====== Peer-reviewed ====== == submitted == **Mech, M.**, Maahn, M., Kneifel, S., Ori, D., Orlandi, E., Kollias, P., Schemann, V. and **Crewell, S.**: PAMTRA 1.0: A Passive and Active Microwave radiative TRAnsfer tool for simulating radiometer and radar measurements of the cloudy atmosphere, Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 1–34, [[https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-2019-356]], 2020. Wolf, K., Ehrlich, A., **Mech, M.**, Hogan, R. J. and Wendisch, M.: Evaluation of ECMWF radiation scheme using aircraft observations of spectral irradiance above clouds, Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 2020.