Climatological Station Hohenheim (since 1878)
Location: 10 km south of the city of Stuttgart, Germany
Operator: Inst. of Physics and Meteorology, University of Hohenheim
Prof. Dr. Wulfmeyer,
Dipl. Met. Ingeborg Henning-Müller (
Instrumentation for GOP
Met. Parameter | Unit | Type of Instrument | Name | Time |
Air Temperature 2m above ground | °C | Thermohygrogeber Compact CPC 1/4 TH / Thies, Nr. 1.1005.54.000 | T200 | 30“ |
Relative Humidity 2m above ground | % | Thermohygrogeber Compact CPC 1/4 TH / Thies, Nr. 1.1005.54.000 | RH200 | 30” |
Air Temperature 5 cm above soil | °C | PT-100, 4-conducting wires (metal) Ahlborn | T005 | 30“ |
Wind from Direction 10 m above ground | Degree | Combined Anemometer 1464 H,G,F 1000 (+heating 24 VAC/30V, sep. Alimentation) Lambrecht, Nr. 560012 | WD100 | 30” |
Wind Speed 10 m above ground | m/s | Combined Anemometer 1464 H,G,F 1000 (+heating 24 VAC/30V, sep. Alimentation) Lambrecht, Nr. 560012 | WS1000 | 30“ |
Global Radiation 2 m above ground | W/m2 | Albedometer CM7b (upper site) Thies, Nr. 7.1415.25.000 | GR200 | 30” |
Reflected short Radiation 2 m above ground | W/m2 | Albedometer CM7b (under site) Thies, Nr. 7.1415.25.000 | RR200 | 30“ |
Longwave Radiation Budget 2 m above ground | W/m2 | Netradiometer NR LITE Kipp&Zonen (Thies) | NR200 | 30” |
Rain-Collector 1 m above ground | mm | Electrical Rain-Collector with seasaw /REED-Contact (Impulses) Thies, Nr. 5.4032.35.008 | RAIN | 30“ |
Soil Temperature at 2 cm under bare soil | °C | PT100 with 4-conducting wires, Ahlborn | ST002 | 30” |
Soil Temperature at 5 cm under bare soil | °C | PT100 with 4-conducting wires, Ahlborn | ST005 | 30“ |
Soil Temperature at 10 cm under bare soil | °C | PT100 with 4-conducting wires, Ahlborn | ST010 | 30” |
Soil Temperature at 20 cm under bare soil | °C | PT100 with 4-conducting wires, Ahlborn | ST020 | 30“ |
Soil Temperature at 50 cm under bare soil | °C | PT100 with 4-conducting wires, Ahlborn | ST050 | 30” |
Explanation: (Decimal Point = '.' ; Separation signe between values = ',' ; Missing values = '–' ;
Time = MEZ(Mean European Winter-Time)
Actualisation: 2007/08/20
station_hohenheim.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/22 22:19 by