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 **Chatterjee, D., Schnitt, S., Bigalke, P., Acquistapace, C., & Crewell, S.**, 2024: Capturing the diversity of mesoscale trade wind cumuli using complementary approaches from self-supervised deep learning. //Geophysical Research Letters//, 51, e2024GL108889 [[]]. **Chatterjee, D., Schnitt, S., Bigalke, P., Acquistapace, C., & Crewell, S.**, 2024: Capturing the diversity of mesoscale trade wind cumuli using complementary approaches from self-supervised deep learning. //Geophysical Research Letters//, 51, e2024GL108889 [[]].
-Jaeschke, A., **C. Böhm**, J. Schween, E. Schefuß, M. A. Koch, C. Latorre, S. Contreras, J. Rethemeyer, H. Wissel, and A. Lücke, 2024: Evaluating the isotopic composition of leaf organic compounds in fog-dependent Tillandsia landbeckii across the coastal Atacama Desert: Implications for hydroclimate reconstructions at the dry limit. //Global and Planetary Change//, 235, 104393, [[]]+Jaeschke, A., **C. Böhm**, J. Schween, E. Schefuß, M. A. Koch, C. Latorre, S. Contreras, J. Rethemeyer, H. Wissel, and A. Lücke, 2024: Evaluating the isotopic composition of leaf organic compounds in fog-dependent Tillandsia landbeckii across the coastal Atacama Desert: Implications for hydroclimate reconstructions at the dry limit. //Global and Planetary Change//, 235, 104393, [[]].
 Kirbus, B., **I. Schirmacher**, M. Klingebiel, M. Schäfer, A. Ehrlich, N. Slättberg, J. Lucke, M. Moser, H. Müller, and M. Wendisch, 2024: Thermodynamic and cloud evolution in a cold-air outbreak during HALO-(AC)3: quasi-Lagrangian observations compared to the ERA5 and CARRA reanalyses. //Atmos. Chem. Phys.//,24, 3883–3904, [[]]. Kirbus, B., **I. Schirmacher**, M. Klingebiel, M. Schäfer, A. Ehrlich, N. Slättberg, J. Lucke, M. Moser, H. Müller, and M. Wendisch, 2024: Thermodynamic and cloud evolution in a cold-air outbreak during HALO-(AC)3: quasi-Lagrangian observations compared to the ERA5 and CARRA reanalyses. //Atmos. Chem. Phys.//,24, 3883–3904, [[]].
-Kiszler, T., **Ori, D.**, **Schemann, V.**: Microphysical processes involving the vapour phase dominate in simulated low-level Arctic clouds //Atmos. Chem. Phys.// 24, 10039-10053 [[]]+Kiszler, T., **Ori, D.**, **Schemann, V.**: Microphysical processes involving the vapour phase dominate in simulated low-level Arctic clouds //Atmos. Chem. Phys.// 24, 10039-10053 [[]].
-Maherndl, N., Moser, M., Lucke, J., **Mech, M.**, **Risse, N.**, **Schirmacher, I.**, and Maahn, M.: Quantifying riming from airborne data during the HALO-(AC)3 campaign, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 1475–1495, [[]], 2024. +Maherndl, N., Moser, M., Lucke, J., **Mech, M.**, **Risse, N.**, **Schirmacher, I.**, and Maahn, M.: Quantifying riming from airborne data during the HALO-(AC)3 campaign, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 1475–1495, [[]]
 +**RisseN.**, **M. Mech**, C. Prigent, G. Spreen, and **S. Crewell**: Assessing the sea ice microwave emissivity up to submillimeter waves from airborne and satellite observations, //The Cryosphere//, 18, 4137–4163,[[]].
