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publications:reviewed_a [2022/06/08 09:59] – [2022] adrostpublications:reviewed_a [2022/07/13 13:20] rosa
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 ==== submitted ==== ==== submitted ====
-KingF., G. Duffy, L. Milani, C. G. Fletcher, C. Pettersen and **K. Ebell**: DeepPrecip: A deep neural network for precipitation retrievals, //Machine Intelligence//, submitted on 3 May 2022+KiszlerT., **K. Ebell**, and V. Schemann: A performance baseline for the representation of clouds and humidity in cloud-resolving ICON-LEM simulations in the Arctic, //Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems//, submitted on 12 July 2022
-J. T. Pasquier, J. Henneberger, F. Ramelli, A. Lauber, R. O. David, J. Wieder, T. Carlsen, **R. Gierens**, M. Maturilli, and U. Lohmann: Conditions favorable for secondary ice production in Arctic mixed-phase clouds, //Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.// [preprint],, in review, 2022. +Pasquier, J. et al. (including **R. Gierens**): Understanding the history of complex ice crystal habits deduced from a holographic imager, //Geophysical Research Letters//, submitted on 30 June 2022  
 +Bailey, A., Aemisegger, F., Villiger, L., Los, S. A., Reverdin, G., Quiñones Meléndez, E., **Acquistapace, C.**, Baranowski, D. B., **Böck, T.**, Bony, S., Bordsdorff, T., Coffman, D., de Szoeke, S. P., Diekmann, C. J., Dütsch, M., Ertl, B., Galewsky, J., Henze, D., Makuch, P., Noone, D., Quinn, P. K., ​​Rösch, M., Schneider, A., Schneider, M., Speich, S., Stevens, B., and Thompson, E.: Isotopic measurements in water vapor, precipitation, and seawater during EUREC4A, // Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. [preprint], [[]], in review, 2022. // 
 +**Acquistapace C.**, Meroni A.N., Labbri G., Lange D., Späth F., Abbas S., bellenger H.:Fast atmospheric response to an SST mesoscale cold patch in the north-western subtropical Atlantic, // submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere on 2022-03-18 10:29:58, in review // 
 +King, F., G. Duffy, L. Milani, C. G. Fletcher, C. Pettersen and **K. Ebell**: DeepPrecip: A deep neural network for precipitation retrievals, //EGUsphere [preprint]//,, 2022. (for review in //Atmos. Meas. Tech.//, submitted on 16 June 2022) 
 +Pasquier, J. T., J. Henneberger, F. Ramelli, A. Lauber, R. O. David, J. Wieder, T. Carlsen, **R. Gierens**, M. Maturilli, and U. Lohmann: Conditions favorable for secondary ice production in Arctic mixed-phase clouds, //Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.// [preprint],, in review, 2022. 
 Chellini, G., **R. Gierens**, and S. Kneifel: Ice aggregation in Arctic shallow mixed-phase clouds: enhanced by dendritic growth and absent close to the melting level, submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres on 1.4.2022 Chellini, G., **R. Gierens**, and S. Kneifel: Ice aggregation in Arctic shallow mixed-phase clouds: enhanced by dendritic growth and absent close to the melting level, submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres on 1.4.2022
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 Chylik, J., Chechin, D., Dupuy, R., **Kulla, B. S.**, Lüpkes, C., Mertes, S., **Mech, M.**, and Neggers, R. A. J.: Aerosol-cloud-turbulence interactions in well-coupled Arctic boundary layers over open water, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. [preprint], [[]], in review, 2021. Chylik, J., Chechin, D., Dupuy, R., **Kulla, B. S.**, Lüpkes, C., Mertes, S., **Mech, M.**, and Neggers, R. A. J.: Aerosol-cloud-turbulence interactions in well-coupled Arctic boundary layers over open water, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. [preprint], [[]], in review, 2021.
