Atacama now (multi channel)

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RGB composits from GOES16 ABI data.
Top left: visible channels, top center: near infrared channels, top right: Cloud top Temp., O3 and CO2 channels,
bottom right: water vapor channels, bottom center: far infrared channels, bottom right: brightness temperature difference of channels 14 and 7.

Data was aquired via Amazon S3 Bucket at Google cloud by aws calls.
See also all channels, whole globe at

Chnl wvl bwdt SNR Res
nm nm @100%albedo km
1 470 40300 1.0 blue visible
2 640100300 0.5 red visible
3 860 40300 1.0 'veggie' NIR
41380 30300 2.0 'cirrus' NIR
51610 60300 1.0 'snow/ice' NIR
62260 50300 2.0 'cloud particle size' NIR
Chnl wvl bwdt ΔT Res
μm μm K@300K km
73.90 0.20 0.12.0 'short wave' IR
86.15 0.90 0.12.0 'upper trop. water vapor' IR
97.00 0.40 0.12.0 'mid trop. water vapor' IR
107.40 0.20 0.12.0 'low trop. water vapor' IR
118.50 0.40 0.12.0 'cloud top phase' IR
129.70 0.20 0.12.0 'Ozone' IR
1310.3 0.50 0.12.0 'Clean IR window' IR
1411.2 0.80 0.12.0 'IR window' IR
1512.3 1.00 0.12.0 'dirty IR window' IR
1613.3 0.60 0.32.0 'CO2' IR