Table of Contents


Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK), Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT)

Current Quicklooks

Quicklook browser of current and past KIT MWR observations

Scientific Goals

… Text to be added by KIT


Hope Supersite Hambach,together with UHOH

Data availability

KIT-CUBE provides a number of resources, which characterize the thermodynamic state of the atmospheric column including vertical profiles of temperature, humidity and cloud macro- and microphysical properties. The data is accessible for scientific and educational purposes of the HD(CP)2 community. Data sets may be obtained through direct contact to Dr. Norbert Kalthoff


Key features of the KITcube are three Doppler Lidars, one scanning X-Band radar, one scanning Cloud radar, two energy balance stations, two turbulence masts, one meteorological profile tower (30 m), soil moisture probes, two disdrometers, and one radiosonde system. KITcube