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Table of Contents


Presenter is underlined. Working group members are given in bold. Please sort alphabetically with last name of first author first.


  • Acquistapace, C., D. Lange, N. Risse, and Florian Späth: Investigation on the impact of environmental parameters on ship-based observations of trade wind shallow cumuli and precipitation. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022
  • Chatterjee, D.,H. Deneke, S. Crewell: Utilizing the self-learning capability of a deep neural network and continuous monitoring of geostationary satellite to understand clouds structure and organization. ECMWF Machine Learning Workshop, Virtual, 31 March 2022 abstract
  • Chatterjee, D.,H. Deneke, S. Crewell: Can satellite images provide supervision for cloud systems characterization? EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022
  • Chellini, G., Gierens, R., Kiszler, T., Schemann, V., and Kneifel, S.: Arctic low-level mixed-phase clouds produce large aggregates predominantly at dendritic-growth temperatures: evidence from long-term remote sensing observations in Ny-Ålesund, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022 abstract
  • Chellini, G., R. Gierens, T. Kiszler, V. Schemann, S. Kneifel: Precipitation formation in Arctic low-level mixed-phase clouds: assessing the role of aggregation with long-term radar observations from Ny-Ålesund. 16th Conference on Cloud Physics , 8 - 12 August 2022, Madison, WI, USA.
  • Crewell, S., 2022: Introduction to microwave remote sensing, Atmospheric Physics summer school, Bad Honnef, 4.7.2022.
  • Crewell, S., A. Ehrlich, Manfred Wendisch and the HALO-AC3 Team: An airborne campaign to assess the influence of airmass transport for Arctic Amplification, Seminar Talk, IRF Kiruna, Sweden, 24 March 2022.
  • Crewell, S. and M. Mech: Flying Cloud Radars to Understand Arctic Warming. Popular Science Talk, Ny Alesund, 28 June 2022.
  • Gierens, R., S. Kneifel, J. T. Pasquier, F. Ramelli, D. Ori, M. D. Shupe, K. Ebell, U. Löhnert: Interpretation of cloud radar Doppler spectra in Arctic mixed-phase clouds: evaluation using co-located in situ measurements. 16th Conference on Cloud Physics , 8 - 12 August 2022, Madison, WI, USA. abstract
  • Henneberger, J., J. Wieder, J. Pasquier, F. Ramelli, Z. A. Kanji, U. Lohmann, M. Haarig, J. Bühl, M. Radenz, P. Seifert, R. Gierens: Ice formation in mixed-phase clouds through collocated in-situ and remote sensing measurements. 16th Conference on Cloud Physics , 8 - 12 August 2022, Madison, WI, USA. abstract
  • Jia, H., J. Quaas, E. Gryspeerdt, C. Böhm, O. Sourdeval: Addressing the difficulties in quantifying the Twomey effect for marine warm clouds from multi-sensor satellite observations and reanalysis. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022 abstract
  • Mech, M., S. Crewell, and V. Schemann: Arctic mixed-phase clouds as observed during (AC)3 airborne campaigns and their representation in the ICON-LEM model, Living Planet Symposium, Bonn, Germany, 27 May 2022, abstract
  • Ori, D., L. von Terzi, M. Karrer, S. Kneifel :Towards a database of scattering properties of ensemble rather than individual ice and snow particles, 10th International Precipitation Working Group, Colorado State University 13-17 June 2022
  • Pasquier, J. T., J. Henneberger, J. Wieder, R. O. David, F. Ramelli, G. Li, A. Lauber, T. Carlsen, R. Gierens, M. Maturilli, U. Lohmann, and P. Zieger: Secondary ice production in Arctic mixed-phase clouds during the NASCENT campaign, QuIESCENT Arctic workshop, 1 April 2022
  • Pasquier, J. T., Ramelli, F., David, R. O., Wieder, J., Li, G., Lauber, A., Lohmann, U., Carlsen, T., Gierens, R., Maturilli, M., and Henneberger, J.: Importance of secondary ice production over a large temperature range in Arctic mixed-phase clouds, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022,
  • Vicencio Veloso, J., C. Böhm, U. Löhnert, and S. Crewell: A Comparative Study: Water Vapor Transports in the Atacama and Namib Desert Regions. CRC1211 (Earth-Evolution at the dry limit) Summer Lectures Series, Köln, Deutschland, 20 Jun 2022.
  • Vicencio Veloso, J., C. Böhm, U. Löhnert, and S. Crewell: Understanding atmospheric differences in the water vapor transport for the Atacama and Namib deserts. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 24 May 2022, abstract


  • Chellini, G., R. Gierens, T. Kiszler, V. Schemann, S. Kneifel: Enhanced aggregation observed in Arctic shallow mixed-phase clouds at temperatures between -15 and -10°C. AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 13-17 December, New Orleans, USA, online
  • Crewell, S., M. Mech, S.A. Bühler, P. Eriksson, C. Prigent, What new information on clouds and precipitation will become available rom ICI?, User preparation webinar on EPS-SG MWS, MWI and IC, Eumetsat, 2021.
  • Crewell, S., K. Ebell, P. Konjari, M. Mech, T. Nomokonova, A. Radovan, D. Strack, A. Triana Gomez, S. Noel, R. Scarlat, G. Spreen, M. Maturilli, A. Rinke, I. Gorodetskaya, C. Viceto, T. August, M. Schröder, Can current integrated water vapor products be used to investigate Arctic climate change? EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2021, Virtual Edition 20-24 September 2021
  • Crewell, S., M. Mech, K. Ebell, V. Schemann and many more: Why is climate change most pronounced in the Arctic? Interdisciplinary forum, 20 May 2021, Cologne
  • Ebell, K., S. Crewell, A. Walbröl, P. Konjari, M. Mech, T. Nomokonova, A. Radovan, D.Strack, A. Triana-Gómez, S. Noël, R. Scarlat, G. Spreen, M. Maturilli, A. Rinke, I. Gorodetskaya, C. Viceto, T. August, M. Schröder: A systematic assessment of water vapor products in the Arctic: from instantaneous measurements to monthly means, ESA Water Vapour Climate Change Initiative User Workshop, 14-18 June 2021, online abstract
  • Ebell, K., S. Crewell, T. Nomokonova, M. Maturilli, A. Rinke, C. Ritter: Role of clouds and water vapor in the Arctic radiative energy budget, Svalbard Science Conference 2021, 2-3 November 2021, Oslo, Norway abstract
  • Karrer M., Seifert A., Ori D., Schemann V., Kneifel S. Improved Ice Aggregation Formulation in the Seifert-Beheng Two-Moment Microphysics Scheme, ICON/COSMO/CLM/ART User Seminar (ICCARUS) 2021, 8-12 March, Offenbach am Main, Germany, online
  • Karrer M., Seifert A., Ori D., Schemann V., Kneifel S. Improved Ice Aggregation Formulation in a Two-Moment Microphysics Scheme, High-Tune Workshop Improvement and calibration of clouds in models, 12-16 April, Toulouse, France, online
  • Pasquier, J., J. Henneberger, J. Wieder, G. Li, F. Ramelli, R. O. David, T. Carlsen, R. Gierens, K. Ebell, M. Maturilli, P. Zieger, U. Lohmann: Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds: 5-Day Case Study with HoloBalloon, Arctic Science Summit Week 2021, 24-26 March 2021, online
publications/talk_a.1660918724.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/08/19 16:18 by rosa