed

InScAPE Parameterization Testbed

The combined use of fine-scale model output and measurements can be helpful to gain insight into the process that is to be parameterized, and can inspire new ideas. Once a new parameterization has been formulated, its impact on the performance of the associated larger-scale model as a whole can also be studied, by comparing its output against selected measurements. Both stages require the availability of long-term (i.e. multi-year) records of both measurements and model output. Only then can statistical significance of the evaluation be ensured. Parameterization testbeds thus provide a “testing ground” for model development and evaluation, of larger-scale models but also of LES itself.

In parameterization testbeds an important intermediary role is played by Single Column Modeling (SCM), in which only a single vertical column from the grid of a GCM is integrated forward in time. The boundary conditions and larger-scale forcings are prescribed, usually obtained from a larger-scale model and/or observations. The suite of subgrid-scale parameterizations of the GCM is free to act, and can create their own unique model state. This can give insight into the behavior of parameterization at process level, and can help in understanding model biases as diagnosed in a GCM. While the highly reduced cost and enhanced transparency of SCM simulation are clear benefits, one should always be aware of its limitations. For example, the interaction with the larger-scale flow is exclusively one-way (down-scale). However, new techniques are being developed to allow the larger-scale flow to respond to the subgrid physics in SCM simulation. One of these makes use of the Weak Temperature Gradient (WTG) approximation in the tropics.

The InScAPE parameterization testbed is a continuation of the KNMI Parameterization Testbed (KPT). The KPT was initiated and developed by Prof. Roel Neggers when affiliated at the KNMI in the period 2007-2013. What KPT and InScAPE share is the general modelling and evaluation strategy that is applied. In practice the InScAPE testbed consists of a database of model simulations, a database of processed and quality checked observational products, and an interactive Graphical User Interface (GUI) to compare these datastreams. Currently a number of supersites are included. The home site is the Jülich ObservatorY for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE) that is located at the Research Centre Jülich, and is operated by the research group of Prof.Susanne Crewell. Simulations are also performed at the Barbados Cloud Observatory (BCO), in order to study fast feedback mechanisms between subtropical marine boundary-layer clouds and the changing global climate. Recently the AWIPEV site at Ny Ålesund was added to the list of supersites, as part of our participation in the ongoing TR172 project on Arctic Amplification (AC)3.

ICON-LEM around supersites

To follow up on the question how to compare best high-resolution simulations with observations and by this continue to create a database for parameterization development, we investigate high resolution simulations around sites with several measurement instruments. The ICON-LEM setup allows to have open boundaries and topography, both aspects are nice for simulating different synoptic situations. The simulations around the supersites are forced by a NWP model like the COSMO-DE or IFS, depending on availability. More information about the setup). So far we started simulations at the JOYCE supersite close to Jülich in North Rhine-Westfalia in Germany, the Zugspitze in the Alpes and Ny Ålesund at Spitsbergen.

Basic quantities like the integrated water vapor are used to evaluate how well the model captures the mean weather state and follows the observed variability. The comparison and evaluation of the simulation with observations is ongoing work. Additionally the simulation output can be used for further research, including process understanding and testing of sensitivities.

testbed.1505491070.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/15 17:57 by neggers