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upcoming_conf [2022/05/10 14:31] – [ECMWF Machine Learning Workshop] mechupcoming_conf [2023/05/22 13:45] mariat
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 ====== Upcoming Conferences ======   ====== Upcoming Conferences ======  
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-===== 202? ===== 
-==== ISARS 2020 ==== +===== 2023 =====
-[[|20th International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary-Layer Remote Sensing]] \\ +
-<del>1 -5 June 2020</del>, Helsinki (Finland) **-> postponed** \\ +
-Abstract deadline: 31 January 2020 \\+
 +==== EGU 2023 ====
 +23 - 28 April 2023, Vienna (Austria)
 +  * **Schirmacher, I.**, P. Kollias, K. Lamer, **M. Mech**, L. Pfitzenmaier, M. Wendisch, and **S. Crewell**: Assessing Arctic low-level clouds and precipitation from above - a radar perspective , EGU 2023, 23 - 28 April 2023, Vienna (Austria) {{ :schirmacher_et_al_egu2023_abstract.pdf |abstract}}
 +  * **Ebell, K.**, **C. Buhren**, **R. Gierens**, **M. Lauer**, **G. Chellini**, S. Dahlke, and **P. Krobot**: Multi-year precipitation characteristics based on in-situ and remote sensing observations at the Arctic research site Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, EGU 2023, 23 - 28 April 2023, Vienna (Austria) {{ :publications:abstract:ebell_et_al_egu2023_abstract.pdf |abstract}}
 +  * M. Lauer et al.: Influence of atmospheric rivers, cyclones and fronts on precipitation in the Arctic: a climatological perspective
 +  * **Risse, N.**, **M. Mech,** C. Prigent, G. Spreen, and **S. Crewell**: Analysis of airborne-derived sea ice emissivities up to 340 GHz in preparation for future satellite missions, EGU 2023, 23 - 28 April 2023, Vienna (Austria) {{ :abstract_egu_conference_2023_risse.pdf |abstract}}
 +  * **Chatterjee, D.**, **S. Schnitt**, **P. Bigalke**, **C. Acquistapace**, and **S. Crewell**: Complementary approaches in self-supervision to exploit EUREC4A measurements and satellite observations for cloud systems over North Atlantic trades, EGU 2023, 23 - 28 April 2023, Vienna (Austria) {{ :EGU23-12257-Chatterjee_2022.pdf |abstract}}
 +  * **Walbröl, A.**, (**I. Schirmacher**, **S. Crewell**, et al.): Environmental conditions in the North Atlantic sector of the Arctic during the HALO-(AC)³ campaign, EGU 2023, 23 - 28 April 2023, Vienna (Austria)
 +  * **Müller, M.**, U. Löhnert, B. Bohn: Ceilometer aerosol retrieval and comparison with in-situ towermeasurements, EGU 2023, 23 - 28 April 2023, Vienna (Austria) {{ :publications:abstract:2023_abstract_egu_mueller_aerosol_retrieval.pdf|abstract}}
 +==== HALO-(AC)3 Workshop ====
 +9 - 11 May 2023, Leipzig (Germany)
 +**Registration and contribution Deadline: 31 January, see e-mail by Anja Schwarz from 2023-01-12**
 +  * **Schirmacher, I.**, **Schnitt, S.**: Airborne radar observations during CAOs
 +  * **Walbroel, A.**, et al.: Meteorological overview of the HALO–(AC)3 campaign
 +  * **Ori, D.**, **Schemann, V.**: Characterizing moisture budgets of warm air intrusions using the ICON model during HALO-(AC)3
-  * **Gierens, R.**, ** S. Kneifel**, **U. Löhnert**: Investigating micro-physical processes in Arctic mixed-phase clouds using cloud radar Doppler spectra. ISARS 20201-5 June 2020HelsinkiFinland{{ ::isars2020_abstract_rgierens20200130.pdf |abstract}} +==== 14th International Precipitation Conference (IPC14) ==== 
-  * **Kremer, A., U. Löhnert**, P. Martinet, F. BurnetTemperature profiles under cloudy conditions retrieved from Microwave Radiometers during the SOFOG3D experiment. ISARS 20201-5 June 2020HelsinkiFinland. {{ ::isars2020_abstract_ak.pdf |abstract}} +June 5-92023 at the National Weather CenterNormanOklahoma
