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Mentor: M. Toporov


SNOHATSnow Humidity and Temperature Profiler (snow refers to its snowy environment, not to a device feature) is a HATPRO radiometer that is installed permanently at the Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernerhaus (UFS). Its purpose is to continuously monitor cloud liquid water path (LWP) and integrated water vapour (IWV) in a high alpine environment using 7 brightness temperature measurements between 22.235 and 31.400 GHz. The combination of these frequencies with the 90 and 150 GHz channels of the Dual Polarization Radiometer (DPR, also located at UFS) are specifically valuable for inferring super-cooled low LWPs. Methods for combining both instruments are currently under development. Additionally 7 SNOHAT measurements between 51.26 and 58.00 GHz, along with an elevation scanning procedure (every 15 minutes), allow the retrieval of high-quality temperature profiles. For more information on the applied statistical retrievals see Crewell and Löhnert (2007).


SNOHAT (RPG HATPRO) at UFS, Zugspitze, Germany.


Current measurements:


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The figure shows the relative humidity (RH, top row) and temperature (second row) of the environment as well as the Integrated Water Vapor (IWV, third row) and Liquid Water Path (LWP, last row) derived from SNOHAT.


Period Place Project
12/2009 - 06/2023 UFS, Zugspitze, Germany
08 - 09/2009 Inden, Germany TR32
04/2006 - 02/2009 UFS, Zugspitze, Germany
01 - 02/2006 Darwin, Australia TWP-ICE
11 - 12/2005 UFS, Zugspitze, Germany


Parameter Specification
Receiver 1 water vapor and liquid water absorption
Frequencies [GHz] 22.24, 23.04, 23.84, 25.44, 26.24, 27.84, 31.40
Channel band-widths [MHz] 230, 230, 230, 230, 230, 230, 230
Optical Resolution (HPBW) 3.3°-3.7°
Receiver 2 oxygen absorption
Frequencies [GHz] 51.26, 52.28, 53.86, 54.94, 56.66, 57.30, 58.00
Channel band-widths [MHz] 230, 230, 230, 230, 600, 1000, 2000
Optical Resolution (HPBW) 2.2°- 2.5°
Side-lobe level < -30 dBc
Size 630 mm x 360 mm x 900 mm
Power Consumption <150 W (350 W peak) + dew blower
Weight 60 kg
Temporal Resolution 1-2 sec
Manufacturer RPG
instruments/snohat/snohat.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/20 15:55 by tobias