-Pasquier et al. (incl. **R. Gierens**, **K. Ebell**): Nascent campaign overview, //Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society//, resubmitted 18 March 2022 
 Wendisch, M., et al. (incl. **S. Crewell**, **V. Schemann**, **K. Ebell**, **R. Gierens**, **L.-L. Kliesch**, **M. Lauer**, **M. Mech**): Atmospheric and Surface Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms Determining Arctic Amplification: A Review of First Results and Prospects of the (AC)³ Project, //Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society//, submitted 21 December 2021 Wendisch, M., et al. (incl. **S. Crewell**, **V. Schemann**, **K. Ebell**, **R. Gierens**, **L.-L. Kliesch**, **M. Lauer**, **M. Mech**): Atmospheric and Surface Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms Determining Arctic Amplification: A Review of First Results and Prospects of the (AC)³ Project, //Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society//, submitted 21 December 2021
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 ==== accepted ==== ==== accepted ====
 **Walbroel, A.**, **S. Crewell**, R. Engelmann, E. Orlandi, H. Griesche, M. Radenz, J. Hofer, D. Althausen, M. Maturilli, and **K. Ebell**: Atmospheric temperature, water vapour and liquid water path from two microwave radiometers during MOSAiC, //Scientific Data//, submitted on 08 March 2022, accepted on 27 May 2022 **Walbroel, A.**, **S. Crewell**, R. Engelmann, E. Orlandi, H. Griesche, M. Radenz, J. Hofer, D. Althausen, M. Maturilli, and **K. Ebell**: Atmospheric temperature, water vapour and liquid water path from two microwave radiometers during MOSAiC, //Scientific Data//, submitted on 08 March 2022, accepted on 27 May 2022
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 Bresson, H., A. Rinke, **M. Mech**, D. Reinert, **V. Schemann**, **K. Ebell**, M. Maturilli, C. Viceto, I. Gorodetskaya, and **S. Crewell**, 2022: Case study of a moisture intrusion over the Arctic with the ICON model: resolution dependence of its representation, //Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics//, 22, 173–196, [[]] Bresson, H., A. Rinke, **M. Mech**, D. Reinert, **V. Schemann**, **K. Ebell**, M. Maturilli, C. Viceto, I. Gorodetskaya, and **S. Crewell**, 2022: Case study of a moisture intrusion over the Arctic with the ICON model: resolution dependence of its representation, //Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics//, 22, 173–196, [[]]
-Geerts, Bart, et al. (incl. **S.Crewell**, **K. Ebell**), 2022: The COMBLE campaign: a study of marine boundary-layer clouds in Arctic cold-air outbreaks, //Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society//, [[]] published online 3 March 2022. +Geerts, Bart, et al. (incl. **S.Crewell**, **K. Ebell**), 2022: The COMBLE campaign: a study of marine boundary-layer clouds in Arctic cold-air outbreaks, //Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society//, 103, 5, E1371-E1389 [[]]
 Jia, H., J. Quaas, E. Gryspeerdt, **C. Böhm**, O. Sourdeval, 2022: Addressing the difficulties in quantifying the Twomey effect for marine warm clouds from multi-sensor satellite observations and reanalysis, //Atmos. Chem. Phys.//, 22, 7353–7372, [[]]  Jia, H., J. Quaas, E. Gryspeerdt, **C. Böhm**, O. Sourdeval, 2022: Addressing the difficulties in quantifying the Twomey effect for marine warm clouds from multi-sensor satellite observations and reanalysis, //Atmos. Chem. Phys.//, 22, 7353–7372, [[]] 
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 Kneifel, S., B. Pospichal, L. von Terzi, T. Zinner, M. Puh, M. Hagen, B. Mayer, U. Löhnert and **S. Crewell**, 2022: Multi-year cloud and precipitation statistics observed with remote sensors at the high-altitude Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus in the German Alps, //Meteorologische Zeitschrift//, 31 (1), 69-86, [[]] Kneifel, S., B. Pospichal, L. von Terzi, T. Zinner, M. Puh, M. Hagen, B. Mayer, U. Löhnert and **S. Crewell**, 2022: Multi-year cloud and precipitation statistics observed with remote sensors at the high-altitude Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus in the German Alps, //Meteorologische Zeitschrift//, 31 (1), 69-86, [[]]