-  * **Schween J.H. S. Westbrook and U. Löhnert**: Observations of Stratocumulus Clouds at the West Coast of Southamerica. ISARS 2020, 1-5 June 2020, Helsinki, Finland. {{ ::isars2020_schween_et_al.pdf |abstract}}+ThemeEmerging Directions in Precipitation ObservationsEstimationForecastingApplications, and Climate Projections
 +==== CFMIP-GASS 2023 meeting ====
 +Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project (CFMIP)-Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX)'s Global Atmospheric System Studies (GASS) meeting with focus on Clouds, Convection, Circulation, and Climate Sensitivity\\
 +9-13 July 2023, Paris, Sorbonne University [[]] \\
 +  * **Ebell, K., N. Baumann, C. Buhren, I. Schirmacher, M. Mech, S. Schnitt, S. Crewell**: Cloud and precipitation characteristics during marine cold air outbreaks in the North Atlantic Arctic from recent ground- and aircraft-based campaigns, CFMIP-GASS 2023, 9 - 13 July 2023, Paris (France) {{ :publications:abstract:abstract_cfmip_gass_2023_ebell_et_al.pdf |abstract}}
-===== 2022 =====+==== IUGG 2023 ==== 
 +The 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics \\ 
 +11-20 July 2023, Berlin, [[]] \\ 
 +  * **Schirmacher, I.**, **Mech, M.**, **Schnitt, S.**, M.Wendisch, **Crewell, S.**: Airborne remote sensing observations of Arctic low-level clouds and precipitation during cold air outbreaks, Session JM03 - Polar Regions Instrumentation {{ :publications:abstract:abstract_iugg23_schirmacher.pdf |abstract}} 
 +  * Teresa Vogl, Martin Radenz, Fabiola Ramelli, **Rosa Gierens**, Heike Kalesse-Los: A toolkit for detecting and analyzing peaks in cloud radar Doppler spectra, Session JG03: Remote Sensing and Modelling of the Atmosphere 
 +  * **Acquistapace. C.**, **Bigalke P.**, **Schnitt S.** and **Chatterjee D.**: Ship-based observations of clouds and precipitation in the trades and their link to mesoscale patterns using AI approach, Session M22 - Cloud and Precipitation Studies {{ :publications:abstract:abstract_iugg_acquistapace.pdf |abstract}} 
 +  * **Mech, M.**, **S. Crewell**, **N. Risse**, and **I. Schirmacher**:  Airborne remote sensing in the Arctic used to evaluate models and satellite observation {{ :publications:abstract:abstract_iugg_mech.pdf |abstract}} 
 +  * **Schnitt, S.**, **Mech, M.**, **Ori, D.**, Goliasch, J., Rose, T., **Crewell, S.**: Differential absorption G-band radar for Arctic cloud and water vapor observations, Session M22 - Cloud and Precipitation Studies {{ :publications:abstract:abstract_iugg23_schnitt.pdf |abstract}} 
 +  * **Löffler M.**, Knist C., Vural J., Löhnert U.: Ground based microwave radiometer – exploring model based LWP retrievals and artificial sky-clearing, Session JG03 - Remote Sensing and Modelling of the Atmosphere  {{ :publications:abstract:20230213_abstract_iugg_ml_m23_accepted.pdf |abstract}} 
 +==== FogDew 2023 ==== 
 +[[|9th international conference on fog, fog collection, and dew]]\\ 
 +23 - 28 July 2023, Fort Collins, CO, USA 
 +  * __**Böhm, C.**__, J. Schween, S. M. May, **D. Chatterjee**, U. Löhnert, **S. Crewell**: A data-driven approach to exploit spatial and spectral structures in geostationary satellite data for remote sensing of fog tested for the Atacama Desert, FogDew 2023, 23 - 28 July 2023, Fort Collins, CO, USA {{ :publications:abstract:abstract_boehm_fogdew_2023.pdf |abstract}}
-==== DACH Meteorologie Tagung 2022 ==== 
-21 - 25 March 2022, Leipzig\\ 
-Abstract submission deadline 19 November 2021 