 **Schnitt, S.**, A. Foth, H. Kalesse-Los, **M. Mech**, **C. Acquistapace**, F. Jansen, U. Löhnert, B. Pospichal, J. Röttenbacher, **S. Crewell**, und B. Stevens, 2024: Ground- and ship-based microwave radiometer measurements during EUREC$^4$A, //Earth Syst. Sci. Data//,  16, 681–700, [[]]. **Schnitt, S.**, A. Foth, H. Kalesse-Los, **M. Mech**, **C. Acquistapace**, F. Jansen, U. Löhnert, B. Pospichal, J. Röttenbacher, **S. Crewell**, und B. Stevens, 2024: Ground- and ship-based microwave radiometer measurements during EUREC$^4$A, //Earth Syst. Sci. Data//,  16, 681–700, [[]].
-Stevens, B., Adami, S., Ali, T., Anzt, H., Aslan, Z., Attinger, S., Bäck, J., Baehr, J., Bauer, P., Bernier, N., Bishop, B., Bockelmann, H., Bony, S., Brasseur, G., Bresch, D. N., Breyer, S., Brunet, G., Buttigieg, P. L., Cao, J., Castet, C., Cheng, Y., Dey Choudhury, A., Coen, D., **Crewell, S.**, Dabholkar, A., Dai, Q., Doblas-Reyes, F., Durran, D., El Gaidi, A., Ewen, C., Exarchou, E., Eyring, V., Falkinhoff, F., Farrell, D., Forster, P. M., Frassoni, A., Frauen, C., Fuhrer, O., Gani, S., Gerber, E., Goldfarb, D., Grieger, J., Gruber, N., Hazeleger, W., Herken, R., Hewitt, C., Hoefler, T., Hsu, H.-H., Jacob, D., Jahn, A., Jakob, C., Jung, T., Kadow, C., Kang, I.-S., Kang, S., Kashinath, K., Kleinen-von Königslöw, K., Klocke, D., Kloenne, U., Klöwer, M., Kodama, C., Kollet, S., Kölling, T., Kontkanen, J., Kopp, S., Koran, M., Kulmala, M., Lappalainen, H., Latifi, F., Lawrence, B., Lee, J. Y., Lejeun, Q., Lessig, C., Li, C., Lippert, T., Luterbacher, J., Manninen, P., Marotzke, J., Matsouoka, S., Merchant, C., Messmer, P., Michel, G., Michielsen, K., Miyakawa, T., Müller, J., Munir, R., Narayanasetti, S., Ndiaye, O., Nobre, C., Oberg, A., Oki, R., Özkan-Haller, T., Palmer, T., Posey, S., Prein, A., Primus, O., Pritchard, M., Pullen, J., Putrasahan, D., Quaas, J., Raghavan, K., Ramaswamy, V., Rapp, M., Rauser, F., Reichstein, M., Revi, A., Saluja, S., Satoh, M., **Schemann, V.**, Schemm, S., Schnadt Poberaj, C., Schulthess, T., Senior, C., Shukla, J., Singh, M., Slingo, J., Sobel, A., Solman, S., Spitzer, J., Stier, P., Stocker, T., Strock, S., Su, H., Taalas, P., Taylor, J., Tegtmeier, S., Teutsch, G., Tompkins, A., Ulbrich, U., Vidale, P.-L., Wu, C.-M., Xu, H., Zaki, N., Zanna, L., Zhou, T., and Ziemen, F., 2024: Earth Virtualization Engines (EVE), //Earth Syst. Sci. Data//, 16, 2113–2122, [[]], 2024.+Stevens, B., Adami, S., Ali, T., Anzt, H., Aslan, Z., Attinger, S., Bäck, J., Baehr, J., Bauer, P., Bernier, N., Bishop, B., Bockelmann, H., Bony, S., Brasseur, G., Bresch, D. N., Breyer, S., Brunet, G., Buttigieg, P. L., Cao, J., Castet, C., Cheng, Y., Dey Choudhury, A., Coen, D., **Crewell, S.