TSI: sky data

Cloud coverages and solar 'strength' as derived by the instrument.

As ascii Table

TSI cloud coverage as determined by the instrument for opaque clouds (white)
and for thin and opaque clouds (light blue), for the whole sky (solid lines),
for 30° elevation (dotted lines left) and for 45° elevation (dotted lines right)

TSI cloud classification in RGB space from 30° elevation (left) and 45° elevation (right).

Search for wrong classified pixel: left: pixels saturated at least in one channel, middle: super white pixels ((r+g)/2 > 192) in red. Right: gray-blue pixels (|b-((r+g)/2+40)| <10)

Temporal variation of the color information of the four corners of the TSI housing
visible in the image. Top: brightness (defined as (red+grn+blu)/3) of the corners
at north west (blue line), north east (green line), south west (red line) and south east
(white line). Bottom: 'blueness' (defined as 2blu/(red+grn)) of the four corners.

Temporal variation of the three color channles on the four corners of the TSI housing
visible in the image.

cloud movement - test

Move mouse over image to see difference between the 2 images used for wind determination

Left: wind from slow difference minimalization, right: wind from optical flow

Analysis of difference minimalziation

Gradient and edge images.
Gradient is calcualted with image magick fx (p[+1,+1]-p[-1,-1])*5+0.5
Edge is calcualted with image magick edge operator.

'Stripe': E-W section over time.
Every line represents the line of pixels through mirror center at a certain time (i.e. every 20sec).
The image thus shows what an instrument would see that every 20sec performs
an RHI from horizon to horizon in west to east direction.

Simulated alumcantar scan from the latest image.

Colors indicate the respective channel of the image (red, green, blue),
the (Angstroem) interpolated value for 550nm (yellow) and the Angstroem exponent (gray).
Solid lines represent the hemisphere west and dashed lines the hemisphere east of the sun.
See also the almucantar examples