Rain gauge products

REGNIE (rai_dwd5) precipitation analysis (by DWD):

Quality-checked analysis of all (ca. 3000) DWD rain gauges (including climate network). Orographical influence is taken into account by a regression method. 24-h precipitation sums of 7:30 a.m. till 7:30 a.m. next day. Available not immediately due to time needed for data collection and quality check. Spatial resolution: 30“ * 60”.

RANIE (rai_dwd3) precipitation gauge analysis (by DWD):

Analysis of gauge precipitation observations. Some quality check is applied, e.g. an outlier test. Orographical influence is taken into account by a regression method. Available (nearly) immediately. 6-h precipitation sums (00, 06, 12, 18 UTC). Spatial resolution: 1 km.

Combined (radar and gauge) products

RANIE (rai_dwd4) precipitation combined gauge and radar analysis (by DWD):

Combined analysis of radar and gauge precipitation observations. Some quality check is applied, e.g. an outlier test. Orographical influence is taken into account by a regression method. Available (nearly) immediately. 6-h precipitation sums (00, 06, 12, 18 UTC). Spatial resolution: 1 km.

RADOLAN (rad_rarw) radar precipitation analysis (by DWD):

Radar-derived precipitation analysis, online calibrated to ground observations. Available (nearly) immediately. 1-h precipitation sums. Undefined in case of missing radar data, therefore not suitable as estimate for long-term precipitation sums. Spatial resolution: 1 km.

Radar products

PI (rad_rapi) international radar composit (by DWD):

International radar composit (in dBZ), covering central Europe (1440 km * 1440 km), temporal resolution: 15 min. Spatial resolution: 4 km.

RY (rad_rary) national radar precipitation analysis (by DWD):

Radar-derived precipitation analysis, covering Germany (900 km * 900 km), temporal resolution: 5 min. Spatial resolution: 1 km. Only in the overlap area of different radars the QY quality information is used (to decide which radar's information is less flawed).

QY (rad_raqy) radar quality product (by DWD):

Radar “quality product”, containing quality flags that indicate errors and quality problems identified in the quality check. Covers Germany (900 km * 900 km), temporal resolution: 5 min. Spatial resolution: 1 km.

(rad_ralh) National quality-checked radar precipitation analysis on LMK grid for latent heat nudging (by DWD):

Radar-derived precipitation analysis, on LMK (2.8 km) grid, combining RY with QY information, i.e. at gridpoints where QY indicates quality problems its value is set to “error”. Temporal resolution: 5 min. This product is used in LMK's latent heat nudging. Filename: lafyyyymmddhh, each hourly file contains 12 5-min precipitation sum records.

Domain for international composit (PI):


Domain for national composit products (RADOLAN, RY, QY):


Stations of the waterworks of Berlin, FU Berlin and DWD:


Radar locations:

Range of DWD:
C-Band weather radar (black)
C-Band radar Karlsruhe of FZK (green)
X-Band radar Bonn (blue)
X-band radar MPI Hamburg (blue)
polarimetric C-band radars of DWD Hohenpeissenberg and DLR (red).

radar locations

  1. Thorsten Reinhardt 2006/12/20 15:22