-von Lerber, A., **M. Mech**, A. Rinke, D. Zhang, **M. Lauer**, A. Radovan, I. Gorodetskaya, **S. Crewell**, 2022: Evaluating seasonal and regional distribution of snowfall in regional climate model simulations in the Arctic, //Atmospheric Chemistry Physics//, 22, 7287-7317,  [[]] +von Lerber, A., **M. Mech**, A. Rinke, D. Zhang, **M. Lauer**, A. Radovan, I. Gorodetskaya, **S. Crewell**, 2022: Evaluating seasonal and regional distribution of snowfall in regional climate model simulations in the Arctic, //Atmospheric Chemistry Physics//, 22, 7287-7317,  [[]] 
 Myagkov, A. and **Ori, D.**, 2022: Analytic characterization of random errors in spectral dual-polarized cloud radar observations, //Atmospheric Measurement Techniques//, 15, 1333–1354, [[]] Myagkov, A. and **Ori, D.**, 2022: Analytic characterization of random errors in spectral dual-polarized cloud radar observations, //Atmospheric Measurement Techniques//, 15, 1333–1354, [[]]
 +Pasquier, J. T., David, R. O., Freitas, G., **Gierens, R.**, Gramlich, Y., Haslett, S., Li, G., Schäfer, B., Siegel, K., Wieder, J., Adachi, K., Belosi, F., Carlsen, T., Decesari, S., **Ebell, K.**, Gilardoni, S., Gysel-Beer, M., Henneberger, J., Inoue, J., Kanji, Z. A., Koike, M., Kondo, Y., Krejci, R., Lohmann, U., Maturilli, M., Mazzolla, M., Modini, R., Mohr, C., Motos, G., Nenes, A., Nicosia, A., Ohata, S., Paglione, M., Park, S., Pileci, R. E., Ramelli, F., Rinaldi, M., Ritter, C., Sato, K., Storelvmo, T., Tobo, Y., Traversi, R., Viola, A., & Zieger, P., 2022: The Ny-Ålesund Aerosol Cloud Experiment (NASCENT): Overview and First Results, //Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society//, [[]]
 +Pasquier et al. (incl. **R. Gierens**, **K. Ebell**): The Ny-Ålesund AeroSol Cloud ExperimeNT (NASCENT): Overview and first results, //Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society//, accepted, 2022
 Shupe et al. (incl. **S. Crewell**, **K. Ebell**, **M. Mech**), 2022: Overview of the MOSAiC Expedition—Atmosphere. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 10(1). DOI: [[]] Shupe et al. (incl. **S. Crewell**, **K. Ebell**, **M. Mech**), 2022: Overview of the MOSAiC Expedition—Atmosphere. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 10(1). DOI: [[]]
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 ==== 2021 ==== ==== 2021 ====
-Bock, O., P. Bosser, C. Flamant, E. Doerflinger, F. Janssen, R. Fages, S.Bony and **S.Schnitt**, 2021: IWV observations in the Caribbean Arc from a network of ground-based GNSS receivers during EUREC4A, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, [[]].+Bock, O., P. Bosser, C. Flamant, E. Doerflinger, F. Janssen, R. Fages, S.Bony and **S.Schnitt**, 2021: IWV observations in the Caribbean Arc from a network of ground-based GNSS receivers during EUREC4A, Earth System Science Data, [[]].
 **Böhm, C.**, J. H. Schween, M. Reyers, B. Maier, U. Löhnert, **S. Crewell**, 2021a: Towards a climatology of fog frequency in the Atacama Desert via multi-spectral satellite data and machine learning techniques, //Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology//, [[]]  **Böhm, C.**, J. H. Schween, M. Reyers, B. Maier, U. Löhnert, **S. Crewell**, 2021a: Towards a climatology of fog frequency in the Atacama Desert via multi-spectral satellite data and machine learning techniques, //Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology//, [[]] 
publications/reviewed_a.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/30 08:12 by ischirma