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publications:talk_a [2022/05/28 15:55] susannepublications:talk_a [2024/10/18 15:25] (current) – [2023] kcoort
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 ====== Talks ====== ====== Talks ======
-Presenter is **__underlined__**. Working group members are given in **bold**. Please **sort alphabetically** with last name of first author first.+ 
 +Style: Last name of first author first. Working group members are given in **bold**. Presenter is also **__underlined__**. Please **sort alphabetically** in the list below. 
 +  * __**Acquistapace, C.**__, D. Lange, **N. Risse**, and Florian Späth: Investigation on the impact of environmental parameters on ship-based observations of trade wind shallow cumuli and precipitation, //[[|EGU General Assembly 2022]]//, 23–27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria 
 +==== 2024 ==== 
 +  * **Acquistapace, C., D. Chatterjee, S. Schnitt, P. Bigalke**, and **__S. Crewell__**, Using self-supervised learning to better understand cloud development, //[[|9th Global Energy and Water Exchanges Open Science Conference]]//, 7 - 12 July 2024, Sapporo, Japan 
 +  *__**Crewell, S.**__, AWARES: Water vapor, clouds and precipitations: synergetic activities to zoom into the atmospheric water cycle. //Seminar talk//, 1 July 2024, Tokio University. 
 +  * __**Mech, M.**__, **S. Crewell**, AWARES, AC3 et al.: Remote sensing by passive and active microwave instruments: observations and simulations, //Seminar talk//, 1 July 2024, Tokio University. 
 +  * __**Mech, M.**__, **S. Schnitt**, J. Goliasch, **P. Krobot**, **N. Risse**, T. Rose, **L. Bühler**, and **S. Crewell**: Differential absorption G-band radar operated on an airborne platform for Arctic clouds and water vapor observations, //[[|9th Global Energy and Water Exchanges Open Science Conference]]//, 7 - 12 July 2024, Sapporo, Japan. 
 +  * __**Mech, M.**__, **S. Schnitt**, A. Ehrlich, M. Klingebiel, **N. Risse**, **I. Schirmacher**, M. Wendisch, and **S. Crewell**: Airborne observations of Arctic mixed-phase clouds, precipitation, and water vapor with state-of-the-art remote sensing instrumentation in the vicinity of Svalbard, //[[|11th International Precipitation Working Group Workshop]]//, 15 - 18 July 2024, Tokyo, Japan. 
 +  * __**Vicencio J.**__, **C. Böhm C.**, J. Schween, U. Löhnert and **S. Crewell**:  Are the stratocumulus clouds cooling the Southeast Pacific in the last 45 years?. Seminar Wageningen University & Research, **Planed for: 03 Oct 2024**, Wageningen, Netherlands. 
 +  * __**Walbroel, A.**__, G. Chellini, J. E. Rückert, G. Spreen, **S. Crewell**, and **Kerstin Ebell**: How well do satellite products, reanalysesand reference observations from the MOSAiCexpedition agree? {{mosaic_science_conference_2024_abstract_walbroel.pdf|abstract}}, International MOSAiC Science Conference 2024, 26 February - 1 March 2024, Potsdam, Germany 
 +==== 2023 ==== 
 +  * **Acquistapace. C.**, Bigalke P., Schnitt S. and Chatterjee D.: Ship-based observations of clouds and precipitation in the trades and their link to mesoscale patterns using AI approach {{ :publications:abstract:abstract_iugg_acquistapace.pdf |abstract}} IUGG Berlin, 11-17 July 2023, Berlin, Germany 
 +  *__**Acquistapace C.**__, **D. Chatterjee**, **P. Bigalke**: Exploiting embedding representations to characterize severe storms over the Alpine region using MSG/MTG data, The European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites Conference  
 +  * __**Böhm, C.**__, J. Schween, S. M. May, **D. Chatterjee**, U. Löhnert, **S. Crewell**: A data-driven approach to exploit spatial and spectral structures in geostationary satellite data for remote sensing of fog tested for the Atacama Desert, {{ :publications:abstract:abstract_boehm_fogdew_2023.pdf |abstract}}, [[|FogDew 2023]], 23 - 28 July 2023, Fort Collins, CO, USA. 
