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Mentor: A. Kremer


FOGHAT is a humidity and temperature profiler (HATPRO) manufactured by RPG. It measures 7 brightness temperatures in the water vapor line (22.24 GHz) and 7 in the oxygen complex (60 GHz), the former brightness temperatures are used for water vapor profiling, the latter for temperature profiling. Measurements around the water vapor line are used to derive integrated water vapor (IWV) and integrated liquid water (LWP) content.
As of March 2018, FOGHAT was deployed at the Iquique site in the framework of the CRC 1211 Dry Limit and performed synchronous measurements with the Cloud Radar JOYRAD-94 and a HALO Photonics windlidar. Synergetic measurements of FOGHAT, the cloud radar JOYRAD-94, and the windlidar deployed at the Iquique site are used to study fog and clouds forming at the coast of North Chile at the edge of the Atacama.



Period Place Project
03/2018 - 03/2019 Iquique, Chile CRC 1211


  • If you are interested in receiving data please contact: U. Löhnert


Parameter Specification
Receiver 1 water vapor and liquid water absorption
Frequencies [GHz] 22.24, 23.04, 23.84, 25.44, 26.24, 27.84, 31.40
Channel band-widths [MHz] 230, 230, 230, 230, 230, 230, 230
Optical Resolution (HPBW) 3.3°-3.7°
Receiver 2 oxygen absorption
Frequencies [GHz] 51.26, 52.28, 53.86, 54.94, 56.66, 57.30, 58.00
Channel band-widths [MHz] 230, 230, 230, 230, 600, 1000, 2000
Optical Resolution (HPBW) 2.2°- 2.5°
Pointing Resolution 0.6° (elevation), 0.1° (azimuth)
Side-lobe level < -30 dBc
Size 630 mm x 360 mm x 900 mm
Power Consumption <120 W (350 W peak)
Weight 60 kg
Temporal resolution 1-2 seconds
instruments/foghat/foghat.1569838699.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/30 12:18 by akremer