-   * **Lukas Pfitzenmaier**, Pavlos Kollias, Katia Lamer, **Ulrich Löhnert**Evaluation des EarthCare Cloud Profiling Radars durch bodengebundene RadareD-A-CH 2022, 21-25 March 2022, Leipzig, Deutschland {{ publications:abstract:abstract_lukas_pfitzenmaier_dach2022.docx|Abstract}} +==== Gordon conference ==== 
-   * **Böck, T., B. Pospichal, U. Löhnert** : Uncertainty Assessment for HATPRO Microwave Radiometer Measurements and Calibrations {{ exob:dach2022abstract_final_tb.pdf | Abstract}} +[[|Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Radiation and Climate]]\\ 
-   * **Lars van Gelder**, Ulrich Löhnert, Bernhard Pospichal: Untersuchung der Effekte des 2020 verringerten Flugverkehrs auf das Vorkommen von hohen dünnen Cirrus-Wolken über JOYCE, DACH2022-33ys {{ ::dach2022-33-print.pdf Abstract}} +Theoretical and Observational Constraints on Climate System Behavior \\
-    **M. Löffler**, C. Knist, A. Schomburg, J. Vural, U. Görsdorf, V. Lehmann and **U. Löhnert**: Cloud detection methods for a stand-alone ground based microwave radiometer, DACH 2022 21. - 25.3.2022, {{ publications:abstract:DACH2022-ml.pdf |abstract}} +
-   * Kiszler, T., **K. Ebell**, and **V. Schemann**: Exploring the representation of clouds and humidity in the Arctic with cloud-resolving simulations using ICON-LEM, DACH 2022, 21-25 March 2022, Leipzig, Germany {{ :publications:abstract:abstract_dach_2022_kiszler_et_al.pdf | abstract}}+
-==== Arctic Science Summit Week 2022  ==== +Conference 23 - 28 July 2023, \\ 
-[[]] \\ +Seminar 22 23 July 2023 \\ 
-26 March 01 April 2022TromsøNorway+Bates College, LewistonMEUnited States
-==== 2nd Workshop on Cloud Organization ==== +==== Workshop ‘Clouds containing Ice Particles’ ==== 
- + 23. – 26 July, 2023 \\ 
-16 19 May 2022 +Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz, Mainz, Germany 
-abstract deadline: 14.02.22 +==== 40th Conference on Radar Meteorology ==== 
-  * **Schnitt, S.**, **D. Chatterjee**, **P. Bigalke**, **S. Crewell**: Shallow convective organization in the Trades as seen by self-learning artificial intelligence {{ :publications:abstract:abstract_schnitt_organization.pdf |abstract}} +[[|Website]]\\ 
-   +(postponed from 2021) 27 August 01 September 2023 Minneapolis, USA \\ 
-  * **D. Chatterjee**, H. Deneke, **S. Crewell**Understanding cloud systems structure and organization using a machine’s self-learning capability {{ :chatterjee_corg_met_2022_abstract.odt | abstract}}+Abstract deadline30 April 2023
-==== ECMWF Machine Learning Workshop ==== +==== EMS Annual Meeting ==== 
-[[]] +[[]] \\ 
-Virtual 29 March 2022 to 1 April 2022+3-8 September 2023, Bratislava (Slovakia) & Online 
 +  * __**Marke, T.**__, **L. Pfitzenmaier**, **B. Pospichal**: Harmonized and quality-controlled microwave radiometer observations in the ACTRIS cloud remote sensing network, EMS 2023, 3-8 September 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia {{ :publications:abstract:2023_abstract_ems_marke.pdf |abstract}} 
 +  * __**Burgos-Cuevas, A.**__, ** Löhnert, U. **, **Pospichal B.**, **Marke, T.**, **Vicencio-Veloso, J.**: Quantifying the atmospheric boundary layer evolution during a 2022 heat wave over western Germany, EMS 2023, 3-8 September 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia {{ abstract_ems2023_abc.pdf |abstract}} 
 +  * __**Böck, T.**__, **B. Pospichal**, **U. Löhnert**: Measurement uncertainties of scanning microwave radiometers and their influence on temperature profiling.  Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society, EMS2022, September 3 - 8, 2022, Bonn, Germany {{ ::exob:ems2023_abstract_tobiasboeck.pdf | abstract}}