 +  *__**Chatterjee D.**__, H. Deneke, **S. Crewell**: Capturing boundary layer cloud variability using regularized self-supervision for short-term solar energy applications, The European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites Conference, {{ :publications:abstractcm_eumetsat.pdf |abstract}}  
 +  *__**Chatterjee D.**__, **S. Schnitt**, **P. Bigalke**, **C. Acquistapace**, **S. Crewell**: Investigating cloud organizations using complementary approaches in self-supervision and geostationary satellite observations, The European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites Conference{{ :publications:abstractem_eumetsat.pdf |abstract}} 
 +  *__**Chatterjee D.**__, **S. Schnitt**, **P. Bigalke**, **C. Acquistapace** , **S. Crewell**: Capturing the diversity of trade wind cumuli using complementary approaches from self-supervision, 3rd Workshop on Cloud Organization and Precipitation, {{ :publications:abstract_wco3_2023.odt |abstract}} 
 +  *__**Chatterjee D.**__, **S. Schnitt**, **P. Bigalke**, **C. Acquistapace**, **S. Crewell**: Investigating mesoscale cloud organizations from geostationary satellite observations and Eurec4A measurements using complementary approaches from self-supervision, European Geosciences Union 2023, {{ :publications:abstract: egu23-12257-chatterjee_2022.pdf|abstract}}  
 +  * __**Crewell,S.**__, **K. Ebell, M. Mech, N. Risse, V. Schemann, I. Schirmacher, A. Walbröl**, New observational strategies to understand cloud processes and improve high resolution modelling, //Colloquium//, University of Oslo, 30 November 2023. 
 +  * __**Crewell,S.**__, Die Erwärmung der Arktis  - wieso betrifft es auch uns? 23. Mai 20023, TH Köln, Germany. 
 +  * __**Crewell,S.**__, **K. Ebell, M. Mech, N. Risse, V. Schemann**, Flying Microwaves, Lecture Winterschool on Clouds and Precipitation, 15 March 2023, Hyytiälä, Finland.  
 +  *  **Dutta S.**, **Ori D.**, Mendrok J., Blahak U. Simulating Realistic Ice and Snow Scattering Properties for the ICON Model's Radar Forward Operator EMVORADO, 4th International Summer Snowfall Workshop, Leipzig 
 +  * __**Ebell, K.**__, **M. Mech**: Revealing the secrets of clouds by ground-based remote sensing, Ny-Ålesund Science Seminar, 7 March 2023, Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, Norway 
 +  * __**Ori, D.**__, **Schemann, V.**: Characterizing moisture budgets of warm air intrusions using the ICON model during HALO-(AC)³, HALO-(AC)³ workshop, 9-11 May 2023, Leipzig, Germany 
 +  * __**Schirmacher, I.**__, **Schnitt, S.**: Airborne radar observations during CAOs, HALO-(AC)³ workshop, 9-11 May 2023, Leipzig, Germany 
 +  * __**Walbroel, A.**__, et al.: Meteorological overview of the HALO–(AC)3 campaign, HALO-(AC)³ workshop, 9-11 May 2023, Leipzig, Germany 
 +  * __**Schnitt, S.**__, Mech, M., Ori, D., Goliasch, J., Rose, T., Crewell, S.: Differential absorption G-band radar for Arctic cloud and water vapor observations {{ :publications:abstract:abstract_iugg23_schnitt.pdf |abstract}} IUGG Berlin, 11-17 July 2023, Berlin, Germany 
 +  * __**Vicencio Veloso, J.**__, **C. Böhm**, J. Schween, U. Löhnert, **S. Crewell**: The overlooked role of westerly moisture as a source of summer rainfall in the hyperarid Atacama Desert. Science Conference Earth - Evolution at the dry limit, 9-11 August 2023, Köln, Germany. //[[|Presentation]]// 
 +  * __**Walbroel, A.**__, et al.: Environmental conditions in the North Atlantic sector of the Arctic during the HALO–(AC)³ campaign. (AC)³ General Assembly 2023, 5-7 Dec 2023, Leipzig, Germany. {{walbroel_et_al_environmental_conditions_ac3_ga_2023.pdf | Presentation}} 
