Permanent forest meteorological experimental site Hartheim
7.6° E, 47.93° N, altitude: 201 m a.s.l.
Meteorological Institute, University of Freiburg
Prof. Dr. H. Mayer
Werderring 10, D-79085 Freiburg
adult trees: mainly Pinus sylvestris L., some patches Pinus nigra L.
Lower vegetation: Hardwood
mean canopy height: 15.0 m
stand age: 43 y
stand density: 800 trees/ha
plant area index: 1.9 m2/m2
mean breast height diameter: 15.6 cm
soil type: sandy-silty Loam on gravel/sand
mean thickness of the surface layer: 40 cm (14-88 cm)
Density: 1.0-1.4 g cm3
Field capacity: 31.4 vol.%
Wilting point: 11.7 vol.%
component | type of instrument |
photosynthetically active radiation above the canopy | Li-190SZ (quantum sensor)/ Li-COR Biosciences GmbH, Lincoln, NE, USA |
photosynthetically active radiation below the canopy | Li-190SZ (quantum sensor, 2 levels) / Li-COR Biosciences GmbH, Lincoln, NE, USA |
short-wave radiative fluxes | CM21 (ventilated pyranometer) / Kipp&Zonen Inc., Delft, Netherlands |
long-wave radiative fluxes | CG4 (ventilated pyrgeometer) / Kipp&Zonen Inc. , Delft, Netherlands |
soil heat flux | HFP01SC, HFP01 (heat flux plate) / Hukseflux, Delft, Netherlands |
soil temperature | PT100 (6 levels) / Heraeus Sensor Technology, Kleinostheim, Germany |
soil moisture | CS615 (TDR) / Campbell Scientific Inc., Logan, Utah, USA |
air temperature, wet bulb temperature aspirated psychrometers | PT100 (8 levels) / Heraeus Sensor Technology, Kleinostheim, Germany |
horizontal wind velocity | WAA151 (cup anemometer, 8 levels) / Vaisala GmbH, Helsinki, Finland |
wind direction | W200P (wind vane) / Vector Instruments |
wind components | CSAT3 (sonic anemometer) / Campbell Scientific Inc., Logan, Utah, USA |
concentrations of H2O and CO2 | Li7500 (open path IRGA) / Li-COR Biosciences, Lincoln, NE, USA GmbH |
precipitation | ombrometer, pluviometer / Ott Hydrometrie, Kempten, Germany |
precipitation (throughfall) | rain gutter with tipping bucket gauge ARG100 / Campbell Scientific Inc., Logan, Utah, USA |
data acquisition | CR5000, CR23x, CR21x (datalogger) / Campbell Scientific Inc., Logan, Utah, USA |
variable | measurement height |
above canopy air temperature | 1.5 hc=23 m |
below canopy air temperature | 0.4 hc=6 m |
above canopy water pressure | 1.5 hc=23 m |
below canopy water pressure | 0.4 hc=6 m |
wind direction | 2.0 hc=30 m |
precipitation | 2.0 hc=30 m |
above canopy net radiation | 1.2 hc=18 m |
above canopy incoming shortwave radiation | 1.2 hc=18 m |
above canopy reflected shortwave radiation | 1.2 hc=18 m |
above canopy incoming longwave radiation | 1.2 hc=18 m |
above canopy emitted longwave radiation | 1.2 hc=18 m |
soil temperature | -0.01 m; -0.03 m; -0.05 m; -0.10 m; -0.20 m; -0.40 m |
volumetric soil moisture content | average from 0.0 to -0.3 m |
station_hartheim.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/22 22:19 by