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Meteorological Tower

Mentor: J.H. Schween


The meteorological tower was built in 1963 and 1964 based on the model of the towers in Rookhaven (USA) and Risoe (Denmark). It has a height of 124 m and a triangular cross section. An elevator inside is operated for easy access to the measurement platforms. The tower is steadied from three directions at 40 m and 100 m height respectively.

The tower is located in the northwest of the Jülich Research Center and surrounded by 20 m high forest. The instrumentation allows measurements of wind velocity, temperature and humidity in 8 heights, wind direction in 3 heights and radiation in two heights to provide the local information on wind, air temperature, relative humidty, radiation, and air pressure. Additionally precipitation is registered at ground level.

For more information refer to the webpage at the research center Juelich and here for current data.



Meterological station (120m mast in Jülich at 6°24'34'' east, 50°54'36'' north )


Examples of latest available measurements (typically the last week Friday to Thursday):

T_air RH Wind Wind

From Left to right: Temperature (red), humidity (green), wind (right, blue) and profiles (animation) measured at different heights (i.e. 2, 10, 20, 30, 50, 80, 100, 120m), the brighter the color the higher up. The Animation shows profiles of Temperature (thick red line), Wind (thick blue line) and water vapor mixing ratio (thick green line), fits of profiles according to Monin Obukhov theory (thin lines) as well as up (green boxes on the right) and downwelling (red) and net radiative fluxes (blue). Click on the plots to see more.


We have data available from 1.1.2006. Nevertheless measurements go back to 1961 and the website at Juelich provides Climate data, diagrams, 'meteograms' etc. (in German).


Parameter Instrument height(s)
Temperature ventilated pt100 8 heights: 2, 10, 20, 30, 50, 80, 100, 120m
Relative Humidity Hair Hygrometer
(800 L0-100, Lambrecht, Göttingen, Germany)
8 heights: 2, 10, 20, 30, 50, 80, 100, 120m
wind speed cup anemomemter
(Lisa, Sigelkow, Hamburg, Germany)1)
8 heights: 2, 10, 20, 30, 50, 80, 100, 120m
wind direction wind vane
(Rita, Sigelkow, Hamburg, Germany)
3 heights: 30, 50, 120m
up- and downwelling radiation Pyrradiometer
(8111, Schenk, Vienna, Austria)
2 heights: 30, 120m
Pressure Barometer
(5002.0000, Th. Friedrichs, Schenefeld, Germany)
at foot of tower, 2m
Precipiation Ombrometer
(Thies Clima, Göttingen, Germany)
at foot of tower, 1m
bankrupt in 2012 - see this wmo report