-  *  **D. Chatterjee**, H. Deneke, **S. Crewell**: Utilizing the self-learning capability of a deep neural network and continuous monitoring of geostationary satellite to understand clouds structure and organization {{:chatterjee_ecmwf_ml2022.pdf | abstract}} 
 +==== 3rd Workshop on Cloud Organization and Precipitation ====
 +4 - 8 September 2023, Trieste, Italy\\
 +Abstract deadline: 22 May 2023
-==== YOPP Final Summit ==== +==== Open-Earth Monitor Global Workshop ==== 
-[[]]\\ +[[|]]\\ 
-01 04 May 2022MontrealCanada\\ +8 September 2023BolzanoItaly\\ 
-Abstract submission deadline: October 2021+Abstract deadline: 1 March 2023
-==== 1st ACTRIS Science Conference ==== +==== ECMWF Earth System Reanalysis Seminar ==== 
-[[]]\\ +[[]]\\ 
-11 - 13 May 2022Online\\+8 September 2023, Reading, UK\\ 
 +Abstract deadline: 31 May 2023 
 +==== 4th International Summer Snowfall Workshop ==== 
 +[[|workshop info page]] 
 +11 - 13 September 2023Leipzig, Germany\\ 
 +Abstract deadline 26 May 2023
- * **ABurgos-Cuevas**, **TMarke**, **BPospichal**, ** ULöhnert **: Characterization of turbulence and thermodynamic stability in the atmospheric boundary-layer for air quality network applications {{: actris_conference_final_abstract.pdf | abstract}}+==== EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2023 ==== 
 +11 - 15 September 2023Malmö (Sweden)\\ 
 +Abstract deadline: 12 February 2023 
 +  * __**Acquistapace C.**__, **Chatterjee D.**, **Bigalke P.**:"Exploiting embedding representations to characterize severe storms over the Alpine region using MSG/MTG data", EUMETSAT Conference, {{ ::eumetsat_2023_abstract_acquistapace.pdf |abstract}}
-==== ESA Living Planet Symposium ==== +==== 9th  International Symposium on Data Assimilation 2023 ====
-[[|Website]]\\ +
-23 - 27 May 2022, Bonn (Germany)\\ +
-  * **Mech, M.**, Maahn, M., **Kneifel, S., Ori, D., Schemann, V., and Crewell, S.**: Passive and Active Microwave Transfer (PAMTRA): a tool to simulate observations from space, air, and ground {{ :publications:abstract:2022_abstract_esa_living_planet_mech_et_al_pamtra.pdf |abstract}} +
-  * **Mech, M., Schemann, V., and Crewell, S.**: Arctic mixed-phase clouds as observed during (AC)3 airborne campaigns and their representation in the ICON-LEM model {{ :publications:abstract:2022_abstract_esa_living_planet_mech_et_al_arctic_mpc.pdf |abstract}}+
 +16-20 October 2023, Bologna
 + * __**Toporov M.**__, **Löhnert U.**, Schomburg A., **Schemann V.**, Vural J., Deppisch T.:"Assimilation of ground-based microwave radiometer observations into the convection resolving ICON model: observing systemsimulation experiments", {{ :exob:isda_mtoporov.pdf |}}
-==== EGU 2022 ==== +====Svalbard Science Conference 2023 ==== 
-{{}}\\ +[[|]]\\ 
-23 – 27 May 2022Vienna (Austria)\\ +31 October - 1 November 2023Oslo (Norway)\\ 
-Abstract submission deadline: 12 January 2022, 13:00 CET\\ +Abstract deadline: 1 June 2023
-Travel Support application deadline: 1 December 2021, 13:00 CET\\ +
- +
-  * **C. Acquistapace**, D. Lange, **N. Risse**, and Florian Späth: Investigation on the impact of environmental parameters on ship-based observations of trade wind shallow cumuli and precipitation. EGU 2022, 23-27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria {{ :publications:abstract:2022_egu_vienna_acquistapace.pdf |abstract}} +==== HALO Status Semiar + Mission Planning Workshop ==== 
-  * __G. Chellini__, **R. Gierens**, T. Kiszler, **V. Schemann**, S. Kneifel: Arctic low-level mixed-phase clouds produce large aggregates at dendritic-growth temperatures: evidence from long-term remote sensing observations in Ny-Ålesund. EGU 20223 – 8 April 2022, Vienna, Austria +9 November 2023DLR Oberpfaffenhofen (Germany)
