TR32: FZ-Jülich now

... sorry the instrument is down - YESinc (the manufacturer) is searching for a solution (since June 17, 2015) ...
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Images from our YES-TSI at JOYCE FZ-Jülich* looking
from +50° 54' 30.02", +6° 24' 47.13" to zenith.
The instrument is part of the TR32 research colaborative.
Meteorological data from the 120m tower of FZ-Jülich
Sky data, radio sounding Essen, panorama, further info, visitors, last noon, t-azi
raw images, with degree net, Microwave radiometer, Sodar, Ceilometer, MRR
See also, Cologne now or ...
This page uses a javascript to animate a sequence of 60 images.

(c) Jan Schween 2007

* Thanks to Heiner Geiss, Birger Bohn, Helga London, Egon Grünter at Fz-Jülich