 ==== 2022 ==== ==== 2022 ====
 +  * __**Acquistapace, C.**__, D. Lange, **N. Risse**, and Florian Späth: Investigation on the impact of environmental parameters on ship-based observations of trade wind shallow cumuli and precipitation. //[[|EGU General Assembly 2022]]//, 23–27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria
 +  * __**Chatterjee, D.**__,H. Deneke, **S. Crewell**: Utilizing the self-learning capability of a deep neural network and continuous monitoring of geostationary satellite to understand clouds structure and organization. //[[|ECMWF Machine Learning Workshop]]//, 31 March 2022, Virtual   {{:chatterjee_ecmwf_ml2022.pdf|abstract}} 
 +  * __**Chatterjee, D.**__, H. Deneke, **S. Crewell**: Can satellite images provide supervision for cloud systems characterization? //[[|EGU General Assembly 2022]]//, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022
 +  *   **Chatterjee, D.**, **H. Deneke**, **S. Crewell**:Understanding cloud regimes from what they look like rather than from what they are: a bottom-up approach based on deep learning. //[[]]//, 19-23 September 2022, Brussels, Belgium
 +  * **__Vicencio Veloso,  J.__**, **C. Böhm**, M. Reyers, **U. Löhnert**, and **S. Crewell**: Summer Atmospheric River-Like structure along the Subtropical West Coast of South America. //{{|Atmospheric River International Conference}}// Santiago, Chile, 10-14 Oct 2022 {{ | slides}} {{|book of abstracts}}
 +  * __Chellini, G.__, **R. Gierens**, T. Kiszler, V. **Schemann**, and S. Kneifel: Arctic low-level mixed-phase clouds produce large aggregates predominantly at dendritic-growth temperatures: evidence from long-term remote sensing observations in Ny-Ålesund, //[[|EGU General Assembly 2022]]//, 23–27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria [[|abstract]]
 +  * __Chellini, G.__, **R. Gierens**, T. Kiszler, **V. Schemann**, S. Kneifel: Precipitation formation in Arctic low-level mixed-phase clouds: assessing the role of aggregation with long-term radar observations from Ny-Ålesund. //[[ | 16th Conference on Cloud Physics ]]//, 8 - 12 August 2022, Madison, WI, USA
 +  * __Chellini, G.__, **R. Gierens**, T. Kiszler, **V. Schemann**, S. Kneifel: Aggregation in Arctic shallow mixed-phase clouds is enhanced by dendritic growth and absent close to the melting level: evidence from long-term remote sensing observations in Ny-Ålesund. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, 29 August - 2 September 2022, Locarno, Switzerland. {{ ::erad2022_abstract_chellini.pdf | abstract}}
 +  * __**Crewell, S.**__, A. Ehrlich, Manfred Wendisch and the HALO-AC3 Team: An airborne campaign to assess the influence of airmass transport for Arctic Amplification, Seminar Talk, IRF Kiruna, Sweden, 24 March 2022.
 +  * __**Crewell, S.**__ and **M. Mech**: Flying Cloud Radars to Understand Arctic Warming. Popular Science Talk, Ny Alesund, 28 June 2022. 
 +  * __**Crewell, S.**__, 2022: Introduction to microwave remote sensing, //Atmospheric Physics summer school//, Bad Honnef, 4 July 2022. 
 +  * __**Crewell, S.**__  A. Ehrlich, A. Herber, M. Klingebiel, C. Lüpkes, **M. Mech**, and M. Wendisch: Arctic Cloud Development during Airmass Transformation: First results from HALO-AC3. //[[ | The 17th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography]]//, 8 - 12 August 2022, Madison, WI, USA. {{ :abstract_crewell_et_al_ams_2022.pdf |}}
 +  * __**Crewell, S.**__, 2022: Climate Change: Causes and observed trends, //Haustierrassen-Vielfalt//, Bonn, 26.9.2022.
