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Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernerhaus


Scientific Goals

  • Long-term observations of vertical profiles of temperature and humidity
  • Long-term observation of integrated water vapor (IWV) and liquid water path (LWP)
  • Investigation of super-cooled liquid water
  • Retrieval of snowfall quantities like snow water path (SWP) and snowflake orientation especially at higher frequency channels see also TOSCA


The Schneefernerhaus is an unique research station located at 2650m ASL in the bavarian Alps just 300m below the Zugspitze mountain (Germany's highest mountain). Due to the high elevation especially radiometric measurements at higher frequencies are less affected by water vapor and boundary layer inhomogeneities. This enhances measurements of liquid water content as well as snowfall studies.


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sites/ufs.1303144460.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/07 19:53 (external edit)