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Dual Polarization Radiometer (DPR)

Mentor: M. Maahn


The Dual-Polarization Radiometer (DPR) measures brightness temperatures at the frequencies of 90 and 150 GHz. DPR is sensitive to particle orientation since it observes the brightness temperature difference between the vertical and horizontal polarization channels at 150 GHz, and it is especially important for the retrievals of particle shape and orientation with polarization observations. DPR also has a high sensitivity to the supercooled liquid water in clouds due to the high-frequency window channels.


RPG DPR at UFS, Zugspitze, Germany.


Date Titel Project
08/2012 - present UFS, Zugspitze, Germany TOSCA
11/2011 - 03/2012 CARE, Egbert, Ontario, Canada GCPEx & ADMIRARI
12/2007 - 09/2011 UFS, Zugspitze, Germany TOSCA
05/2007 - 10/2007 Heselbach (Black Forest) COPS & GOP
04/2006 - 02/2007 UFS, Zugspitze, Germany




Parameter Specification
Channel Frequencies [GHz] 90; 149.9 (V pol.); 150.1 (H pol.)
Channel band-widths [MHz] 2000
Optical Resolution (HPBW)
Side-lobe level < 30dBc
Size (mm x mm x mm) 630x360x900
Power Consumption <120 Watts average, 300 Watts peak for warming-up (without dew blower heater)
Weight (kg) ~120
instruments/dpr/dpr.1349168908.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/07 19:53 (external edit)