**, Dabholkar, A., Dai, Q., Doblas-Reyes, F., Durran, D., El Gaidi, A., Ewen, C., Exarchou, E., Eyring, V., Falkinhoff, F., Farrell, D., Forster, P. M., Frassoni, A., Frauen, C., Fuhrer, O., Gani, S., Gerber, E., Goldfarb, D., Grieger, J., Gruber, N., Hazeleger, W., Herken, R., Hewitt, C., Hoefler, T., Hsu, H.-H., Jacob, D., Jahn, A., Jakob, C., Jung, T., Kadow, C., Kang, I.-S., Kang, S., Kashinath, K., Kleinen-von Königslöw, K., Klocke, D., Kloenne, U., Klöwer, M., Kodama, C., Kollet, S., Kölling, T., Kontkanen, J., Kopp, S., Koran, M., Kulmala, M., Lappalainen, H., Latifi, F., Lawrence, B., Lee, J. Y., Lejeun, Q., Lessig, C., Li, C., Lippert, T., Luterbacher, J., Manninen, P., Marotzke, J., Matsouoka, S., Merchant, C., Messmer, P., Michel, G., Michielsen, K., Miyakawa, T., Müller, J., Munir, R., Narayanasetti, S., Ndiaye, O., Nobre, C., Oberg, A., Oki, R., Özkan-Haller, T., Palmer, T., Posey, S., Prein, A., Primus, O., Pritchard, M., Pullen, J., Putrasahan, D., Quaas, J., Raghavan, K., Ramaswamy, V., Rapp, M., Rauser, F., Reichstein, M., Revi, A., Saluja, S., Satoh, M., **Schemann, V.**, Schemm, S., Schnadt Poberaj, C., Schulthess, T., Senior, C., Shukla, J., Singh, M., Slingo, J., Sobel, A., Solman, S., Spitzer, J., Stier, P., Stocker, T., Strock, S., Su, H., Taalas, P., Taylor, J., Tegtmeier, S., Teutsch, G., Tompkins, A., Ulbrich, U., Vidale, P.-L., Wu, C.-M., Xu, H., Zaki, N., Zanna, L., Zhou, T., and Ziemen, F., 2024: Earth Virtualization Engines (EVE), //Earth Syst. Sci. Data//, 16, 2113–2122, [[]].
-**Walbröl, A.**, J. Michaelis, S. Becker, H. Dorff, **K. Ebell**, I. Gorodetskaya, B. Heinold, B. Kirbus, **M. Lauer**, N. Maherndl, M. Maturilli, J. Mayer, H. Müller, R. A. J. Neggers, F. M. Paulus, J. Röttenbacher, J. E. Rückert, **I. Schirmacher**,  N. Slättberg, A. Ehrlich, M. Wendisch, and **S. Crewell**: Contrasting extremely warm and long-lasting cold air anomalies in the North Atlantic sector of the Arctic during the HALO-(AC)3 campaign, //Atmos. Chem. Phys.//, 24, 13, 8007-8029,**Walbröl, A.**, J. Michaelis, S. Becker, H. Dorff, **K. Ebell**, I. Gorodetskaya, B. Heinold, B. Kirbus, **M. Lauer**, N. Maherndl, M. Maturilli, J. Mayer, H. Müller, R. A. J. Neggers, F. M. Paulus, J. Röttenbacher, J. E. Rückert, **I. Schirmacher**,  N. Slättberg, A. Ehrlich, M. Wendisch, and **S. Crewell**: Contrasting extremely warm and long-lasting cold air anomalies in the North Atlantic sector of the Arctic during the HALO-(AC)3 campaign, //Atmos. Chem. Phys.//, 24, 13, 8007-8029, [[]].