-  * Kiszler, T., G. Chellini, **K. Ebell**, S. Kneifel, **V. Schemann**: A performance baseline for the representation of clouds and humidity for cloud-resolving ICON-LEM simulations, EGU 2022, 3 – 8 April 2022, Vienna, Austria {{ :publications:abstract:kiszler_et_al_egu22_abstract_v2.pdf |abstract}} +
-  * J. Pasquier, et al. (incl. **R. Gierens**): Importance of secondary ice production over a large temperature range in Arctic mixed-phase clouds +
-  * __**Nomokonova T.**__, P. Griewank, **U. Löhnert**, T. Necker,  M. Weissmann: Benefits of Doppler wind lidars to improve short-term low-level wind forecasts, EGU 2022, 3 – 8 April 2022, Vienna, Austria, {{ :nomokonovaegu2022.pdf | abstract}} +
-  * __**A. Burgos Cuevas**__, A. Magaldi Hermosillo, D. Adams, M. Grutter de la Mora,  J. L. Garcia Franco, A. Ruiz Angulo: Comparison between Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height remote sensing-retrievals over a complex topography, EGU 2022, 3 – 8 April 2022, Vienna, Austria, {{ :Burgos_EGU22-4735.pdf | abstract}} +
-  *  **D. Chatterjee**, H. Deneke, **S. Crewell**: Can satellite images provide supervision for cloud systems characterization? {{ :chatterjee-egu22-print.pdf | abstract}} +
-  *  __**J. Steinheuer**__, F. Beyrich, C. Detring, S. Fiedler, P. Friederichs, and **U.Löhnert**: Sub-mesoscale evolution of spatial wind gust patterns measured with three Doppler lidars in a trinagle configuraion {{ :publications:abstract:Steinheuer_egu22_abstract.pdf | abstract}}+
 +==== ESA-JAXA Pre-Launch EarthCARE Science and Validation Workshop ====
 +13 - 17 November 2023,  ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
-==== ISDA 2022 International Symposium on Data Assimilation==== +==== XVI Chilean Geological Congress: New challenges for an evolving territory ==== 
-[[]]\\ +26 November - 1 December 2023, SGC, Santiago, Chile.  
-- 10 June 2022, Fort Collins, CO, USA. \\ +SFB1211 Special Session - AT1-10: Earth – Evolution at the dry limit. 
-Abstract deadline: 15 February, 2021. \\+[[]]
-  * **Nomokonova T.**, __P. Griewank__, **U. Löhnert**, T. Miyoshi, T. Necker,  M. Weissmann: Observing and data assimilation strategies to improve short-term low-level wind forecast for sustainable energy applications, ISDA 2022, 6 – 10 June 2022, Fort Collins, CO, USA, {{ :nomokonova_et_al_isda2022.pdf | abstract}} 
 +==== AGU 2023 ====
 +11 - 15 December 2023, San Francisco (USA)
-  * **Toporov, M., Löhnert, U., Schemann, V.**, Schomburg, A., Vural, J.: Assimilation of ground-based microwave radiometer observations into the convection resolving ICON model using an observing system simulation experiment, ISDA 2022, 6 – 10 June 2022, Fort Collins, CO, USA, {{ :toporov_et_al_isda_2022.pdf | abstract}}+===== 2024 =====
 +==== First Symposium for Cloud Physics 2024 ====
 +28 January - 01 February 2024, Baltimore, USA (also Online) \\
 +from the American Meteorological Society \\
 +topic proposal submission:
 +==== Arctic Science Summit Week 2024 ====
 +21 - 29 March 2024, Edinburgh, United Kingdom \\
-====  IPWG-10/IWSSM-6 ==== +==== EGU 2024 ==== 
-[[]]\\ +14 – 19 April 2024Vienna (Austria
-13 - 17 June 2022Fort Collins, CO, USA. (hybrid)\\ +
-Abstract deadline: 15 January, 2021. +
-==== IRS 2022  ==== 
-[[|International Radiation Symposium]] \\ 
-4 - 8 July 2022, Thessaloniki (Greece) \\ 
-Abstract deadline: 20 December 2019 \\ 
