TSI: further info

TSI: principle

The TSI consist of a webcam looking downwards to a dome shaped mirror. Images of the camera are analysed for red, green and blue ratios in the built-in linux machine. The resulting numbers, the image and the analysed image mask with detected sky-, thin and opaque cloud areas are stored in the TSI's ring memory.

Data acquisition

Data is received here in cologne every 20sec from the TSI via wget in a bash script and stored in an ascii file. The data of this file comes in the form:
dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss t_raw_ms opq thn sun_flag sol_azi sol_ele


The panorama is calculated with the transformation
pan(x,y) = raw( cx - R*y/w * sin(2π*x/w) , cx + R*y/w * cos(2π*x/w) )
Where: The transformation is done in a bash script with image magick using the fx command and 'look up tables' (lut). The commands are:
convert -size $wpan'x'$hpan xc: -channel G -fx "($cx-$rad*j/$hpan*sin(2*pi*i/$wpan))/$wraw" -separate lutX.png
convert -size $wpan'x'$hpan xc: -channel R -fx "($cy+$rad*j/$hpan*cos(2*pi*i/$wpan))/$hraw" -separate lutY.png
convert lutX.png lutY.png raw.jpg -fx "u[2].p{ u*$wraw , v*$hraw }" pan.jpg
convert raw.jpg pan.jpg -geometry +0+$(($hraw-$hpan)) -composite raw.jpg

The first two convert commands generate the look up tables. They are executed only once a day. The third convert command generates the panorama using the look up table, the forth convert command copies the panorama to the bottom border of the original image. The parameters are: