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There have already been noises coming from the health care industry that the largest insurers are getting set to raise rates in order to ensure they have enough money to comply with all of the changes of the Obama health care plan. This may be a bit shocking to some as one of the promises made early on in the reform process was that premiums would not increase. In fact, we were all told they would actually lower significantly.

The American work force is a ticking time bomb. In many states the majority of the work force is overweight, which produce more medical coverage claims, he noted. Gov. McDonnell, signed the Virginia Healthcare Freedom Act at 3 p.m. with Attorney General Cuccinelli and members of the General Assembly present. He later issued a statement noting that, The Act was passed with bipartisan support, in sharp contrast to the narrow straight line partisan vote that enacted the federal health care bill on Sunday night. Virginia's Healthcare Freedom Act received the votes of leading Democratic Senators, as well as the Democratic House Minority Leader. It was an important step to sign this bipartisan legislation today.

In an attempt to provide useful information about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, this Obama Health Care Summary was created. In reality, many American are still misinformed about this health reform.

So the only way that insurers stay afloat and are able to adequately insure people is if one of two things occur. (1) Insurers have to pick more “winners” than “losers” in investment terms. Young sick people, or people who have a history of chronic illnesses in their family are financial “losers” for the insurer. They are far more likely to cost more than they ever put out. (2) “Losers” have to be charged higher insurance rates than “winners” to offset the costs that they will most likely incur.

And yes our dear friends to our north, Canada, often sees its citizens planning medical vacations in the United States in order to obtain medical care they cannot afford or even get in their own country. Of course this may change as more and more of the Obama Health Care law is implemented.

If you're a young woman who visits her gynecologist regularly, you may have noticed that your insurance started covering your yearly exam at no cost to you. Similarly, you may have found that you didn't have to pay for your birth control pills.

Many doctors, lawyers, lawmakers, insurance people and anilist all know this type of plan will cause you to pay more in the end. It is logical and inevitable. So enjoy your free health care now because it will soon become too expensive for you to afford.

The Republican party is collapsing like a house of cards. They went through 8 years of hypocrisy under Bush, where they betrayed almost every principle they ever stood for. Then, when they were rightly voted completely out of power, instead of reforming the party through hard work and legislative accomplishments, they simply said no to everything and began working up a hysteria. The irony of Obama Health Care is that it's a republican bill, based on many republican policy recommendations. It sure as heck isn't Hillarycare. If the republicans had worked with the president and congress, they could have gotten a bill even more to their liking. They could have a policy record to show the American people, with applied conservative principles that work.

what_you_should_know_about_obama_health_care_reform.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/22 22:22 by