-Wendisch, M., **Crewell, S.**, Ehrlich, A., Herber, A., Kirbus, B., Lüpkes, C., **Mech, M.**, Abel, S. J., Akansu, E. F., Ament, F., Aubry, C., Becker, S., Borrmann, S., Bozem, H., Brückner, M., Clemen, H.-C., Dahlke, S., Dekoutsidis, G., Delanoë, J., De La Torre Castro, E., Dorff, H., Dupuy, R., Eppers, O., Ewald, F., George, G., Gorodetskaya, I. V., Grawe, S., Groß, S., Hartmann, J., Henning, S., Hirsch, L., Jäkel, E., Joppe, P., Jourdan, O., Jurányi, Z., Karalis, M., Kellermann, M., Klingebiel, M., Lonardi, M., Lucke, J., Luebke, A., Maahn, M., Maherndl, N., Maturilli, M., Mayer, B., Mayer, J., Mertes, S., Michaelis, J., Michalkov, M., Mioche, G., Moser, M., Müller, H., Neggers, R., **Ori, D.**, **Paul, D.**, Paulus, F., Pilz, C., Pithan, F., Pöhlker, M., Pörtge, V., Ringel, M., **Risse, N.**, Roberts, G. C., Rosenburg, S., Röttenbacher, J., Rückert, J., Schäfer, M., Schäfer, J., **Schemannn, V.**, **Schirmacher, I.**, Schmidt, J., Schmidt, S., Schneider, J., **Schnitt, S.**, Schwarz, A., Siebert, H., Sodemann, H., Sperzel, T., Spreen, G., Stevens, B., Stratmann, F., Svensson, G., Tatzelt, C., Tuch, T., Vihma, T., Voigt, C., Volkmer, L., **Walbröl, A.**, Weber, A., Wehner, B., Wetzel, B., Wirth, M., and Zinner, T., 2024: Overview: Quasi-Lagrangian observations of Arctic air mass transformations – Introduction and initial results of the HALO–(AC)3 aircraft campaign. //Atmos. Chem. Phys.// 24, 8865–8892,[[]]+Wendisch, M., **Crewell, S.**, Ehrlich, A., Herber, A., Kirbus, B., Lüpkes, C., **Mech, M.**, Abel, S. J., Akansu, E. F., Ament, F., Aubry, C., Becker, S., Borrmann, S., Bozem, H., Brückner, M., Clemen, H.-C., Dahlke, S., Dekoutsidis, G., Delanoë, J., De La Torre Castro, E., Dorff, H., Dupuy, R., Eppers, O., Ewald, F., George, G., Gorodetskaya, I. V., Grawe, S., Groß, S., Hartmann, J., Henning, S., Hirsch, L., Jäkel, E., Joppe, P., Jourdan, O., Jurányi, Z., Karalis, M., Kellermann, M., Klingebiel, M., Lonardi, M., Lucke, J., Luebke, A., Maahn, M., Maherndl, N., Maturilli, M., Mayer, B., Mayer, J., Mertes, S., Michaelis, J., Michalkov, M., Mioche, G., Moser, M., Müller, H., Neggers, R., **Ori, D.**, **Paul, D.**, Paulus, F., Pilz, C., Pithan, F., Pöhlker, M., Pörtge, V., Ringel, M., **Risse, N.**, Roberts, G. C., Rosenburg, S., Röttenbacher, J., Rückert, J., Schäfer, M., Schäfer, J., **Schemannn, V.**, **Schirmacher, I.**, Schmidt, J., Schmidt, S., Schneider, J., **Schnitt, S.**, Schwarz, A., Siebert, H., Sodemann, H., Sperzel, T., Spreen, G., Stevens, B., Stratmann, F., Svensson, G., Tatzelt, C., Tuch, T., Vihma, T., Voigt, C., Volkmer, L., **Walbröl, A.**, Weber, A., Wehner, B., Wetzel, B., Wirth, M., and Zinner, T., 2024: Overview: Quasi-Lagrangian observations of Arctic air mass transformations – Introduction and initial results of the HALO–(AC)3 aircraft campaign. //Atmos. Chem. Phys.// 24, 8865–8892,[[]].
 ==== 2023 ==== ==== 2023 ====
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