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projects:itars:esr10 [2012/05/03 10:52] karinprojects:itars:esr10 [2012/05/23 17:16] karin
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-{{:projects:itars:marie_curie.png?50|}}**FP7 ITARS ITN: Early Stage Researcher in atmospheric remote sensing for cloud structures (ESR10)**+{{:projects:itars:marie_curie.png?50|}}**FP7 ITARS ITN: Early Stage Researcher (ESR10): Investigating cloud sub-grid variability from scanning micro-wave radiometer and cloud radar **
-Applications are invited for a PhD position to work in the ITARS project, a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) within the FP7 programme. ITARS focuses on the synergistic application of high-end ground-based remote-sensing instrumentation that has the potential to substantially contribute to an improved understanding of aerosols, clouds, and aerosol-cloud interaction processes and their role for both climate and weather. ITARS Science objectives are+Applications are invited for a PhD position to work in the ITARS project, a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) within the FP7 programme. ITARS (Initial Training for Atmospheric Remote Sensing) focuses on the synergistic application of high-end ground-based remote-sensing instrumentation that has the potential to substantially contribute to an improved understanding of aerosols, clouds, and aerosol-cloud interaction processes and their role for both climate and weather. ITARS science objectives are
   * to bring together experts from the aerosol and cloud community to efficiently tackle the problems of aerosol-cloud interaction as well as their relevance for climate and weather,    * to bring together experts from the aerosol and cloud community to efficiently tackle the problems of aerosol-cloud interaction as well as their relevance for climate and weather, 
   * to build close ties between industry and research to optimize instrumentation for future networks, and   * to build close ties between industry and research to optimize instrumentation for future networks, and
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-The selected candidate will exploit the scanning capability of cloud radar and microwave radiometer to derive 3D fields of cloud occurrence with high (ca. 100 m) resolution for domains of about 20 km. He/she will cooperate with the University of Reading on the optimization of scanning patterns and with the instrument manufacturers on their realisation. Data will be taken at the Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE) and used to analyse vertical and horizontal cloud variability. This is important for the evaluation of atmospheric models and satellite validation because clouds frequently occur on scales smaller than the grid size. Cloud overlap assumptions, an integral part in NWP and climate models, will be evaluated with the help of long-term observations. The post is available for 3 years and the salary will be commensurate with a Marie-Curie Early-Stage Researcher (ESR) position.+The selected candidate will exploit the scanning capability of cloud radar and microwave radiometer to derive 3D fields of cloud occurrence with high (ca. 100 m) resolution for domains of about 20 km. He/she will cooperate with the University of Reading on the optimization of scanning patterns and with the instrument manufacturers on their realisation. Data will be taken at the Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE) and used to analyse vertical and horizontal cloud variability. This is important for the evaluation of atmospheric models and satellite validation because clouds frequently occur on scales smaller than the grid size. Cloud overlap assumptions, an integral part in NWP and climate models, will be evaluated with the help of long-term observations.  
 +The post is available for 3 years at the University of Cologne, Germany, and the salary will be commensurate with a Marie-Curie Early-Stage Researcher (ESR) position.
 **Nr. Job Positions:** 1 **Nr. Job Positions:** 1
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 **Comment/web site for additional job details** **Comment/web site for additional job details**
-For ITARS overview see and for the instrumentation+For more information on ITARS and on the applications process see ; see the instrumentation.
 ** Requirements** ** Requirements**
projects/itars/esr10.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/22 22:17 by