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testbed [2017/09/15 18:24] neggerstestbed [2017/09/15 18:39] – [Multi-year idealized DALES] neggers
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 Downscaling of a point-sampled profile from a GCM at a site of interest. Downscaling of a point-sampled profile from a GCM at a site of interest.
-LES acts as a generator of high-frequency fine-scale variability around a supersite.+LES acts as a generator of high-frequency fine-scale variability around this larger-scale state.
-Forcings are based exclusively on ECMWF analyses and short-range (3hr) forecasts+Periodic lateral boundaries, homogeneous prescribed advective forcing
-Periodic boundarieshomogeneous forcing. DALES is equipped with a simplified version of the ECWMF surface and soil scheme, allowing simulation with evolving surface properties and interactive surface heat fluxes.+These forcings have the shape of prescribed tendencies for the horizontal advectionand prescribed subsidence velocity for the vertical advectionAs a result, the latter becomes interactive with vertical gradients as generated by the LES simulation.   
 +Forcings and boundary conditions are based exclusively on ECMWF analyses and short-range (3hr) forecasts. Automated scripts have been developed to this purpose, and can be used to generate forcings at any location in the world, as far back in time as is covered by the MARS archive of IFS output. 
 +DALES is equipped with a simplified version of the ECWMF surface and soil scheme, allowing simulation with evolving surface properties and interactive surface heat fluxes.
 Domain size of 12.6x12.6x5km. Interactive radiation, using ECMWF state (including clouds) above the turbulent domain. Background ozone profile. Domain size of 12.6x12.6x5km. Interactive radiation, using ECMWF state (including clouds) above the turbulent domain. Background ozone profile.
-While simulations are simplified, it does make them more transparent and computationally efficient. A benefit of simplicity is the huge gain in time coverage that is allowed, allowing for multi-year simulation. Currently our database of DALES simulations covers five years of April-September period, from 2012 to 2016.+While simulations are simplified, it does make them more transparent and computationally efficient. A benefit of simplicity is the huge gain in time coverage that is allowed, allowing for multi-year simulation. Currently our database of DALES simulations covers five years of 6-month (April-September) periods from 2012 to 2016. 
 +The database of idealized DALES simulations has been used in various studies. ... 
 +Recently the Inscape group is starting to experiment with blending observations from field campaigns with model-derived forcings for LES simulations. (NARVAL, ACLOUD) 
-Automated scripts have been developed to create the forcings and boundary conditions. System can be applied at any location in the world, as far back in time as is covered by the MARS archive of IFS output.  
 ==== ICON-LEM around supersites ==== ==== ICON-LEM around supersites ====
testbed.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/22 22:21 by