-  * __Donoso, E.__, **V. Schemann, S. Crewell, M. Mech, B. Kulla, L. Kliesch**, et al.: Distribution of Thermodynamic Phase in two Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds Observed by Airborne Remote Sensing During the ACLOUD campaign.6 - 10 July 2020, Thessaloniki (Greece)  
-  * __Saveedra Garfias, P.__, **K. Ebell**, and H. Kalesse-Los: Estimation of Cloud Radiative Effects from Ground-based Observations in the Western Arctic, IRS, 4 - 8 July 2022, Thessaloniki, {{ :publications:abstract:abstract-saavedra-garfias_irs2022-1.pdf |abstract}} 
-==== AMS 24th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence ==== 
-[[ | Symposium on Boundary Layers ]]\\ 
-11 - 15 July, 2022, Šibenik, Croatia  \\ 
-Abstract Submissions Deadline: 1 February 2022 
-==== 3rd Pan-GASS Meeting ==== 
-[[ | 3rd Pan-GASS Meeting Understanding and Modeling Atmospheric Processes ]]\\ 
-25 - 29 July, 2022, Monterey, CA USA  \\ 
-Abstract Submissions Deadline: 31 January 2022 
-==== AMS Collective Madison Meeting 2022 ==== 
-8 - 12 August, Madison, WI, USA 
-The Collective Madison Meeting is made up of the following Conferences: +===== 2025 =====
-  * the 25th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology +
-  * the 17th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography +
-  * the 16th Conference on Cloud Physics/16th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation.+
-Abstract deadline14 April 2022+==== Arctic Science Summit Week 2025 ==== 
 +21 - 28 March 2025, Boulder, Colorado, United States \\ 
-  * **S. Crewell**: Arctic Cloud Development during Airmass Transformation: First results from HALO-AC3 {{ :abstract_crewell_et_al_ams_2022.pdf |}} 
-  * ** K. Ebell, C. Buhren, R. Gierens, M. Lauer,** G. Chellini, M. Maturilli, **P. Krobot**: Multi-year precipitation characteristics based on in-situ and remote sensing observations at the Arctic research site Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. 17th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography. {{ :publications:abstract:ebell_et_al_ams_2022_abstract_20220414.pdf |abstract}} 
-  *** L. Hayo, R. Gierens, V. Schemann**, T. Kiszler, M. Maturilli, **K. Ebell**: Local processes modifying atmospheric humidity in an Arctic fjord environment. 17th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography. {{ ::amspolarabstract_hayogierens_20220414.pdf | abstract}} 
-  * J. Henneberger, J. Wieder, J. Pasquier, F. Ramelli, Z. A. Kanji, U. Lohmann, M. Haarig, J. Bühl, M. Radenz, P. Seifert, **R. Gierens**: Ice formation in mixed-phase clouds through collocated in-situ and remote sensing measurements. 16th Conference on Cloud Physics {{ ::2022_-_abstract_-_ams_clouds_-_jan_henneberger2.pdf | abstract}} 
-  * **R. Gierens**, S. Kneifel, J. T. Pasquier, F. Ramelli, **D. Ori**, M. D. Shupe, **K. Ebell**, **U. Löhnert**: Interpretation of cloud radar Doppler spectra in Arctic mixed-phase clouds: evaluation using co-located in situ measurements. 16th Conference on Cloud Physics {{ ::amscloudabstract_gierens_20220414.pdf | abstract}} 
-  * G. Chellini, **R. Gierens**, T. Kiszler, **V. Schemann**, S. Kneifel: Precipitation formation in Arctic low-level mixed-phase clouds: assessing the role of aggregation with long-term radar observations from Ny-Ålesund 
-==== ERAD 2022 ==== 
-[[|11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology  ]] \\ 
-29 August - 2 September 2022, Locarno (Switzerland)\\ 
-abstract deadline: 22.03.22 
-  * R. Gierens, S. Kneifel, M. Shupe, K. Ebell, U. Löhnert: Investigating micro-physical processes in Arctic mixed-phase clouds using cloud radar Doppler spectrum skewness. {{ ::erad2022_abstract_rgierens20220322.pdf | abstract}} 