 +  * __**Crewell, S.**__. 2022: Erdbeobachtung und Observatorien: Status, Perspektiven und Notwendigkeiten, //Impulsvortrag, Leopoldina//, Halle, 19.Dezember 2022
 +  * **__Gierens, R.__**, S. Kneifel, J. T. Pasquier, F. Ramelli, **D. Ori**, M. D. Shupe, **K. Ebell**, **U. Löhnert**: Interpretation of cloud radar Doppler spectra in Arctic mixed-phase clouds: evaluation using co-located in situ measurements. //[[ | 16th Conference on Cloud Physics ]]//, 8 - 12 August 2022, Madison, WI, USA. {{ ::amscloudabstract_gierens_20220414.pdf | abstract}}
 +  * __**Gierens, R.**__, S. Kneifel, M. Shupe, **K. Ebell**, U. Löhnert: Investigating micro-physical processes in Arctic mixed-phase clouds using cloud radar Doppler spectrum skewness. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, 29 August - 2 September 2022, Locarno, Switzerland. {{ ::erad2022_abstract_rgierens20220322.pdf | abstract}}
 +  * __Henneberger, J.__, J. Wieder, J. Pasquier, F. Ramelli, Z. A. Kanji, U. Lohmann, M. Haarig, J. Bühl, M. Radenz, P. Seifert, **R. Gierens**: Ice formation in mixed-phase clouds through collocated in-situ and remote sensing measurements. //[[ | 16th Conference on Cloud Physics ]]//, 8 - 12 August 2022, Madison, WI, USA. {{ ::2022_-_abstract_-_ams_clouds_-_jan_henneberger2.pdf | abstract}}
 +  * __Jia, H.__, J. Quaas, E. Gryspeerdt, **C. Böhm**, O. Sourdeval: Addressing the difficulties in quantifying the Twomey effect for marine warm clouds from multi-sensor satellite observations and reanalysis. //[[|EGU General Assembly 2022]]//, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022 [[|abstract]]
 +  * __Kneifel S.__, **Ori D.**, Karrer M., Dias Neto J., von Terzi L, **Schemann V**, Seifert A: Evaluating and improving the ice microphysics parameterization in the ICON model using triple-frequency Doppler cloud radar observations, ERAD2022, 28 Aug - 02 Sep 2022, Locarno (Switzerland)
 +  * __Kneifel S.__, von Terzi L, **Ori D.**, Dias Neto J.: Ice Microphysical Processes in the Dendritic Growth Layer: A Statistical Analysis Combining Multi-Frequency and Polarimetric Doppler Cloud Radar Observations, | 16th Conference on Cloud Physics, 8 - 12 August 2022, Madison, WI, USA.
-  * __**ChatterjeeD.**__,H. Deneke, **SCrewell**: Characterization of cloud variability through novel satellite-based observations. ML Workshop TalkECMWF31 March 2022  +  * **MechM.**, **__SCrewell__**, and V. SchemannArctic mixed-phase clouds as observed during (AC)3 airborne campaigns and their representation in the ICON-LEM model//Living Planet Symposium//Bonn, Germany, 27 May 2022, {{:publications:abstract:2022_abstract_esa_living_planet_mech_et_al_pamtra.pdf |abstract}}
 +  * **__Mech, M.__**, M. Wendisch, **S. Crewell**, A. Herber, C. Lüpkes, A. Ehrlich, M. Klingebiel, and HALO-AC3 team: HALO-AC3: Airborne Observations of Arctic Clouds in Airmass Transformations, AGU, Chicago, IL, USA, 12 Dec 2022.
-  * __Chellini, G.__, **GierensR.**, Kiszler, T., **Schemann, V.**, and Kneifel, S.: Arctic low-level mixed-phase clouds produce large aggregates predominantly at dendritic-growth temperatures: evidence from long-term remote sensing observations in Ny-ÅlesundEGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, [[]]+  * **__OriD.__**, Lvon TerziMKarrer, S. Kneifel :Towards a database of scattering properties of ensemble rather than individual ice and snow particles, //10th International Precipitation Working Group//, Colorado State University 13-17 June 2022
-  * __**CrewellS.**__, A. EhrlichManfred Wendisch and the HALO-AC3 TeamHALO-AC3: An airborne campaign to assess the influence of airmass transport for Arctic AmplificationSeminar TalkIRF KirunaSweden24 March 2022.+  * **__Ori D.__**, Karrer M., Dias Neto J., von Terzi L, **Schemann V**, Seifert A, Kneifel, S.: Evaluating and improving the ice microphysics parameterization in the ICON model using triple-frequency Doppler cloud radar observations| 16th Conference on Cloud Physics8 - 12 August 2022MadisonWI, USA.
