====== LACROS ====== The Leipzig Aerosol and Cloud Remote Observations System (LACROS) of the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS) comprises a unique set of active and passive remote-sensing instruments which are to a large extent containerized and available for application in field campaigns. The instrumentation is suitable for the combined observation of aerosols, clouds, and their interaction. ---- ===== Current Quicklooks ===== [[http://atmos.meteo.uni-koeln.de/~hatpro/dataBrowser/dataBrowser4.html?site=HOPE&date=0&UpperLeft=LACROS-Hatpro_TB&UpperRight=LACROS-Mira_Hatpo-Overview&LowerRight=LACROS-Hatpro_cili&LowerLeft=LACROS-Hatpro_IWV-LWP|Quicklook browser]] of current and past LACROS measurements. ---- ===== Scientific Goals ===== - Investigation of heterogeneous (aerosol-affected) ice–formation processes by exploiting co–located remote–sensing observations of aerosol and cloud radiative and microphysical properties. - Instrument validation and development of algorithms and new measurement techniques for ground–based cloud and aerosol microphysics retrievals in the frame of the Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network (ACTRIS). Key points of interest are the determination of the suitability of the different remote-sensing instruments to detect specific features of clouds and aerosols. Based on LACROS data, combined retrieval techniques are developed, e.g., for the detection of aerosol optical and microphysical properties during daytime from combined Sun-photometer and multiwavlength lidar data measurements. ---- ===== Location ===== During the HD(CP)² Observational Prototype Eperiment (HOPE) LACROS is deployed on the area of a sewage treatment plant in Niederzier-Krauthausen. Geographic coordinates of the site are: 50.8797° N, 6.4145° E, 110 m ASL A map of the site location can be found [[http://binged.it/YvhYr6|here]]. Here's a photograph of the site: {{ :lacros-photo.jpg?direct&600 |}} And here's another one: {{ :20130502-lacros_nacht-4.jpg?direct&600 |}} ---- ===== Data availability ===== LACROS provides a number of resources, which characterize the thermodynamic state of the atmospheric column including vertical profiles of temperarture, humidity and cloud macro- and microphysical properties as well as the aerosol loading. The data is freely accessible for scientific and educational purposes and may be obtained through direct contact to [[patric.seifert@tropos.de| Dr. Patric Seifert]]. ---- ===== Instruments ===== {{ :lacros-hope-20130417.png?direct&800 |}}