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Drop size distribution (GOP-3)

Observations of the rain drop size distribution (RDSD) with ground-based disdrometers and vertically pointing Micro Rain Radars (MRR) will be performed. At least 13 will be located at selected sites in order to study differences of RDSDs over flat terrain including maritime conditions on one hand and over orographically structured terrain on the other hand. A transect of MRRs will be deployed in the COPS area and coordinated with polarimetric radar (POLDIRAD/DLR) observations during COPS. Examples of actual MRR observations can be viewed here.

Different surface based disdrometers are used as well: 2 Joss Waldvogel disdrometer (JWD), 3 optical disdrometer ODM470, and 4 Parsivel disdrometers. These instruments are based on different physical principle and methods for retrieving DSDs and will thus help to keep the major uncertainty of MRR-based DSDs under control, namely a potential bias due to vertical wind.

Name Code PI Location Temp. Reso. Vert. Reso. Products Data/Year Availability
MRR mrr_berl Peters Berlin 10 sec 100 m RDSD 10 GB check
ODM470_1 odk_berl Bumke Berlin

RDSD, wind speed 1 GB check
MRR mrr_berg Simmer Bergheim 10 sec 100 m RDSD 10 GB not yet
MRR mrr_bonn Simmer Bonn 10 sec 100 m RDSD 10 GB not yet
Parsivel par_bonn Simmer Bonn

RDSD 1 GB check
MRR mrr_hamb Peters Hamburg 10 sec 100 m RDSD 10 GB check
MRR mrr_helg Peters Helgoland 10 sec 100 m RDSD 10 GB not yet
ODM470_2 odk_helg Bumke Helgoland

RDSD, wind speed 1 GB check
MRR mrr_kiel Peters Kiel 10 sec 100 m RDSD 10 GB check
ODM470_3 odk_kiel Bumke Kiel

RDSD, wind speed 1 GB check
MRR mrr_lich Hagen Lichtenau 10 sec 100 m RDSD 10 GB check
JWD jwd_lich Hagen Lichtenau

RDSD 1 GB not yet
Parsivel par_lich Hagen Lichtenau

RDSD 1 GB not yet
MRR mrr_lind Engelbart Lindenberg 10 sec 100 m RDSD 10 GB not yet
MRR mrr_zing Peters Zingst 10 sec 100 m RDSD 10 GB check
MRR mrr_cop2 Peters Black Forest10 sec 100 m RDSD 10 GB not yet
ODM470_4 odk_cop2 Bumke Black Forest

RDSD, wind speed 1 GB check
MRR mrr_cop3 Seltmann Black Forest 10 sec 100 m RDSD 10 GB not yet
Parsivel par_cop3 Simmer Black Forest

RDSD 1 GB not yet
MRR mrr_cop4 Crewell Black Forest 10 sec 100 m RDSD 10 GB not yet

Susanne Crewell 2007/03/23 16:56

gop_3.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/22 22:19 by