-  * **Mech, M.**, **__SCrewell__**and VSchemannArctic mixed-phase clouds as observed during (AC)3 airborne campaigns and their representation in the ICON-LEM model//Living Planet Symposium//BonnGermany, 27 May 2022+  * **__Ori D.__**, von Terzi L, Karrer M., Kneifel, S.: Towards a Database of Scattering Properties of Ensemble Rather Than Individual Ice and Snow Particles, | 16th Conference on Cloud Physics, 8 12 August 2022MadisonWIUSA.
   * __Pasquier, J. T.__, J. Henneberger, J. Wieder, R. O. David, F. Ramelli, G. Li,  A. Lauber, T. Carlsen, **R.  Gierens**, M. Maturilli, U. Lohmann, and P. Zieger: Secondary ice production in Arctic mixed-phase clouds during the NASCENT campaign, QuIESCENT Arctic workshop, 1 April 2022   * __Pasquier, J. T.__, J. Henneberger, J. Wieder, R. O. David, F. Ramelli, G. Li,  A. Lauber, T. Carlsen, **R.  Gierens**, M. Maturilli, U. Lohmann, and P. Zieger: Secondary ice production in Arctic mixed-phase clouds during the NASCENT campaign, QuIESCENT Arctic workshop, 1 April 2022
-  * __Pasquier, J. T.__, Ramelli, F., David, R. O., Wieder, J., Li, G., Lauber, A., Lohmann, U., Carlsen, T., **Gierens, R.**, Maturilli, M., and Henneberger, J.: Importance of secondary ice production over a large temperature range in Arctic mixed-phase clouds, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, [[]] +  * __Pasquier, J. T.__, Ramelli, F., David, R. O., Wieder, J., Li, G., Lauber, A., Lohmann, U., Carlsen, T., **Gierens, R.**, Maturilli, M., and Henneberger, J.: Importance of secondary ice production over a large temperature range in Arctic mixed-phase clouds, //[[|EGU General Assembly 2022]]//, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, [[]] 
-  * __**Vicencio Veloso, J.**__, **C. Böhm**, **U. Löhnert**, and **S. Crewell**: A Comparative Study: Water Vapor Transports in the Atacama and Namib Desert Regions. CRC1211 (Earth-Evolution at the dry limit) Summer Lectures Series, 20 Jun 2022, Köln, Deutschland.+  * __**Vicencio Veloso, J.**__, **C. Böhm**, **U. Löhnert**, and **S. Crewell**: A Comparative Study: Water Vapor Transports in the Atacama and Namib Desert Regions. //CRC1211 (Earth-Evolution at the dry limit) Summer Lectures Series//, Köln, Deutschland, 20 Jun 2022.
-  * __**Vicencio Veloso, J.**__, **C. Böhm**, **U. Löhnert**, and **S. Crewell**: Understanding atmospheric differences in the water vapor transport for the Atacama and Namib deserts. EGU 2022, 24 May 2022, Vienna, Austria [[]]+  * __**Vicencio Veloso, J.**__, **C. Böhm**, **U. Löhnert**, and **S. Crewell**: Understanding atmospheric differences in the water vapor transport for the Atacama and Namib deserts. //[[|EGU General Assembly 2022]]//, Vienna, Austria, 24 May 2022,  [[|abstract]]
 +  * __von Terzi L.__, Dias-Neto J., Myagkov A., **Ori D**, Kneifel S.: Novel view on the Dendritic Growth Zone by combining triple-frequency radar and spectral Polarimetry, ERAD2022, 28 Aug - 02 Sep 2022, Locarno (Switzerland)
 +  * __**Walbröl A.**__, **Crewell S.**, **Ebell K.**: Einblicke in die Wasserdampfvariabilität der Arktis mittels Fernerkundung, DMG Sektion Rheinland Fortbildung, 01 Dec 2022, Bonn, Deutschland.
 ==== 2021 ==== ==== 2021 ====
publications/talk_a.1653746104.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/28 15:55 by susanne