-  * G. Chellini, R. Gierens, T. Kiszler, V. Schemann, S. Kneifel: Aggregation in Arctic shallow mixed-phase clouds is enhanced by dendritic growth and absent close to the melting level: evidence from long-term remote sensing observations in Ny-Ålesund. {{ ::erad2022_abstract_chellini.pdf | abstract}} 
-==== EMS Annual Meeting 2022 ==== 
-5 - 9 September 2022, Bonn, Germany\\ 
-Abstract deadline: 26 April 2022 
-  * __**Nomokonova T.**__, **U. Löhnert**, T. Miyoshi, T. Necker, P. Griewank, M. Weissmann: Benefits of remote-sensing profilers for sustainable energy applications,  Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society, EMS2022, September 4 - 9, 2022, Bonn, Germany {{ ::nomokonova_et_al_ems2022-216.pdf | abstract}}\\ 
-  * __**M. Löffler**__, C. Knist, J. Vural, U. Görsdorf, **U. Löhnert**: New cloud detection method for a stand-alone ground based microwave radiometer,  Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society, EMS2022, September 4 - 9, 2022, Bonn, Germany {{ ::publications:abstract:20220425_abstract_ems_ml.pdf | abstract}}\\ 
-  * __**Pfitzenmaier Lukas**__, P. Kollias, B. Puigdomènech, A. Battaglia, K. Lamer, **U. Löhnert**: A L1 transformational operator for the objective evaluation of the EarthCARE Cloud Profiling Radar data products, EMS2022, September 4 - 9, 2022, Bonn, Germany {{ :exob:publications:abstract_ems_pfitzenmaier.pdf | abstract}}\\ 
-  * __**Böck T.**__, **B. Pospichal**, **U. Löhnert**: Characterizing the influence of obstacles on scanning microwave profilers, EMS2022, September 4 - 9, 2022, Bonn, Germany {{ :exob:publications:ems2022_abstract_tb_20220501.pdf | abstract}}\\ 
-  * __**Toporov M.**__, **U. Löhnert**, **V. Schemann**, A. Schomburg, J. Vural: Assimilation of ground-based microwave radiometer observations into convection resolving ICON model using an observing system simulation experiment,  Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society, EMS2022, September 4 - 9, 2022, Bonn, Germany {{ :exob:publications:ems2022-toporov.pdf | abstract}}\\ 
-==== EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2022 ==== 
-19 - 23 September 2022, Brussels (Belgium)\\ 
-Abstract deadline: 7 February 2022 
-  *  **D. Chatterjee**, H. Deneke, **S. Crewell**: Understanding cloud regimes from what they look like rather than from what they are: a bottom-up approach based on deep learning {{ :chatterjee_eumetsat-2022.odt | abstract}} 
-  * **N. Risse**, **M. Mech**, C. Prigent, G. Spreen, J. Rückert, **A. Walbröl**, **S. Crewell**: Validation of TELSEM² using observed sea ice emissivities up to 340 GHz in preparation for the Ice Cloud Imager (ICI) {{ :abstract_eumetsat_conference_2022_risse.pdf | abstract}} 
-  * **C. Böhm**, **S. Crewell**: Fog detection through full exploitation of satellite observations using machine learning {{ :publications:abstract:abstract_boehm_eumetsat_2022.pdf | abstract}} 
- ==== IARC 2022 International Atmospheric Rivers Conference ==== 
-10 - 14 October 2022, Santiago, Chile\\ 
-Abstract deadline: 15 June 2022 
-==== AGU 2022 ==== 
-12 - 16 December 2022, Chicago (USA) 
-===== 2023 ===== 
-==== 2nd MOSAiC Science Conference ==== 
-early 2023, Boulder, CO, USA 
-==== EGU 2023 ==== 
-23 - 28 April 2023, Vienna (Austria)  
-==== 40th Conference on Radar Meteorology ==== 
-(postponed from 2021) 27 August 01 September 2023 Minneapolis, USA \\ 
-Abstract deadline: 30 April 2023 
-==== AGU 2023 ==== 
-11 - 15 December 2023, San Francisco (USA) 
-===== 2024 ===== 
-==== EGU 2024 ==== 
-14 – 19 April 2024, Vienna (Austria)  
 ---- ----
upcoming_conf.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/09 15:54 by tobias