==== Satellites (GOP-7) ====
**SEVIRI** on [[http://www.eumetsat.int/Home/Main/What_We_Do/Satellites/Meteosat_Second_Generation/index.htm?l=en|Meteosat Second Generation]] (**MSG**), **MODIS** and **MERIS** observations are by a near real time (NRT) processing. The information is [[http://wew.met.fu-berlin.de/nrt|online]] with a delay of 2 hours. The SEVIRI instrument on MSG with its 11 spectral channels from 0.6 to 14 μm will be the prime instrument.
* True color images (**TCI**) composed from 1.6, 0.8 and 0.6 μm radiances are available as [[:quicklooks:gop7_msg_cmas:tci|daily movies]]
* **Products** are generated from the calibrated satellite data automatically to provide higher-order, level 2 products, e.g. cloud mask (**CM**), cloud optical thickness (**τ**), cloud top pressure (**CTP**) and integrated water vapor (**IWV**).
* **Time series** (stst) is extracted from SEVIRI products to monitor atmospheric products at [[:meteorological_stations|meteorological stations]] within the LMK domain, e.g. Cabauw, Lindenberg, COPS supersites.
* **Areal statistics** will be produced for [[:model_evaluation#areas_for_the_evaluation|selected regions]] and compared to LMK output on a regular, operational basis.
^ Instrument ^ Code ^ Temporal\\ resolution ^ Spatial\\ resolution ^ Products ^ Accuracy ^ Daily data\\ volume ^ Availablity ^
| SEVIRI on MSG | msg_arst | 15 min | ~5 km | area statistics | | | [[status:gop7_msg_arst|check]]|
| SEVIRI on MSG | msg_cmas | 15 min | ~5 km | cloud mask and TCI | |∼80 MB |[[status:gop7_msg_cmas|check]]|
| SEVIRI on MSG | msg_ctpr | 15 min | ~5 km | cloud top pressure | ΔCTP~52 to 121 hPa\\ (high to low-level clouds)| ∼30 MB |[[status:gop7_msg_ctpr|check]]|
| SEVIRI on MSG | msg_inwv | 15 min | ~5 km | integrated water vapor | ΔIWV ~0.7 g m-2\\ (day, land, clear sky)| ∼60 MB |[[status:gop7_msg_inwv|check]]|
| SEVIRI on MSG | msg_odep | 15 min | ~5 km | optical depth | | |[[status:gop7_msg_odep|check]]|
| SEVIRI on MSG | msg_stst | 15 min | ~5 km | 58 stations | all products for 3x3 grid points | ∼200 KB |[[status:gop7_msg_stst|check]]|
| SEVIRI on MSG | msg_tbir | 15 min | ~5 km | ir brightness temperatures | ΔTB~3.3 K| ∼40 MB |[[status:gop7_msg_tbir|check]]|
| MODIS on \\ TERRA & AQUA | sat_modi | overpass at\\ ~10:30 am (TERRA)\\ ~1:00 pm (AQUA) | 0.3 - 1 km\\ nadir | TCI, CM, τ, LWP, reff, IWV | ΔIWV~0.24 g m-2 for clear sky land surfaces | ∼200 MB | [[status:gop7_sat_modi|check]] |
| MERIS on\\ Envisat | sat_meri | overpass at \\ ~10:30 LT| 0.25 - 1 km\\ nadir | TCI, CM, τ, CTP, IWV | ΔCTP~183 m (single low-level clouds) | ∼200 MB |[[status:gop7_sat_meri|check]]|
| AMSU on\\ NOAA | sat_amsu | | | TB, IWV, LWP, RR | \\ \\ \\ | | not yet|
--- //[[crewell@meteo.uni-koeln.de|Susanne Crewell]] 2007/03/25 14:35//