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software:improtoo [2012/05/30 18:42] maxsoftware:improtoo [2012/11/09 09:45] – [Questions] max
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 IMProToo is an improved processing method for Micro Rain radar. It is especially suited for snow observations and provides besides other things effective reflectivity, Doppler velocity and spectral width. The method features a noise removal based on recognition of the most significant peak and a dynamic dealiasing routine which allows observations even if the Nyquist velocity range is exceeded. To software requires MRR raw data, it does not work with Metek's standard products MRR Averaged Data or Processed Data. IMProToo is an improved processing method for Micro Rain radar. It is especially suited for snow observations and provides besides other things effective reflectivity, Doppler velocity and spectral width. The method features a noise removal based on recognition of the most significant peak and a dynamic dealiasing routine which allows observations even if the Nyquist velocity range is exceeded. To software requires MRR raw data, it does not work with Metek's standard products MRR Averaged Data or Processed Data.
 +Please note that this software was developed for observations at low SNR ratios such as snow, drizzle or light rain. Heavy rain, especially in combination with strong turbulence, might give wrong results.
 +The software can be used under the [[|GPL license]]
 +=====How does it work=====
 +The routine is described in //Maahn, M. and Kollias, P.: Improved Micro Rain Radar snow measurements using Doppler spectra post-processing, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., 5, 4771-4808, doi:10.5194/amtd-5-4771-2012, 2012.// [[]]
 =====Download===== =====Download=====
-The software is still beta, especially the documentation needs to be enhanced. The most recent version is 0.95_10 +The software is still beta, especially the documentation needs to be enhanced. 
-  * [[file|]]+  * {{|}} fixed calculation of kurtosis and skewness (6 August 2012)  
 +  * {{|}} netcdf bugfixes (18 July 2012)  
 +  * {{|}} initial public release (21 June 2012)  
 ===== How to install ===== ===== How to install =====
-The following python packages need to be installed:+The software is developed for python 2.7 and should run on any recent Linux system (and most likely also Mac OS X). Windows is currently not supported, but probably only minor changes are necessary. 
 +The following python packages are required:
   * numpy   * numpy
   * matplotlib (for plotting only)   * matplotlib (for plotting only)
   * [[|netcdf4-python]] OR python-netcdf (for saving the results only)   * [[|netcdf4-python]] OR python-netcdf (for saving the results only)
-An installation routine is not provided yet, Instead, save the provided files in your working library and import the package using "import IMProToo". If you save the files in another directory, you have to add this directory to your [[|python path]].+ 
 +An installation routine is not provided, Instead, save the included files in your working directory and import the package using "import IMProToo". If you want to save the files in another directory, you have to add this directory to your [[|python path]]. If you have root permissions, you can also put the files into your python library directory (usually /usr/lib/python). 
 +===== How to use ==== 
 +To use the toolkit, start python and import it: 
 +  import IMProToo 
 +read the raw data file (can be gzip-compressed) 
 +  rawData = IMProToo.mrrRawData("mrrRawFile.mrr.gz"
 +create the IMProToo object and load rawData 
 +  processedSpec = IMProToo.MrrZe(rawData) 
 +average rawData to 60s 
 +  processedSpec.averageSpectra(60) 
 +all settings (e.g. creator attribute of netCDF file, dealiasing) are available in the '' dictionary and must be set before calculating Ze etc. See the source code for a description of the settings. 
 +["ncCreator"] = "M.Maahn, IGM University of Cologne" 
 +["ncDescription"] = "MRR data from Cologne" 
 +["dealiaseSpectrum"] = True     
 +calculate Ze and other moments 
 +  processedSpec.rawToSnow() 
 +write all variables to a netCDF file. 
 +  processedSpec.writeNetCDF("",ncForm="NETCDF3_CLASSIC"
 ===== Questions ===== ===== Questions =====
-In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact Maximilian Maahn: mmaahn_(AT)_meteo_DOT_uni-koeln_DOT_de+In case of any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Maximilian Maahn: mmaahn_(AT)_meteo_DOT_uni-koeln_DOT_de
software/improtoo.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/22 22:17 by